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Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries

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I m not sure what are the problems of yours with BJP.

I m not a supporter of BJP or Modi but a very practice man.

If I look the situation of minorities in south Asia then still i find much better compare to others.

In the other countries, they even does not have similar human rights.

About BJP, I m agreed that majority of people in the party are hardliner (Hindu) and also, back by many Hindu organizations.

And, if I talk about riots in India then I will many evidence that Hindus are not only responsible for such incidents. Both (Muslims and Hindus) are responsible...

@Joe Shearer

What your thought about on Mamta banerjee?

During the last election only many BJP leaders were killed. CPM/CPI were also used to kill their opposition leaders.

She's an idiot, but imagine if the BJP comes to power. Do you know anything about the President of the West Bengal BJP? Will you read up about him and apologise in public, or should I print out some part of his record, and ask you to apologise?
I was fine with Mr. Vajpayee. He did a great job as PM. After that, no BJP leader was able to match his calibre.

I'm anti-BJP but I can recognize the fine qualities in a human being. Narendra Modi has absolutely none. Neither does anyone else currently in the high ranks of BJP.

That may lead the moronic right to ask you, what about those in the low ranks? Just cautioning you against the BJP IT cell kind of programme.
That may lead the moronic right to ask you, what about those in the low ranks? Just cautioning you against the BJP IT cell kind of programme.

There's nothing these pea-brains can throw at me that will stick.

But I don't want to feel like the hypothetical man who bites a rabid dog in return. You should spray or neuter someone like Modi, Yogi or any of their cronies, not engage with them. These assholes don't understand reasoning, only the language of threats. That being said, Bhakts are pond scum bottom-feeders which means ultimately, I can't sink to their level.

Are you talking about the new minorities in India...the liberal seculars, or the secular liberals, belonging to the majority religion.

Secular liberals like us are more oppressed than the Muslims in modern Bharat. Sure we may not get mob-lynched that easily but a) We can lose our jobs b) Have our family members attacked/raped/women abused sexually c) Socially boycotted (I have faced all three situations - a, b, and c)

All a Muslim has to do is sing "Vande Mataram" and he/she will escape a potential mob lynching.

Nothing drives BJP angrier than anyone with a Hindu name who happens to be a die-hard liberal. It fits the chronology of Adolf Hitler murdering all the intellectuals in Germany before proceeding with the Holocaust. 99% of BJP supporters idolize Hitler so I'm not far off the mark here.
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She's an idiot, but imagine if the BJP comes to power. Do you know anything about the President of the West Bengal BJP? Will you read up about him and apologise in public, or should I print out some part of his record, and ask you to apologise?


I asked you a question.
She's an idiot, but imagine if the BJP comes to power. Do you know anything about the President of the West Bengal BJP? Will you read up about him and apologise in public, or riots in India I print out some part of his record, and ask you to apologise?

No, I don't know anything about the President of the West Bengal BJP.

I don't support BJP during the local election in Karnataka . I fully dislike to BJP leader and chief minister " Mr. Yeddyurappa" because he is a corrupt person.

But, I have problem when a riots happen and anyone killed in India ( specially muslin). They way few political parties do cries and talk against Hindus or BJP. They never cry if any Hindu get killed.

I m not a supporter of CAA/NRC but I find congress and other similar local parties are just like snake with two mouths. They will never do good for minorities if they are in power but
It's really shameful on the part of parties to shed crocodile tears.
No, I don't know anything about the President of the West Bengal BJP.

I don't support BJP during the local election in Karnataka . I fully dislike to BJP leader and chief minister " Mr. Yeddyurappa" because he is a corrupt person.

But, I have problem when a riots happen and anyone killed in India ( specially muslin). They way few political parties do cries and talk against Hindus or BJP. They never cry if any Hindu get killed.

I m not a supporter of CAA/NRC but I find congress and other similar local parties are just like snake two mouths. They will never do good for minorities during the power in government but
It's really shameful on the part of parties to shed crocodile tears.

I completely agree with you about the Congress, but you should know that the BJP is the worst of the parties. Here is a point-wise summary of the public record of that scoundrel, the President of the West Bengal BJP, Dilip Ghosh:

  1. In May 2016, he raised a controversy when he said girl students of Jadavpur University were "below standard and shameless who are always in search of opportunity to be in the company of male students".
  2. In August 2019, he declared that the Trinamul Congress workers’ families would be wiped out if he would start killing them.
  3. Triggering controversy, he called on his party workers rather to take revenge against the Trinamul Congress and even the police through violence.
  4. In September 2019, terming the Left and ultra-Left students of Jadavpur University “anti-nationals" and "terrorists", he insinuated that his party would conduct a “Balakot-like surgical strike” on the JU campus to “drive out the communists”.
  5. In November 2019, he stirred up a controversy with his remark stating that foreign cows are aunties, Indian cows produce gold. “The characteristics of Indian cows is that its milk has gold which is why its colour is yellow to some extent. “The Indian cows have hump. But the foreign cows do not have it,” he said while addressing a gathering at an event Gopa Ashtami Karyakram organised by him and Gavikalyan Samity at Burdwan.
  6. He also courted controversy when he attacked "few intellectuals" for having beef on roads and asked them to consume 'dog meat' at their homes.
  7. In December 2019, he was embroiled in a controversy when he said his party allows people to create trouble because the media looks for news.
  8. He drew criticism when he turned away an ambulance which tried to make way through a rally he was addressing in Nadia, while the ambulance was actually carrying a patient. He claimed that ".. Trinamul Congress are doing it purposely. It is their tactic to disrupt the rally".
  9. On January 2020, he again raised controversy by remarking that West Bengal has turned into hub of anti-nationals.
  10. He also courted controversy when he said anti CAA intellectuals are 'devils' and 'parasites' who don't know about their parents.
  11. On January 28, 2020, he raised another controversy when he questioned why nobody was dying at the Shaheen Bagh protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act when several people had lost their lives waiting to withdraw money from banks during the demonetisation initiative over three years ago. "What surprises me is that people were dying after standing in line for two to three hours. But now women and children are sitting in temperatures as low as 4-5 degrees Celsius but nobody is dying! What nectar did they have? I am astonished! What is their incentive (for staying alive)?" he said at an event organised by the Kolkata Press Club.
  12. On January 30, he courted yet another controversy with his remark stating that, "Unless you visit jail, you cannot be a political leader".
  13. His comments drew widespread criticism from opposition parties when a lone woman carrying anti CAA poster was heckled by his partyman. Later while speaking to newsmen, Ghosh justified the heckling of the woman saying "Our men did the right thing. She should thank her stars that she was only heckled and nothing else was done to her".
  14. On February 16, he raked up yet another controversy with his remark on anti CAA protesters. He said, "some uneducated, unaware, poor people have been lured with money and are being fed Biriyani with foreign funds to continue with the protests.”
  15. On March 11, he claimed that, "Corona attacks only by staying away from nature, we who live with nature do not have this disease," he added, "To avoid corona, people should dry their clothes in sunlight for 2 hours, which kills the Corona Virus. Unfortunately, not enough of the BJP low life followed his advice.
  16. On March 16, he again claimed that, there is no harm in drinking cow urine and he has no qualms in admitting he consumes it. He said that, "For ages, people in our country have consumed urine, all of them have been fit and fine. I have no qualm in accepting that I consume Cow Urine and will again do so".The claim that consumption of cow urine can cure coronavirus drew sharp criticism from the ruling Trinamul Congress.
Nice try. Most toilets built under the "Swatch abhyan" do not have a flushing mechanism or underground sewage. They're like cesspits. You wouldn't want to use one yourself.

Maybe you potty-brained Bhakts should use Narendra Modi's mouth which is nothing more than a toilet.
Go ask to the crores of poor people who earlier didn't have access to even what you call as cesspits and see their reactions to your potty mouth.

You can abuse Modi as much as you want and as the results of last gen elections showed it's not going to make a zilch of difference. If anything it provide amuse of " Hati chale Bazaar to Kutte bhonke Hazar " :D:P
Should’ve give him viagra so he can feel what love is and not desert he’s wife the impotent bastard .

Even dog get medal in England for being loyal subject

Go ask to the crores of poor people who earlier didn't have access to even what you call as cesspits

Is that the best you got? Building cesspits that lack a flushing mechanism and underground sewage. For your kind knowledge, the open defecation problem in India has gotten worse after Modi got elected.

Why waste money building such useless toilets? It's like a cardiac surgeon operates on you, putting you under anesthesia, and then, suddenly the hospital shuts down. A half-hearted job like that does not benefit anyone except someone seeking cheap propaganda which Modi does all the time.

Hati chale Bazaar to Kutte bhonke Hazar " :D:P

Not a correct analogy. Modi isn't very fat and should not be compared with an elephant. All that fake Yoga posturing somehow keeps him in shape.

You can pick any other animal to represent Narendra Modi. Take care now.

Narendra Modi.... the impotent bastard .

There is a rumour that Narendra Modi got STERILIZED during the height of India's Emergency. A dark chapter in the history of India. That is why he has been stewing at the Congress party. That is why he hates the Gandhi family so much.
Secular liberals like us are more oppressed than the Muslims in modern Bharat. Sure we may not get mob-lynched that easily but a) We can lose our jobs b) Have our family members attacked/raped/women abused sexually c) Socially boycotted (I have faced all three situations - a, b, and c)

I was about to write regarding this strange predicament of 'secular and liberal' nouveau minority in India...more demonized than the Muslims, they being at the center of receiving end...now they have no qualms about it, as one member has written...A Muslim Intifada in Delhi...

Seems to stem from the long enduring hostility of Sangh with the seculars, associating them with traitors, mafias(Italian mafia) and what not. Where seculars are called sickulars and liberals turned into Libturds and all sorts of name calling.
I completely agree with you about the Congress, but you should know that the BJP is the worst of the parties. Here is a point-wise summary of the public record of that scoundrel, the President of the West Bengal BJP, Dilip Ghosh:

  1. In May 2016, he raised a controversy when he said girl students of Jadavpur University were "below standard and shameless who are always in search of opportunity to be in the company of male students".
  2. In August 2019, he declared that the Trinamul Congress workers’ families would be wiped out if he would start killing them.
  3. Triggering controversy, he called on his party workers rather to take revenge against the Trinamul Congress and even the police through violence.
  4. In September 2019, terming the Left and ultra-Left students of Jadavpur University “anti-nationals" and "terrorists", he insinuated that his party would conduct a “Balakot-like surgical strike” on the JU campus to “drive out the communists”.
  5. In November 2019, he stirred up a controversy with his remark stating that foreign cows are aunties, Indian cows produce gold. “The characteristics of Indian cows is that its milk has gold which is why its colour is yellow to some extent. “The Indian cows have hump. But the foreign cows do not have it,” he said while addressing a gathering at an event Gopa Ashtami Karyakram organised by him and Gavikalyan Samity at Burdwan.
  6. He also courted controversy when he attacked "few intellectuals" for having beef on roads and asked them to consume 'dog meat' at their homes.
  7. In December 2019, he was embroiled in a controversy when he said his party allows people to create trouble because the media looks for news.
  8. He drew criticism when he turned away an ambulance which tried to make way through a rally he was addressing in Nadia, while the ambulance was actually carrying a patient. He claimed that ".. Trinamul Congress are doing it purposely. It is their tactic to disrupt the rally".
  9. On January 2020, he again raised controversy by remarking that West Bengal has turned into hub of anti-nationals.
  10. He also courted controversy when he said anti CAA intellectuals are 'devils' and 'parasites' who don't know about their parents.
  11. On January 28, 2020, he raised another controversy when he questioned why nobody was dying at the Shaheen Bagh protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act when several people had lost their lives waiting to withdraw money from banks during the demonetisation initiative over three years ago. "What surprises me is that people were dying after standing in line for two to three hours. But now women and children are sitting in temperatures as low as 4-5 degrees Celsius but nobody is dying! What nectar did they have? I am astonished! What is their incentive (for staying alive)?" he said at an event organised by the Kolkata Press Club.
  12. On January 30, he courted yet another controversy with his remark stating that, "Unless you visit jail, you cannot be a political leader".
  13. His comments drew widespread criticism from opposition parties when a lone woman carrying anti CAA poster was heckled by his partyman. Later while speaking to newsmen, Ghosh justified the heckling of the woman saying "Our men did the right thing. She should thank her stars that she was only heckled and nothing else was done to her".
  14. On February 16, he raked up yet another controversy with his remark on anti CAA protesters. He said, "some uneducated, unaware, poor people have been lured with money and are being fed Biriyani with foreign funds to continue with the protests.”
  15. On March 11, he claimed that, "Corona attacks only by staying away from nature, we who live with nature do not have this disease," he added, "To avoid corona, people should dry their clothes in sunlight for 2 hours, which kills the Corona Virus. Unfortunately, not enough of the BJP low life followed his advice.
  16. On March 16, he again claimed that, there is no harm in drinking cow urine and he has no qualms in admitting he consumes it. He said that, "For ages, people in our country have consumed urine, all of them have been fit and fine. I have no qualm in accepting that I consume Cow Urine and will again do so".The claim that consumption of cow urine can cure coronavirus drew sharp criticism from the ruling Trinamul Congress.

Actually, he is not alone. There are many leaders:
pragya singh, sadhvi prachi, Sakshi Maharaj, Giriraj Singh, yogi adityanath... Etc

But there are others too:
Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid, etc..

So I believed that local government can be decided, depends on the local leader and does not matter belongs to which party.

But, if talk about central government then you need to be more careful. As of now, modi performance was not bad within 5 years but now after CAA/NRC... They are in downfall...

Still, they also taken the best decision in the Indian history to remove 370 A from Kashmir.

I still have hope once we come out from corona challenge.
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Where seculars are called sickulars and liberals turned into Libturds and all sorts of name calling.

Oh I wish it were only "all sorts of name-calling." The hatred they have for us is DEEPER than you can imagine. The hatred is at least 70 years old, and started at the time of India's independence from British rule. Probably longer.
Actually, he is not alone. There are many leaders:
pragya singh, sadhvi prachi, Sakshi Maharaj, Giriraj Singh, yogi adityanath... Etc

But there are others too:
Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid, etc..

So I believed that local government can be decided, depends on the local leader and does not matter belongs to which party.

I quoted him because you asked about West Bengal. Are you seriously suggesting that Pragya Singh, Sadhvi Prachi, Sakshi Maharaj, Giriraj Singh or Yogi Adityanath might be a suitable leader for West Bengal? I must have misunderstood; English is not my first language, and sometimes I struggle with its interpretation.

I was about to write regarding this strange predicament of 'secular and liberal' nouveau minority in India...more demonized than the Muslims, they being at the center of receiving end...now they have no qualms about it, as one member has written...A Muslim Intifada in Delhi...

Seems to stem from the long enduring hostility of Sangh with the seculars, associating them with traitors, mafias(Italian mafia) and what not. Where seculars are called sickulars and liberals turned into Libturds and all sorts of name calling.

I have been writing about this, on All Things Pakistan, then on PakTeaHouse, and finally on PakDef. What brought this to your notice now? I am curious to know if you missed how the Sanghis ganged up on liberals even on PDF.
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