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Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries

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Why can't Indians say "Pakistan Zindabad"? It's just a slogan. Get over it.

Nobody is lynched in Pakistan if one raises the slogan 'Hindustan Zindabad'...

What deep abyss the Sangh has fallen to...
Nobody is lynched in Pakistan if one raises the slogan 'Hindustan Zindabad'...

What is the status of that guy who raised Indian flag and wore Kohli shirt or something? and by the way you dont lynch, you shoot.
Why can't Indians say "Pakistan Zindabad"? It's just a slogan. Get over it.
Sure, Indians can say Pakistan Zindabad. But not when there are ceasefire violations in Pakistan's never ending quest to take Kashmir.

Nobody is lynched in Pakistan if one raises the slogan 'Hindustan Zindabad'...

What deep abyss the Sangh has fallen to...
Please go around and say Hindustan Zindabaad with Indian flag in hand in Lahore or Karachi or Peshawar. And post a video. Then I might believe you.

What is the status of that guy who raised Indian flag and wore Kohli shirt or something? and by the way you dont lynch, you shoot.
He was jailed if I'm not wrong.
What is the status of that guy who raised Indian flag and wore Kohli shirt or something? and by the way you dont lynch, you shoot.

No Hindu in Pakistan is lynched and asked to say Allah O Akbar, nobody call Hindus to 'go back to Hindustan'...nobody here call Hindus Desh Drohi and have been asked to prove their patriotism time and again and to show their loyalty.

India and Pakistan are now on different paths, and this is getting starker by the day.

For Pakistan it is like 'been there done that', in India it all seems unending with no light at the end of the tunnel, I hope it is all wrong.
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What deep abyss the Sangh has fallen to...

They were always like this.

I remember a time (around 1999 I think) when I met Shoaib Akhtar. I think that was the year India and Pakistan fought the Kargil War- the height of tensions. But there was so much warmth around the Pakistan team when they came to India.

I am not a cricket fan but I was an older teenager back then was so was very excited to meet Shoaib and shake hands with him. I think I also took an autograph as smartphones weren't invented yet.

It's good to have rivalry and some amount of hatred. But Indians have lost all their class and elegance since that crass baboon mouth Modi and his cronies usurped power.
No Hindu in Pakistan is lynched and asked to say Allah O Akbar, nobody calls Hindus to 'go back to Hindustan'...nobody here call Hindus Desh Drohi and have been asked to prove their patriotism time and again and to show their loyalty.

India and Pakistan is now on a different paths, and this is getting starker by the day.

For Pakistan it is like 'been there done that', in India it all seems unending with no light at the end of the tunnel, I hope it is all wrong.
Yes and similarly no Hindu in Pakistan goes on threatening Muslim majority of subduing them like some of our respected Muslim leaders. No Hindu in Pakistan posts videos disrespecting Muslim majority sentiments like in India where Muslims posts videos and abuse Hindu sentiments.
Modi? No, the Prime Minister of India gets the Honour in another way, India gets the honor. Without his position, he is a party member. A lot of noise over nothing.
No Hindu in Pakistan is lynched and asked to say Allah O Akbar, nobody call Hindus to 'go back to Hindustan'...nobody here call Hindus Desh Drohi and have been asked to prove their patriotism time and again and to show their loyalty.

India and Pakistan is now on different paths, and this is getting starker by the day.

For Pakistan it is like 'been there done that', in India it all seems unending with no light at the end of the tunnel, I hope it is all wrong.

All the best on your new path and naya Pakistan. I have no qualms on what you do inside your borders. And dont worry about India, the country was built on strong foundation, It wont shake now. Whatever the jolt might be.

And BTW how many Hindu do you see on a daily basis? and how many Hindu voices do you hear every hour? 0.0000000001% may be.

I have no issues with you. you may want to disengage with me.
They were always like this.

I remember a time (around 1999 I think) when I met Shoaib Akhtar. I think that was the year India and Pakistan fought the Kargil War- the height of tensions. But there was so much warmth around the Pakistan team when they came to India.

I am not a cricket fan but I was an older teenager back then was so was very excited to meet Shoaib and shake hands with him. I think I also took an autograph as smartphones weren't invented yet.

It's good to have rivalry and some amount of hatred. But Indians have lost all their class and elegance since that crass baboon mouth Modi and his cronies usurped power.
Saying Pakistan Zindabad and greeting Pakistani people warmly are two different things. I'm not against talking with Pakistanis politely.
Modi got honored from other muslim countries because Indian foreign polices were powerful. Other muslim countries honored him because of cooperation and mutual benefits previously administrations of India has given and weak mindset. Israel has been accepted because muslim countries failed to fight back. It is not a progress, it is defeat and cowardice.
If op, has little sense of dignity and honor left than he or she should stop following looser approach, stand up and work hard to earn respect and dignity as well as get audacity to talk eye to eye with his antagonist rather than chickening out and masking up their weakness and cowardice as progress.
Israel is apartheid cult and would have never been born if Arabs and Turks wouldn't have learned their lessons. They take their enemies as allies and gave same Palestine to them to butcher. Shame on you.
Progress my foot! so from now on I will instead of using the term "gentlemen" call you "gentile", humans of lesser soul and intelligence.
Accepting Israel my foot!! Do you think that State of Pakistan is naive to accept them and let them influence our matters through diplomatic relations? Do you think that we are so naïve to allow install legal ports and channels to access our internal matters? Accepting Israel is diplomatic and moral slap for Pakistan. What face you are going to show to Jinnah saheb?
Also, Pakistan can deal and exchange information with Israel without accepting it and this is deep shit which people like you will never understand.
Over my deadbody!! this should be your statement if you have little common sense.May I die before seeing Pakistan accepting Israel:angry:
Old news and ridiculous narrative.
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