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Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries

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The only way to assuage this guilt is to stop supporting the Hindutvadi right-wing in any form or manner. Trust me, it has worked for me. And I am a genuine liberal.

You can't change who you are. And you shouldn't try to be anything else. Just be yourself --- only a better version of it.

It's not a very good argument, really.

You cannot trust an illiterate psychopathic person like Narendra Modi, PERIOD. It doesn't matter if BJP is having a few capable leaders in your state. As long as they don't fix their mess at the Centre and have maybe another Vajpayee calling the shots at their top level, you shouldn't vote for that party at all. They should be considered untouchables for all practical purposes.

But I am aware Indian politics has sunk to such a low gutter level that there are no qualified candidates left in many states. You should rather vote independent or NOTA if you don't like the choice other parties are offering.

You should always assess the educational levels and professional qualifications of any MP/MLA running in your constituency before giving him/her your precious vote.

Absolutely not. My aversion to NCP is greater than my aversion to the BJP - which is why at the state level I prefer BJP. From land grabbing to making lives of poor farmers hell to be involved in every conceivable scam possible - the NCP single handedly ruined MH while filling its own coffers. Now they are back in power with the SS and as far as the Sena maintains a leash on them, they are okay. Feku and Tadipaar and obviously trying to derail the unnatural alliance here - recently unleashing the man loony-bin Arnab. Let's see how it goes.
those who want friendship with israel should not ignore israeli footprints behind current corona pandemic which shows they are also enemy of humanity and if you become their friend you will face same loss like u.s is facing from corona pandemic these days
From land grabbing to making lives of poor farmers hell to be involved in every conceivable scam possible - the NCP single handedly ruined MH while filling its own coffers. .

Wasn't Fadnavis responsible for the culling of trees in Aarey Colony green zone area? Also, the destruction of mangroves in that narrow strip of land? I can't forgive that man and state BJP leadership for these two crimes. I'm almost an eco-terrorist (was associated with PETA in my school-college days many years ago).

The problem with BJP is they have no decent people left in the party. Each and every high-ranked BJP leader is a scoundrel, whether at the Centre or State level.

I'm not saying the other parties are full of saints (Shiv Sena is another psychopathic outfit, a glorified extortion mafia that got elevated to power). But BJP is really the worst of the worse, in every sense of the word.

Maharashtra is definitely fucked. Not one decent politician calls the shots there.
The whole dismal scenario.

You're from Bengal, right? Bengali girls are so hot. Why are you even bitching about getting married to one? Ask your daddy/mummy to arrange for you if you can't attract one on your own.
Wasn't Fadnavis responsible for the culling of trees in Aarey Colony green zone area? Also, the destruction of mangroves in that narrow strip of land? I can't forgive that man and state BJP leadership for these two crimes. I'm almost an eco-terrorist (was associated with PETA in my school-college days many years ago).

The problem with BJP is they have no decent people left in the party. Each and every high-ranked BJP leader is a scoundrel, whether at the Centre or State level.

I'm not saying the other parties are full of saints (Shiv Sena is another psychopathic outfit, a glorified extortion mafia that got elevated to power). But BJP is really the worst of the worse, in every sense of the word.

Maharashtra is definitely fucked. Not one decent politician calls the shots there.

Yes. But compare the scale of that to the irrigation scam. Something like $5 billion for a 0.1% increase in irrigation capacity. It's a no brainer.
The only way to assuage this guilt is to stop supporting the Hindutvadi right-wing in any form or manner. Trust me, it has worked for me. And I am a genuine liberal.

You can't change who you are. And you shouldn't try to be anything else. Just be yourself --- only a better version of it.

It's not a very good argument, really.

You cannot trust an illiterate psychopathic person like Narendra Modi, PERIOD. It doesn't matter if BJP is having a few capable leaders in your state. As long as they don't fix their mess at the Centre and have maybe another Vajpayee calling the shots at their top level, you shouldn't vote for that party at all. They should be considered untouchables for all practical purposes.
It seems people heard you out and said ' you can suck my di**'

It's kind of funny and ironical at the sametime.
If i were a foreigner and watch India's so called liberal media, read news oped i would start to believe India has solved all its problems expect preservation of secularism, Muslim religious rights etc.

Then i'll visit India to find out, most of its people are poor and have to lift their clothes or pull their pants down in open space to answer nature's call as they have access to toilet after 70 years independents and building universities who produce thousands of PHDs in Humanities . Thank God, Modi became PM and he could fathom the need and saw to it that India builds Ninety Million toilets to bring some difference in this wretched situation by providing this most basic utility accessible to poor citizens of India.

There used to be a time when most people didn't understand what these so called liberals discussing in comforts of the drawing rooms.

Now a days this is the only reaction so called liberal gets.
Narendra Modi...Toilets

Nice try. Most toilets built under the "Swatch abhyan" do not have a flushing mechanism or underground sewage. They're like cesspits. You wouldn't want to use one yourself.

Maybe you potty-brained Bhakts should use Narendra Modi's mouth which is nothing more than a toilet.
You're from Bengal, right? Bengali girls are so hot. Why are you even bitching about getting married to one? Ask your daddy/mummy to arrange for you if you can't attract one on your own.

Aaah, it's so difficult. My daddy/mummy were the problems, not the solution. Every girl ran away after meeting them.
Aaah, it's so difficult. My daddy/mummy are the problems, not the solution. Every girl runs away after meeting them.

My sympathies but I think you're just being lazy here. Anyway, good luck on that front.
My sympathies but I think you're just being lazy here. Anyway, good luck on that front.

I know, I know. I need to make more of an effort, buy some neat clothes, pick up some cool dancing moves, stuff like that. But meanwhile time marches on.
Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries including Palestine, But Pakistan is not Recognizing Israel for Palestine, Even Main Holly Place for Muslims is in Makkah..



In words of Shaheed Liaquat Ali Khan

" Our souls are not for sale "
Wasn't Fadnavis responsible for the culling of trees in Aarey Colony green zone area? Also, the destruction of mangroves in that narrow strip of land? I can't forgive that man and state BJP leadership for these two crimes. I'm almost an eco-terrorist (was associated with PETA in my school-college days many years ago).

The problem with BJP is they have no decent people left in the party. Each and every high-ranked BJP leader is a scoundrel, whether at the Centre or State level.

I'm not saying the other parties are full of saints (Shiv Sena is another psychopathic outfit, a glorified extortion mafia that got elevated to power). But BJP is really the worst of the worse, in every sense of the word.

Maharashtra is definitely fucked. Not one decent politician calls the shots there.

I m not sure what are the problems of yours with BJP.

I m not a supporter of BJP or Modi but a very practice man.

If I look the situation of minorities in south Asia then still i find much better compare to others.

In the other countries, they even does not have similar human rights.

About BJP, I m agreed that majority of people in the party are hardliner (Hindu) and also, back by many Hindu organizations.

And, if I talk about riots in India then I can give many evidence that Hindus are not only responsible for such incidents. Both (Muslims and Hindus) are responsible...

@Joe Shearer

What your thought about on Mamta banerjee?

During the last election only many BJP leaders were killed. CPM/CPI were also used to kill their opposition leaders.
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I m not sure what are the problems of yours with BJP.

I m not a supporter of BJP or Modi but a very practice man.

I was fine with Mr. Vajpayee. He did a great job as PM. After that, no BJP leader was able to match his calibre.

I'm anti-BJP but I can recognize the fine qualities in a human being. Narendra Modi has absolutely none. Neither does anyone else currently in the high ranks of BJP.
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