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Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries

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Wasted 10 years? I wouldn't put it that way. son. It was under Congress that India's economy got such a flying start. I remember the days when the economy was growing at 10-12% per year. The youth had hope, and optimism back then. There were MORE JOBS than people qualified to fill those jobs. Yes, all this is true. Now under Modi, we are back to the famous "Hindu rate of growth."

Not to mention that I would not have to worry about getting killed for no reason in case I were born Muslim.

Of course, your "goli maaro" Modi is a fine gentleman (sic). You can have him all you want, he reflects the people like you in more ways than one.

Even Russian economy was doing better the time. It was not because of congress... Atal bihari was provided the platform to congress between 1999-2004.

About Muslims, congress is a sweet poison. They just want vote and they are doing from past many years

I still remember when Atal bihari ji was in central. And what was the situation and how many opportunities we lost in 10 years.

Vajpayee was actually groomed by Nehru to be PM. And he was really cut from that Nehruvian cloth, even if he was from the opposite party. If he had 2-3 terms like Nehru had, the BJP would have been a saner party.

Even Russian economy was doing better the time. It was not because of congress... Atal bihari was provided the platform to congress between 1999-2004.

About Muslims, congress is a sweet poison. They just want vote and they are doing from past many years
Yes, Congress has used the minorities. No doubt. But people were not idiots to vote the UPA in with a bigger majority the 2nd time. They were doing a really good job.
I don't understand the purpose of this thread based on medals that were given in the past. Most recent August 2019.

This has nothing to do with gulf nations threatening Bharti nowadays. Post something current if you have else watch how gulf will make Bharti lick what it spitted.
India is an important country for the world economy. You can put any monkey in Modi's chair and he will get the exact same honours. Modi basically stole the credit for a robust economy which tool 15 years to build, 10 years under Dr. Manmohan Singh, a legendary economist, and 5 years under Vajpayee (who is the only BJP leader I respect).

Modi is only capable of taking credit for other people's work. He cannot do anything on his own. But yes, he does have a lot of experience in genocides.
Do you believe in Indian supreme Court ?
India is an important country for the world economy. You can put any monkey in Modi's chair and he will get the exact same honours. Modi basically stole the credit for a robust economy which tool 15 years to build, 10 years under Dr. Manmohan Singh, a legendary economist, and 5 years under Vajpayee (who is the only BJP leader I respect).

Modi is only capable of taking credit for other people's work. He cannot do anything on his own. But yes, he does have a lot of experience in genocides.

I LOVE your phrasing. I particularly admire this post. If only I had written it!!!
Even Russian economy was doing better the time. It was not because of congress... Atal bihari was provided the platform to congress between 1999-2004.

And who provided Atal Vajpayee with that platform? It was PV Narsimha Rao in Congress - the architect of the original liberalization which kickstarted Indian economy in the first place. Dr. Manmohan Singh was his finance minister, so really Manmohan Singh is single-handedly responsible for India's economy miracle in the last three decades.

I respect Vajpayee, probably one of the few Sanghis I genuinely admire. Once he became PM, he accepted the immense responsibility that role carried and did not try to destroy the social fabric of India like Modi did. As has been commented below, Vajpayee was really groomed by none other than Pandit Nehru.

So, as you can see, this whole Indian economy thing can be compared to a 4 x 400 meter RELAY race. The first runner was PV Narasimha Rao, the second was Vajpayee, the third was Dr. Manmohan Singh. The last runner in the relay lap, also happened to be the one that DROPPED THE BATON. You are smart enough to figure out what really happened. So, stop deluding yourself about this scamster called Narendra Modi.

Do you believe in Indian supreme Court ?

Not anymore. It has been compromised. India is really a banana republic....soon on its way to become a tin-pot dictatorship. Enjoy your gau mutra.
And who provided Atal Vajpayee with that platform? It was PV Narsimha Rao in Congress - the architect of the original liberalization which kickstarted Indian economy in the first place. Dr. Manmohan Singh was his finance minister, so really Manmohan Singh is single-handedly responsible for India's economy miracle in the last three decades.

I respect Vajpayee, probably one of the few Sanghis I genuinely admire. Once he became PM, he accepted the immense responsibility that role carried and did not try to destroy the social fabric of India like Modi did. As has been commented below, Vajpayee was really groomed by none other than Pandit Nehru.

So, as you can see, this whole Indian economy thing can be compared to a 4 x 400 meter RELAY race. The first runner was PV Narasimha Rao, the second was Vajpayee, the third was Dr. Manmohan Singh. The last runner in the relay lap, also happened to be the one that DROPPED THE BATON. You are smart enough to figure out what really happened. So, stop deluding yourself about this scamster called Narendra Modi.


Not anymore. It has been compromised. India is really a banana republic....soon on its way to become a tin-pot dictatorship. Enjoy your gau mutra.


Where have you been all these years?
But people were not idiots to vote the UPA in with a bigger majority the 2nd time. They were doing a really good job.

Indeed, that was the REAL reason UPA got a second term. Too bad the advent of social media killed that good work. Because Indians are basically a gossip-oriented society. Demagogues like Narendra Modi and charlatans like Baba Ramdev can succeed in India only because the people really love such types.

I hope better sense prevails soon.

Where have you been all these years?

I wish I had been born an Indian Muslim and would have preferred to being mob-lynched by the Hindutvadi sena's. At least I wouldn't live to see this day.

Each year is getting worse in India for people like me. That's why I left that goddamned shithole.
Lol. India achieved a lot during the 10 UPA years - from RTI Act to Nuclear Deal. The economy was robust. But corruption was at incredible levels. Modi has drastically reduced corruption but has strangled growth and weakened independent institutions. It's a headache for objective voters. Who is worse?
Nonsense. Economy is a ponzi scheme. What actually matters is technology and manufacturing of high technology goods. In addition critical goods like food and other necessities are needed. All other economic activity is just ponzi scheme. Only degenerates are interested in these. Congress did not develop high end technology, manufacturing or defence and that means congress did not do anything useful. IT boom and manufacturing of simple goods like cement for real estate boom is useless development which none needs. Why does anyone need independent institutions? People only need those things which they can control by voting. Everything else must be destroyed.
Modi has a new PR Manager.

Good times ahead
Indeed, that was the REAL reason UPA got a second term. Too bad the advent of social media killed that good work. Because Indians are basically a gossip-oriented society. Demagogues like Narendra Modi and charlatans like Baba Ramdev can succeed in India only because the people really love such types.

I hope better sense prevails soon.

I wish I had been born an Indian Muslim and would have preferred to being mob-lynched by the Hindutvadi sena's. At least I wouldn't live to see this day.

Each year is getting worse in India for people like me. That's why I left that goddamned shithole.

I don't quite know how to answer.
  1. It embarrasses me to face a Muslim Indian (I wish you would NOT use the phrase Indian Muslim), such as my former VC and one of the persons I admire most, Faizan Mustafa. There are so many others, and I can't face any of them without a twinge of guilt.
  2. It is difficult for me to conceive of being anything else but a free-born Indian of Bengali ethnicity of the Shakta sect of the Hindu religion. If I were to change, it would be for the Khalsa, the purest religion in India, or for Buddhism, more cerebral, but less engaged, perhaps, than the Khalsa. But I take your point.
  3. It is too late for me to move away. I am determined to fight it out where I am. If I was thirty years, even twenty-five years younger, I would have done as you hint you have done.
I look forward to your pungent, punishing posts. They are the balm of Gilead in this hate-filled time.

Lol, I agree. I prefer Harvard and Oxford economists running the country. Yes, Modi is semi-literate. But I split my vote now - I didn't want BJP at the center but wanted BJP at the state level.

What? Where? How? :o::o::o: Which half? I thought he was pure through and through. This is astonishing news. Does he do arithmetic?
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