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Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries

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Nonsense. Economy is a ponzi scheme. What actually matters is technology and manufacturing of high technology goods. In addition critical goods like food and other necessities are needed. All other economic activity is just ponzi scheme. Only degenerates are interested in these. Congress did not develop high end technology, manufacturing or defence and that means congress did not do anything useful. IT boom and manufacturing of simple goods like cement for real estate boom is useless development which none needs. Why does anyone need independent institutions? People only need those things which they can control by voting. Everything else must be destroyed.
WTF? That's one heck of a rant.
WTF? That's one heck of a rant.

Just lunacy. Who was it who pointed out that the lunatics were running the asylum?

Let me predict that this is a loser who hates economists because he couldn't get to be one.
I don't quite know how to answer.
  1. It embarrasses me to face a Muslim Indian (I wish you would NOT use the phrase Indian Muslim), such as my former VC and one of the persons I admire most, Faizan Mustafa. There are so many others, and I can't face any of them without a twinge of guilt.

The only way to assuage this guilt is to stop supporting the Hindutvadi right-wing in any form or manner. Trust me, it has worked for me. And I am a genuine liberal.

It is difficult for me to conceive of being anything else but a free-born Indian of Bengali ethnicity of the Shakta sect of the Hindu religion. If I were to change, it would be for the Khalsa, the purest religion in India, or for Buddhism, more cerebral, but less engaged, perhaps, than the Khalsa. But I take your point.

You can't change who you are. And you shouldn't try to be anything else. Just be yourself --- only a better version of it.

I prefer Harvard and Oxford economists running the country. Yes, Modi is semi-literate.But I split my vote now - I didn't want BJP at the center but wanted BJP at the state level.

It's not a very good argument, really.

You cannot trust an illiterate psychopathic person like Narendra Modi, PERIOD. It doesn't matter if BJP is having a few capable leaders in your state. As long as they don't fix their mess at the Centre and have maybe another Vajpayee calling the shots at their top level, you shouldn't vote for that party at all. They should be considered untouchables for all practical purposes.

But I am aware Indian politics has sunk to such a low gutter level that there are no qualified candidates left in many states. You should rather vote independent or NOTA if you don't like the choice other parties are offering.

You should always assess the educational levels and professional qualifications of any MP/MLA running in your constituency before giving him/her your precious vote.
Just lunacy. Who was it who pointed out that the lunatics were running the asylum?

Let me predict that this is a loser who hates economists because he couldn't get to be one.
It was me only. :)
RIP in advance to those bharati Muslims who are relying on them. few Arab social media users who want some fame overnight don't represent all Arabs, Arab dictators don't care whether you live or die.

Organize yourself.
Pakistan should help them ...
As it is supposedly the custodian of all south asian muslims ...
The only way to assuage this guilt is to stop supporting the Hindutvadi right-wing in any form or manner. Trust me, it has worked for me. And I am a genuine liberal.

LOL. I've actively opposed them from the Ayodhya Rath Yatra onwards. It didn't work for me. I hope it will work over time.

You can't change who you are. And you shouldn't try to be anything else. Just be yourself --- only a better version of it.

Now hold on right there. You aren't going to go into stopping drinking, no chasing women and all the rest of it, I hope.

It's not a very good argument, really.

You cannot trust an illiterate psychopathic person like Narendra Modi, PERIOD. It doesn't matter if BJP is having a few capable leaders in your state. As long as they don't fix their mess at the Centre and have maybe another Vajpayee calling the shots at their top level, you shouldn't vote for that party at all. They should be considered untouchables for all practical purposes.

But I am aware Indian politics has sunk to such a low gutter level that there are no qualified candidates left in many states. You should rather vote independent or NOTA if you don't like the choice other parties are offering.

You should always assess the educational levels and professional qualifications of any MP/MLA running in your constituency before giving him/her your precious vote.

It was me only. :)

LOL. I know. I'm glad you got the point. Of the needle.
Now hold on right there. You aren't going to go into stopping drinking, no chasing women and all the rest of it, I hope.

Too much alcohol isn't good for health so I will recommend a teetotaler lifestyle for anyone who can't stay within their limits. It's an addictive substance, and if you can't handle it, always better to stay away.

As for chasing women, well, everyone does it in their youth. Before finally sense prevails over, and they get married.
You have clearly never lived in a first world country. It's not your fault, son. Your Indian education has its limits.
First world or second world is absurd classification. Only people with poor character or low IQ use them as they can't think of anything more meaningful. I am not interested in such meaningless words. I am only interested in results in the long term
Too much alcohol isn't good for health so I will recommend a teetotaler lifestyle for anyone who can't stay within their limits. It's an addictive substance, and if you can't handle it, always better to stay away.

As for chasing women, well, everyone does it in their youth. Before finally sense prevails over, and they get married.

Oh dear.

This sounds so limiting.
Pakistan should help them ...
As it is supposedly the custodian of all south asian muslims ...

We can't, we have Generals and Leaders who love their status and lives more then dignity of Muslims, but they are better then Arabs in the sense that at least they speak for Indian Muslims. We need Taliban like fanatics on the helm to contain sanghi swines. Peace'fool Imran is Good for Canada or Germany's leadership role not for the Muslims in South Asia under Hindu state terror threat.
First world or second world is absurd classification. Only people with poor character or low IQ use them as they can't think of anything more meaningful. I am not interested in such meaningless words. I am only interested in results in the long term

How many Muslims have you killed so far? I am only interested in the results (sic).
Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries including Palestine, But Pakistan is not Recognizing Israel for Palestine, Even Main Holly Place for Muslims is in Makkah..



Pakistan should recognise Israel and desist its pointless belligerent stance against Israelis. I've never understood the point of many Pakistanis being so emotionally involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Certainly, Pakistan should declare what it feels are human rights violations by IDF and also demand that Jerusalem's status as a city of equivalent custodianship be preserved. However, Israel as a state should be engaged with and traded with in a perfectly neutral manner.
This is why Pakistan's image for "Pakistan = Islam , so help us brothers" is unpractical in reality. I just do not know why we don't act hard on the basis of our interests and actually formulate a well thought out smart policy for expansion of Influence etc etc Tch Incompetent Leaders and establishment. The people who harbor the "Ummah Chumma" fever are also to be blamed and need to do a serious re-evaluation.
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