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Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

Then what his grand father was doing in All India Arain conference before partiton? Now they will never accept their punjabi arain origin.

While BB is Half-Kurd and Half Punjabi Arain. Accepting punjabi origin is political sucide for their politics. Other provinces are not like Punjab where Kashmiri origin, and Pashtun origin are leaders of major parties in Punjab. And Arains are Punjabi exclusive groups, hardly if any arain in Sindh. So they had to claim some other origin.

I heard many Sindhis aren't original Sindhis, many of them are actually migrants in Sindh from Balochistan like Zardari. unlike common surnames among Punjabi Hindu/Sikh/Muslims, many Sindhi Muslim surnames shows no resemblances with Sindhi Hindu surnames.
BB was a big liar, she was half-iranian she hardly knew about castes and tribes. If she had done some research then she would have known that her grandfather Shahnawaz Bhutto has been reported to have chaired All india Arain organization as being member of arain community.

I always imagined them to be related to bhuttas of Punjab, who are jatts, but interesting information nonetheless.

Then what his grand father was doing in All India Arain conference before partiton? Now they will never accept their punjabi arain origin.

While BB is Half-Kurd and Half Punjabi Arain. Accepting punjabi origin is political sucide for their politics. Other provinces are not like Punjab where Kashmiri origin, and Pashtun origin are leaders of major parties in Punjab. And Arains are Punjabi exclusive groups, hardly if any arain in Sindh. So they had to claim some other origin.

And yes unfortunately.

I dont expect and demand respect from unknown people on internet. I dont mind the way you express your views against Afghans, its good thing that you are frank and not politically correct. I am not here to distribute gulab jamans or making friends, i want "responses".

Well that makes you what people call a "troll" then. Learn to respect other races, ethnic groups as people are really sensitive about it. It seems like you people didn't learn anything from a 22 years long Tajik/Uzbek vs Pashtun war in Afghanistan. Learn to live and coexist.
I think my big mistake was to name "Punjabization" to this thread....

What i actually wanted was to discuss the elements that i should put in the chapter of Punjab....

Yeah - Your title is epic as this word is used mostly by politicians who survive by playing ethnic card or Afghans who try to provoke Pashtun population against Punjab.

But anyway - I don't know someone pointed it already or not, But Chudhary and big landlords (of feudalism) are totally different things. Chuadhary is just a title - even a person having net worth less $1000 can be Chadhary.
like I said I am not used to all these names of ethnicities, languages, tribes that you're so familiar with...
to be honest, im a bit embarrassed to recognize that i basically know nothing

No need to be embarrassed - even Indian Punjabis are not aware of diversity of Pakistani Punjab.
dont be embarassed, you probably know more now than any non pakistani in western hemisphere :)
and frankly many people from neighbouring countries(Indians or chinese or afgans) wont know a great deal either about these clan things.


this is so challenging ... i have to keep reading and studying harder!! I just need to take a deep breath and remind myself i chose this haha

and no! I thought it was the same thing Chaudhury than feudal landlords, thanks for correcting me... is there any "name" or for feudal landlord?


this is so challenging ... i have to keep reading and studying harder!! I just need to take a deep breath and remind myself i chose this haha

and no! I thought it was the same thing Chaudhury than feudal landlords, thanks for correcting me... is there any "name" or for feudal landlord?

In central punjab chaudhry is just a title used by Arain, jats or gujjar biraderis. Nothing to do with feudals.


this is so challenging ... i have to keep reading and studying harder!! I just need to take a deep breath and remind myself i chose this haha

and no! I thought it was the same thing Chaudhury than feudal landlords, thanks for correcting me... is there any "name" or for feudal landlord?

The correct word for feudal landlord in pakistani punjab is "Jageerdar" which means someone who has very very large fertile land holding perhaps hundreds and hundreds (even thousands) of acres. Such extremely large landholdings are possessed by some families mainly in southern parts of punjab and neighboring sindh province. These families do have a huge political influence in their respective areas. Chaudhary was a title of village head in old times which has lost its true meaning in modern times where it has become merely a surname for few people.
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In central punjab chaudhry is just a title used by Arain, jats or gujjar biraderis. Nothing to do with feudals.

Ah! i had mistakenly took if for a holding lands title ....

@Karla M
Open thread about Mohajir nationalism and MQM, you will get better debate.

i feel like if i open another thread im gonna get kicked out of this forum :S
@Karla M be careful in not getting bogged down in too much details (since your thesis is a time bound activity I presume) .
May be you should have put title as 'military's role in the identity of Pakistan' which is title of your thesis.
That would have helped in keeping posts relevant.
you can ask a mod (@Emmie) to change the title.


this is so challenging ... i have to keep reading and studying harder!! I just need to take a deep breath and remind myself i chose this haha

and no! I thought it was the same thing Chaudhury than feudal landlords, thanks for correcting me... is there any "name" or for feudal landlord?

1- I don't think you need to go into details of clans/briadaris/cast/tribes etc. as you are not writing thesis over ethnic history of Punjab's population. When you talk about Punjab's domination than everyone who lives in Punjab is considered Punjabi. So, i think it would be easier for you to focus on how & why Punjab dominated, and how true Punjabization allegations are by studying different aspects.

2. No - Feudal don't have specific name as they can be from ethnic group. And majority of these are in Southern Punjab.
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