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Military abducted me , COAS is afraid that I will de-notify him after winning election : Imran khan

Is statement sai sirf aik baat pata chalti hai

Imran Khan k tattai Nawaz Sharif ki sari existence sai barhai hain
I read the statement and laughed so hard, mistakenly read ‘tattai’ as urdu word for stool.
If IK wins this thing, he'll come out far stronger than any civilian ruler ever has.
Still a long way to go...our country future depends on it!
COAS position has become untenable and he should resign and the army should launch an internal investigation to remove all Sharif and Zardari affiliated generals. Do this now rather than being forced to later down the line. Save yourselves the public humiliation.
Asim and his family need to be terminated. Enemy of the state and future enemies of the state
In India, Army Chief can't abduct PM of the country.

My naive pajeet, Indian current account is full to the brim and there are still hundreds of millions of Indians in abject poverty and living in filth. The money is being hoarded by a few. There is no justice in India, if you're an opponent of Bjp it's game over. They are above the law. The few in India will continue to get richer and the majority will remain in squalor. If you had balls like Pakistanis, you would be out on the streets demanding your piece of the pie and your rights.
That era is over ...........Even in 1950s .... Chairman Mao said ............ with the weapon you can fight the war but you can't win the war.

A living example of next door Afghanistan .. all peace was done in Doha talks.
These are the most cowardice statement I came across over and over again that you can't face down an army especially Pakistan's one. There are not enough bullets stock is held then the no of citizens we have got. If a nation feels they are at the right and they do decide to stand up to the oppression, army don't stand a chance. How Turks stood up to there army, what sacrifices Iranians made against the Shah which made him to leave the country and lately how Afghans stood up. City like Karachi or Lahore alone can take up half of our army to bring it under control. Its the will of the citizens which makes a difference go and watch videos of the Bosnian war how they survived the murderous Serb army.
These are the most cowardice statement I came across over and over again that you can't face down an army especially Pakistan's one. There are not enough bullets stock is held then the no of citizens we have got. If a nation feels they are at the right and they do decide to stand up to the oppression, army don't stand a chance. How Turks stood up to there army, what sacrifices Iranians made against the Shah which made him to leave the country and lately how Afghans stood up. City like Karachi or Lahore alone can take up half of our army to bring it under control. Its the will of the citizens which makes a difference go and watch videos of the Bosnian war how they survived the murderous Serb army.
I think you didn't read my next post ... resistance is the essence of negotiation ...Plus Pak and Turkey has two totally different scenario .. Turks are the nation and Pakistan is confederation of 4 major nationals. Turks has will and economy to resist.
I think you didn't read my next post ... resistance is the essence of negotiation ...Plus Pak and Turkey has two totally different scenario .. Turks are the nation and Pakistan is confederation of 4 major nationals. Turks has will and economy to resist.
you have got a point. Thanks.
On the contrary, I believe when many of you grow up , you will realize how wrong you were and would then be sorry for your behavior.

We all should agree free and fair elections should take place in Pakistan, establishment political engineering should stop, kidnapping, torture, audio, personal videos should stop. The issue is Ispr is ignoring these accusations, they should come forward and say we are not involved and its the decision of PDM government and civil agencies are doing this. Unfortunately they're making it hard for themselves.
In the end Guns matter. Who has the guns and tanks will win. Civil instututions dont stand a chance.
Yes for that matter in Somlia , North korea , and shit countries, unlike in Pakistan where PDM and Loser will meet its fate

On the contrary, I believe when many of you grow up , you will realize how wrong you were and would then be sorry for your behavior.

As I said above, many of you will be very sorry for your behavior when you grow up.
Get the fk off from politics that is not Job of Chowkidars - Their job is to do Chowkiodari -
plus breaking your own oath of not indulging in politics is worse than Heera mandi ki rundi - Chowdiars should learn that men keep their words even rundis
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