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Military abducted me , COAS is afraid that I will de-notify him after winning election : Imran khan

We are with you captain, there is no place for terrorist generals in Pakistan, these treacherous Mir Jafars have to face justice!

Asim Munir the dog is getting desperate..
Capital punishment for all the treacherous snakes!
We are with you captain, there is no place for terrorist generals in Pakistan, these treacherous Mir Jafars have to face justice!

Asim Munir the dog is getting desperate..
Capital punishment for all the treacherous snakes!
It is not the generals that are the issue here. It is the combined PMLN, PPP, and Fazlu type mullah complex. As long as these entities are in play and can access the GHQ, the generals will continue to find unwanted homage.
Asim Munir will forever be disgraced for burning the country to save his job.
On the contrary, I believe when many of you grow up , you will realize how wrong you were and would then be sorry for your behavior.

Everyday is not Sunday. If we go by your logic, nothing will change. Sit back down faujeet, you guys wore the uniform but few of you are morally corrupt.
As I said above, many of you will be very sorry for your behavior when you grow up.
His motivation is Mariyum Nawaz. The powerful men often like to submit to a woman as part of some weird fetish to relinquish control to just one person also referred to as a mistress. We all know about Akleem Akhtar also known as General Rani. She was considered the most powerful woman during his tenure.
Regardless of political agenda, chivalry requires men remain above these base accusations. 24:4 should be a reminder.
Yes, but more importantly perhaps they should also follow the constitution written in plain simple english, where they should not go beyond their constitutional duties, at this point I don't care if a street dog became the new COAS, a dog would be content with just 2-3 meals a day, and not feel as adventurous to burn the frickin country to the ground for the nth time. How many generals have screwed us in the past that met the so called 'criteria' ?
Agreed, but " ghanti kon banda ga" ?
Zalalat list of PDM in just the last 2 months
1. Supreme Courts Rules amendment (rejected)
2. Elections should be held with general (rejected by SC)
3. Imran Khan Zaman Park attack resistance (rejected by awaam)
4. IK arrest attempt @ IHC (rejected by awaam)
5. NAB rules amendment rejected and case hearing (on 15th May)
6. Imran Khan arrest (rejected by awaam)
7. ISPR stupid DG statement (rejected by awaam)
8. Entire narrative against IK, and his supporters about terror party (DUMP by the entire judiciary)
9. Khan got bails in all cases (another SLAP on the face of Govt and Army)
Yes, but more importantly perhaps they should also follow the constitution written in plain simple english, where they should not go beyond their constitutional duties, at this point I don't care if a street dog became the new COAS, a dog would be content with just 2-3 meals a day, and not feel as adventurous to burn the frickin country to the ground for the nth time. How many generals have screwed us in the past that met the so called 'criteria' ?
Who wrote the constitution? Is that piece of paper so infallible?

Applies only to advanced cultures, not primitive ones. The taliban have always been an armed group. We have always been at the mercy of those with guns, from the Mogols, to the British and now. Democracy will never succeed here. Sad to say.
Democracy is the tyranny of the small majority, nothing but mob rule.

Pakistan should be a state based on principles derived from the Quran. For that to occur you need to hang scum like Nawaz Shareer and Fazlu.
Going back to the core question.

Why is the Chief and by extension army doing what its doing?

A simple withdrawal from all supra constitutional role would be a simple solution to this fiasco, but no.

So coming back, why the hell are they doing what they’re doing? WHY?
But before that Taliban brought the occupation forces (PA) and their local collaborators (PDM) to their knees on the battle field.
Resistance is the essence of peace. Its bitter but natural.
Well, behind the scene he will send the message to PTI... it's not me, its the army.
Allah keep Imran and Pakistan safe from all the evil's and give some wisdom to the one who think they are above the law and us. Allah created all Muslims equal and these F.A. pass grade 18 uneducated thugs don't understand how a real working day is meant to be. They are enjoying the kingship and the fruits of the hard labour of the poor Pakistani's who pay there salaries and still they think they are the masters.

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