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Military abducted me , COAS is afraid that I will de-notify him after winning election : Imran khan

Courts have always decided by looking at public sentiment on roads. Where the company have lost completely.
Next CJ would be Asim's slave also not make not much of difference now. Since this CJ will wrap both pdm and asim and Co.
So courts decide on public sentiment and not on merit? so damn the constitution and law, right?

I hope you all will be just as supportive when other parties show you their street power and when the Courts decide in their favour.

the cases will be done according to merit by Faiz esa who himself is tainted with corruption with his wife and family having Houses in London - there is your biased opnion for Ik - secondly who the fk is this so called establishment ? to bring cases on IK - your statement is like Horse shit that losers with short hairs read in PMA that they will never indulge in politics and yet they are the ones who have brought the country to shits
Faiz Issa is tainted? Didn't Imran Khan ask his forgiveness for sending cases against him out of merit and unlawfully? Is Faiz Issa not the only judge of the Supreme Court who, after the case was quashed, release all his and his families tax returns voluntarily as a point? Is Issa not the man who was a partner in a thriving law firm before being elevated to the position of HC Judge? Was Issa not of a sound family and financial background even before he was elevated? Are his independent children not allowed to own properties which are mortgaged and are not bought outright?

Your knowledge and language both leave a lot to be desired. Perhaps you need to work on your knowledge before you make further mockery of yourself all over the forum.
So courts decide on public sentiment and not on merit? so damn the constitution and law, right?

I hope you all will be just as supportive when other parties show you their street power and when the Courts decide in their favour.

Merit? does anybody in pindi or isb knows the meaning of it or even the word?

And courts if they would have made their decisions on merit they would never have used doctrine of necessasity. Or their last known ranking would not be 130 out of 139.
Seems Asim Munir delivered his concern. But obviously, he was retired and push as COAS. Lot of top officers who suppose to fill the promotion slot are not happy with Bajwa/PMLN move. PMLN and JUIF is curse on this country. MQM and PPP can easily be handled by PA and PTI.
How do you get convicted without due process?

IK is not absconding and appearing in courts as required.

We will see what happens.
did nab never got warrant and remand for all the rest of them. it use to be 90 days remand in IK era which is now maximum of 14 days these days. IK remand was for 4 days.
did nab never got warrant and remand for all the rest of them. it use to be 90 days remand in IK era which is now maximum of 14 days these days. IK remand was for 4 days.
My response to your comment was he has not been convicted as yet.

NAB has been rendered toothless by the PDM. Hopefully it gets its tooth back once PDM and Establishment are defanged.

The party to the Al Qadir cases are Malik Riaz and Sharif’s son. It will be interesting when more evidence comes to light.
Army has nowhere to hide after SC judgement. it was one of the most powerful judgement against the Army by the supreme court.
Absolutely - At least we have an institution that is functioning even if its partially.
My response to your comment was he has not been convicted as yet.

NAB has been rendered toothless by the PDM. Hopefully it gets its tooth back once PDM and Establishment are defanged.

The party to the Al Qadir cases are Malik Riaz and Sharif’s son. It will be interesting when more evidence comes to light.
real question is how IK dragged army into it and why public bought it when all the shit that happened predate current COAS. Does IK want current COAS to forcefully remove current Govt. and bring him to power. how is it possible to do what he want. how army can force election on current govt. does he want army interference but form his side. is he a idiot or drug case.
You need to calm down and look at it dispassionately.

The Generals (part of the establishment) have been involved in political engineering since time immemorial.

The Generals were involved in RCO. Bajwa in his meet up with retired military officials that IK was upto no good therefore had to be sidelined. His own words.

The Generals despite a stated policy of dealing with Russia went directly opposite and condemned Russia.

The Generals had an undertaking with Haqqani and ilks of those level to undermine a sitting government.

Post RCO, majority Pakistanis had a veil removed and they saw the light. Including 90% of the PDF members.

What happened next, in May carnage, had direct military involvement. Abducting and torturing political opponents was all the good work of the Generals. Trying to abduct Arshad Sharif in Pakistan, which forced him to leave for UAE, and then pressuring UAE government so that he leaves UAE, another good work of the Generals. (Won’t claim he was martyred by the Generals as no solid evidence) . Elections should have taken place within 90 days in May but nothing happened. No proceedings of high treason against sitting government?

There are ample other evidences of direct involvement by the Generals in politics.

So now that they are exposed, why should they be above criticism. Only way this will stop is, the Chief Grade 22 Chaprasi comes under the rule of law and start saluting the Defense Secretary.
Does IK want current COAS to forcefully remove current Govt.
This is a pertinent question.

IK would probably want the Establishment to stop making supra constitutional overtures and remain in the barracks.

When that happens the PDM will fall like a pack of cards.

Do you have a link to that video?
There is no video but there are ample news articles that mentioned Bajwa had a meeting with retired officers and mentioned the same.

There is a video of him condemning Russia just after IK’s visit to Russia. Can search on YouTube.
You need to calm down and look at it dispassionately.

The Generals (part of the establishment) have been involved in political engineering since time immemorial.

The Generals were involved in RCO. Bajwa in his meet up with retired military officials that IK was upto no good therefore had to be sidelined. His own words.

The Generals despite a stated policy of dealing with Russia went directly opposite and condemned Russia.

The Generals had an undertaking with Haqqani and ilks of those level to undermine a sitting government.

Post RCO, majority Pakistanis had a veil removed and they saw the light. Including 90% of the PDF members.

What happened next, in May carnage, had direct military involvement. Abducting and torturing political opponents was all the good work of the Generals. Trying to abduct Arshad Sharif in Pakistan, which forced him to leave for UAE, and then pressuring UAE government so that he leaves UAE, another good work of the Generals. (Won’t claim he was martyred by the Generals as no solid evidence) . Elections should have taken place within 90 days in May but nothing happened. No proceedings of high treason against sitting government?

There are ample other evidences of direct involvement by the Generals in politics.

So now that they are exposed, why should they be above criticism. Only way this will stop is, the Chief Grade 22 Chaprasi comes under the rule of law and start saluting the Defense Secretary.
IK want current COAS resignation because Bajwa was not good to him. this shit predate current COAS.

This is a pertinent question.

IK would probably want the Establishment to stop making supra constitutional overtures and remain in the barracks.
what supra constitutional overtures?
When that happens the PDM will fall like a pack of cards.
So supra constitutional overtures on behalf of IK?
The only difference I see today is that the Courts are providing extraordinary and unbelievable relief to Imran Khan. This will not always be the case, when Faez Issa takes over, he will decide matters on merit and things will not remain as rosy for PTI and Imran Khan as it is today. Then, at that time, the establishment may be able to bring in cases against Imran Khan and PTI which will not be waved off and will be decided on merit leading to accountability.

P.S. Imran Khan has said that those who were attacking the state were not PTI supporters......while so many here have celebrated all those who attacked the state; so which is it
Faez Essa and merit...you just exposed your patwariness
you don't need to write so much just say I am Patwari and we will get your points.
re his independent children not allowed to own properties which are mortgaged and are not bought outright?
lol, You and I both kn ow how independent his children are and how close he is to Shareef Lund Family - You and your ilk are just fearful that when IK comes your Haram wealth will no longer be possible. Thanks for provong that how much of Faujeet you are all over the forum

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