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Learn to behave okay. We're tired of you making it appear as if Syria is your nation. Saying Palestinians can only be good if they support the regime. You had it coming.

And I dare one of you to make one more post in the Syria thread and see what I'll do to you guys.

I'm not going to respond your posts anymore .

You are in my ignored list my friend . Don't bother .

Good Luck .
And you're basing this on? Nobody backs him besides his minority. The people who initially protested his rule have had their families killed and I know dozens personally.

Maybe you don't personally, but it's evident by your people. We're familiar with your ideology as well which is full of hatred against us.

This is a false narrative, here you go again expressing disdain to the Syrian people by this ugly narrative which you know isn't true.

You're someone that's never met a salafi nor do you know anything about the people in the Middle East. Don't know why you're saying. I know many overseas and they're normal people.

Salafists are different from Sunni's. Its an extreme ideology. There are those Salafist though, who are not violent and are not militants. I have no problem with them. Basically as long as people keep their religion to themselves and dont try to force it on other people by violence, then everythign is fine. The same goes for Shias. I have as much hate for extremist on that camp as I have for extremist on Sunni side.

Stop trying to tell me what I know or dont know. Its a sign of disrespect. And now you call S00R3NA sone of sharmootah. When he hasnt said anything hateful towards you. Seriously man, what kind of behavior is this?

And are you someone who knows so much more, that has lived most of his life in America?
Its too bad. I thought that living in America, having education and all that, you would be above this sectarian horseshit.
I'm not going to respond your posts anymore .

You are in my ignored list my friend . Don't bother .

Good Luck .

Don't spread your propaganda here, acting all polite. People should see what you say about Sunni's and Arabs on other forums.

Salafists are different from Sunni's. Its an extreme ideology. There are those Salafist though, who are not violent and are not militants. I have no problem with them. Basically as long as people keep their religion to themselves and dont try to force it on other people by violence, then everythign is fine. The same goes for Shias. I have as much hate for extremist on that camp as I have for extremist on Sunni side.

Stop trying to tell me what I know or dont know. Are you someone who knows so much more, that has lived most of his life in America?
Its too bad. I thought that living in America, having education and all that, you would be above this sectarian horseshit.

You're somebody who isn't religious like most of your people and you don't study religion yet you call them extremist. They aren't extremist, they're simply wrong in some of their beliefs as are Shia, Sufi, Ahmadi, etc...

The conflict in Syria is about a population which seeks an end to the regime. Whether they got assistance or not is not related to narrative or objectives of the people.

I don't want to get too 'sectarian' as you call it. I want to have an honest discussion with you people on Syria. Not about the interests of your nation, I want to know what you as a people personally believe about this.

If this how you guys say we should solve it.

I wouldn't be against you people if you hadn't supported this regime. I never had anything against Shia before this. I was one of their most vocal supporters in my community regarding Iraq.
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Don't spread your propaganda here, acting all polite. People should see what you say about Sunni's and Arabs on other forums.

I appreciate it if you post , 1 single post .

No , one word from me here .
Don't spread your propaganda here, acting all polite. People should see what you say about Sunni's and Arabs on other forums.

You're somebody who isn't religious like most of your people and you don't study religion yet you call them extremist. They aren't extremist, they're simply wrong in some of their beliefs as are Shia, Sufi, Ahmadi, etc...

The conflict in Syria is about a population which seeks an end to the regime. Whether they got assistance or not is not related to narrative or objectives of the people.

I don't want to get too 'sectarian' as you call it. I want to have an honest discussion with you people on Syria. Not about the interests of your nation, I want to know what you as a people personally believe about this.

If this how you guys say we should solve it.

A serious conversation by calling other people the son of sharmootah (like you did to S00R3NA)?
I think you really spoiled the chance of a serious and friendly conversation.
Unacceptable behavior.

And most Iranians are religious. What do you know?
Im not religious, but I dont claim to represent anyone but myself.
A serious conversation by calling other people the son of sharmootah (like you did to S00R3na)?
I think you really spoiled the chance of a serious and friendly conversation.
Unacceptable behavior.

And most Iranians are religious. What do you know?
Im not religious, but I dont claim to represent anyone but myself.

Go tell the Iranians in the Syria thread to behave. Instead of using an insulting term they coin for all Sunni's since they have so much disregard for them. You guys are going to have this conversation with me so I can understand you people. I was shocked by your support for such a regime.

Or we can part ways and it will only get worse from here.
Go tell the Iranians in the Syria thread to behave. Instead of using an insulting term they coin for all Sunni's since they have so much disregard for them. You guys are going to have this conversation with me so I can understand you people. I was shocked by your support for such a regime.

Or we can part ways and it will only get worse from here.

And Im shocked at your support for a bunch of mindless barbarian terrorists (not Sunni).
You are really disappointing man.
And Im shocked at your support for a bunch of mindless barbarian terrorists (not Sunni).
You are really disappointing man.

In what way?? If you want to know who I support you simply ask. Don't make arbitrary assertions.

You as a rational person should acknowledge that the Syrian 'government' took the wrong steps. If people are tired of their rule they simply need to go.
Problem is you don't understand the situation. It isn't a simple case of tribal clashes or something. We would all love to think that way but these Shia in Iraq try terrifying the sunni population, all their laws are aimed at the sunni population. They don't believe in coexistence nor equal representation. You think they're people going about their daily lives but they aren't. So the Sunni rebels have a right to defend their land.

Like your people in the Syria thread who've done a hundred fold worse. Quit trying to fool people here, you guys had it coming.

What's your business what any Arab believes about Syria? Mind your own business in Iran.

Everything to you hypocrites is all 'targeting shia'. Nothing mentioned about the tens of thousands of Sunni's targeted by Shia in Syria or the government persecution of Iraqi Sunnis. Get lost.

Ahahahahaha, LMAO. you see what i have been saying? for these muslims all they care about is sunnis against Shias. Pathetic.:lol:
we in the west/U.S dont give a shit about your religious Shias vs sunnis stuffs. We see you all as the same people. Do you think i care about any sunnis vs shia stuff? No i dont, i dont even know the difference.:lol: I just see it as two dumb brothers/sides Killing each other.:disagree:
So trying to say i am taking sides with the shias is laughable. Im just pointing out that you are all a laughing stock in the world for your religious wars among yourselfs. Arent you all 'Muslims'?:cheesy:lol So keep killing each other and justifying terrorism, it just make you people look even more low than we thought.:lol: Terrorism can never be justified my friend, whether it is carried out by the Shias, sunnis, Uigurs, Taliban,Muslim brotherhood etc. but one thing i know is that not all muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.:agree:
Unfortunately mike2000 is right.

We have those retards like hazzy all over the middle east, akhoonds like you guys call them, Vahabis whatever they think they are, many names same shit.

We have no idea which state in the Middle East will be next to be struck by terrorism, the only difference is the Islamists are quiet in the other states, today they are quiet in Algeria because Algeria defeated them in the civil war. Not long ago there were over 40.000 armed Islamists similar to Nusra/ISIS active killing people over there. If the state leaders and the religious retards of the region won't solve it together all states in the region will have their turn of Islamism destroying their country.
Ahahahahaha, LMAO. you see what i have been saying? for these muslims all they care about is sunnis against Shias. Pathetic.:lol:
we in the west/U.S dont give a shit about your religious Shias vs sunnis stuffs. We see you all as the same people. Do you think i care about any sunnis vs shia stuff? No i dont, i dont even know the difference.:lol: I just see it as two dumb brothers/sides Killing each other.:disagree:
So trying to say i am taking sides with the shias is laughable. Im just pointing out that you are all a laughing stock in the world for your religious wars among yourselfs. Arent you all 'Muslims'?:cheesy:lol So keep killing each other and justifying terrorism, it just make you people look even more low than we thought.:lol: Terrorism can never be justified my friend, whether it is carried out by the Shias, sunnis, Uigurs, Taliban,Muslim brotherhood etc. but one thing i know is that not all muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.:agree:

No one cares what a Muslim-hating goofball like you thinks. Such conflicts used to be very common amongst Western people. Get lost. :lol:
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