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Militants attack Iraq's Samarra, sparking heavy fighting

No one cares what a Muslim-hating goofball like you thinks. Such conflicts used to be very common amongst Western people. Get lost. :lol:
LOOL so when you dont have any constructive counter argument to counter my point, you resort to personal attacks. look at all my comments since i registered on this site, i have never resorted to personal attacks even when attacked. afterall we are in a discussion forum to exchange ideas/point of views, not to insult, i know if we start personal attacks now then it will deviate us from discussing the topic at hand. which becomes useless as i have seen/noticed on many threads on this site. So i wont resort to personal attacks, i have grown pass that age.
Im sorry if hurt your feelings as a Muslim, but im just being honest/making a point/stating facts, We in the west just see all of you as the same people, we dont know any difference between your so called shias and sunnis or extremist vs seculars. We just know you people are fighting against each other for some silly reasons. I know our governemnts make use of you for their great power politics/games to maintain control of this region. But i cant blame them, since they are mainly after our interests. so its up to you people to know what kind of region/country you want to be and protect your own interests instead of fighting against each other which just makes you prone to be used by the bigger boys in the P5.
Sometimes its as if you people live in the religious wars of the past 15th and 18th centuries, as you stated above, we did have our own share of conflicts, but it wasnt religious my dear friend, it was political. Even if it was religious, do you want to follow our bad example of centuries ago? we are in the 21st century not 16th century bro. so muslims/middle east have to grow up and assume their responsibilities.
So no, i dont hate Muslims as you said earlier, why would i? im just making a point and being honest. some people or our governments out of politeness/courtesy wont say it openly to you guys of course, but the world is laughing behind your backs as you keep killing each other because of religion. Sometimes i think it will have been better for the middle east to follow Chinas or east Asia and be atheist/less religious.:bounce:
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LOOL so when you dont have any constructive counter argument to counter my point, you resort to personal attacks. look at all my comments since i registered on this site, i have never resorted to personal attacks even when attacked. afterall we are in a discussion forum to exchange ideas/point of views, not to insult, i know if we start personal attacks now then it will deviate us from discussing the topic at hand. which becomes useless as i have seen/noticed on many threads on this site. So i wont resort to personal attacks, i have grown pass that age.
Im sorry if hurt your feelings as a Muslim, but im just being honest/making a point/stating facts, We in the west just see all of you as the same people, we dont know any difference between your so called shias and sunnis or extremist vs seculars. We just know you people are fighting against each other for some silly reasons. I know our governemnts make use of you for their great power politics/games to maintain control of this region. But i cant blame them, since they are mainly after our interests. so its up to you people to know what kind of region/country you want to be and protect your own interests instead of fighting against each other which just makes you prone to be used by the bigger boys in the P5.
Sometimes its as if you people live in the religious wars of the past 15th and 18th centuries, as you stated above, we did have our own share of conflicts, but it wasnt religious my dear friend, it was political. Even if it was religious, do you want to follow our bad example of centuries ago? we are in the 21st century not 16th century bro. so muslims/middle east have to grow up and assume their responsibilities.
So no, i dont hate Muslims as you said earlier, why would i? im just making a point and being honest. some people or our governments out of politeness/courtesy wont say it openly to you guys of course, but the world is laughing behind your backs as you keep killing each other because of religion. Sometimes i think it will have been better for the middle east to follow Chinas or east Asia and be atheist/less religious.:bounce:

Has nothing to do with atheism nor is any point you made ground breaking. Nothing new from you.
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