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Militants attack Iraq's Samarra, sparking heavy fighting

this is army's promise to these terrorists:



and this is the substantiation of that promise and fate of those who thought they can invade our shrines in Samera, rest in hell:
تصاویر سامره؛ چند ساعت پس از ورود عقاب ها
In 2006 Zarqawi's people Islamic state of Iraq destroyed the Askari mosque of Samarra which started the civil war where many died, they tried this again and Hazzy is sad they didn't succeed.

Nice to hear what he is wishing, anyway I won't argue with retards so i'm out of this thread.
Is it really Iran who is trying to get relations back on track or vice versa? Because every single analyst and news source is saying otherwise and it's Hamas who is trying to send its leaders to Iran to resume or increase their money/arms receiving.

You figure it out yourself, Hamas is no longer a governing body. It dissolved itself in Gaza if you haven't realized that by now. The movement will focus on preparations for the future. As for arms, the Qassam brigades hasn't had ties with Iran for a while now. Some say lately it has revived, I don't know until I go there again. Politically I believe they both approached each other.

I don't 'dislike' you as a person, but I dislike your attitude towards Shias, Iraq, Syria and Bahrain. I'm not a religious person as you think, and I don't like my country giving money to people who hate us (if all of them have your attitude). However as I said earlier, you don't represent Palestinians.

Syria? Why would you dislike my attitude on Syria? What's so controversial about it exactly? Do you see me complaining about Lebanon? No. Why? Maybe because there's equal representation in the government over there. Go look at Syria, all alawaite dominated government. They put a few Sunni's in positions that don't mean anything. Same with Iraq. As for Shia people, I don't find them relevant in politics. That's a religious discussion. Religious Muslims won't tolerate prostitution in Bahrain committed by Shia people. It's simple, rarely any of you or religious people. You're mostly closet atheists yet take pride in the Shia banner. Your ideologies aren't based on religion but rather your own cravings and lifestyles.

If you believed in God, you'd know that he'd judge you on everything. Why would we support an oppressive regime when we know God will hold it against us after death? We fear God. Maybe you don't, but don't expect something like that from me.

What? you are kidding right? These people were living safely in city of Samarra. There wasn't even a fighting there. Then the ISIL scums tried to have some adventure by launching an attack on civilian neighborhoods. They are kicked out though, but that doesn't make them any less animals. If you can't distinguish between normal Sunni citizens in Iraq (who are also victims of ISIL), and ISIL, I clearly can.

Again, how are you as an Iranian telling us Arabs what's going on there or not? There were protests long before this in which the Iraqi army cracked down on which led to violence. The 'Iraqi' army deployed in sunni areas and that led to the militants and rebels targeting them.

In 2006 Zarqawi's people Islamic state of Iraq destroyed the Askari mosque of Samarra which started the civil war where many died, they tried this again and Hazzy is sad they didn't succeed.

Nice to hear what he is wishing, anyway I won't argue with retards so i'm out of this thread.

Mosque this and mosque that...from you closet athiests...please....

I'm not disappointed in proportions of violence if that's what you think as there are Iraqi army members killed on a daily basis.
It has something to do with the states policy and lack of equal representation/discrimination. All of this happened since America handed power over to a shia led government and not a technochratic one.
Mosul is an Iraqi town, it existed thousand of years before the era of Islam.
Keep to your own falasteez 'country', you think your Egyptian one day the next you think your from Iraq ?

@Alshawi1234 knows you guys well enough now he has another confirmation that your all terrorists.

Enjoy the Israeli air force in the mean time since you like the killings in Iraq.

@Serpentine you Iranians should open your eyes about these guys, they only bow for your money and missiles they're trash in reality.
Iranians support only islamic jihad let Hamas get help from the donkey of Qatar the friend of the Zionists
Iranians support only islamic jihad let Hamas get help from the donkey of Qatar the friend of the Zionists

Islamic Jihad doesn't get anything unless Hamas allows it. Islamic Jihad is a Palestinian Sunni organization. Assad is a Zionist himself who is the first line of defense for Israel. You shia do the same thing, as if all non Iranian shia are suddenly Iranian. And as if all Iranian Shia are suddenly Syrian, Iraqi, and Lebanese. Keep this up and you're going to spark a religious war.

Hamas is still and will always be substantially stronger than Islamic Jihad. If Iran tries getting Islamic Jihad to act upon Iran's interests Hamas will make sure nothing happens.

Btw, Iran already realized it can't work that way. So yes, according to Iran recently they do support Hamas.

This just shows though that you don't do anything for God and only support people who will stay quiet about the oppressive regime in Syria. That is amount to infidelity as well.
Islamic Jihad doesn't get anything unless Hamas allows it. Islamic Jihad is a Palestinian Sunni organization. Assad is a Zionist himself who is the first line of defense for Israel. You shia do the same thing, as if all non Iranian shia are suddenly Iranian. And as if all Iranian Shia are suddenly Syrian, Iraqi, and Lebanese. Keep this up and you're going to spark a religious war.

Hamas is still and will always be substantially stronger than Islamic Jihad. If Iran tries getting Islamic Jihad to act upon Iran's interests Hamas will make sure nothing happens.

Btw, Iran already realized it can't work that way. So yes, according to Iran recently they do support Hamas.

This just shows though that you don't do anything for God and only support people who will stay quiet about the oppressive regime in Syria. That is amount to infidelity as well.
Nobody do things for god all governments look after their own benefits and interests
Nobody do things for god all governments look after their own benefits and interests

And we need that to change or else God won't support us. He told us in the Koran over and over again. Unfortunately, that's going to stay that way for another 70-120 years. That won't stop me from siding with him and supporting justice.
You figure it out yourself, Hamas is no longer a governing body. It dissolved itself in Gaza if you haven't realized that by now. The movement will focus on preparations for the future. As for arms, the Qassam brigades hasn't had ties with Iran for a while now. Some say lately it has revived, I don't know until I go there again. Politically I believe they both approached each other.

Syria? Why would you dislike my attitude on Syria? What's so controversial about it exactly? Do you see me complaining about Lebanon? No. Why? Maybe because there's equal representation in the government over there. Go look at Syria, all alawaite dominated government. They put a few Sunni's in positions that don't mean anything. Same with Iraq. As for Shia people, I don't find them relevant in politics. That's a religious discussion. Religious Muslims won't tolerate prostitution in Bahrain committed by Shia people. It's simple, rarely any of you or religious people. You're mostly closet atheists yet take pride in the Shia banner. Your ideologies aren't based on religion but rather your own cravings and lifestyles.

If you believed in God, you'd know that he'd judge you on everything. Why would we support an oppressive regime when we know God will hold it against us after death? We fear God. Maybe you don't, but don't expect something like that from me.

Again, how are you as an Iranian telling us Arabs what's going on there or not? There were protests long before this in which the Iraqi army cracked down on which led to violence. The 'Iraqi' army deployed in sunni areas and that led to the militants and rebels targeting them.

Mosque this and mosque that...from you closet athiests...please....

We have talked before about Syria and Bahrain. There is no further discussion about them. But one funny point in your post: that how you are against 'oppressive regimes' and see it against God's will, but you are totally ok with Bahrain regime and instead see the majority of its people as agents of Iran. Why? Because they are Shias.

About Iraq, unlike you I don't have problem to condemn any wrong act committed by any side, but you not only don't condemn ISIL, but also defend their barbarism. Again why? Because they are fighting Shia 'infidels'. But it becomes even funnier when you bash the same group in Syria for kicking rebel's behinds.

This is my last post in this thread, this argument is pointless as I see it.
We have talked before about Syria and Bahrain. There is no further discussion about them. But one funny point in your post: that how you are against 'oppressive regimes' and see it against God's will, but you are totally ok with Bahrain regime and instead see the majority of its people as agents of Iran. Why? Because they are Shias.

No we haven't talked about them. You give justifications for supporting the Syrian regime. Because you don't fear God or you simply don't believe in him. It's about time you and all others like you come out of the closet. Stop championing the Shia banner as your means to control other nations.

Where have I said I'm fine with the Bahrani regime or any Arab monarch/government for that matter? Find me one instance, just one where I supported an Arab government. And that lack of support isn't from a Shia perspective of dominating the Arab world, it's from siding with my Prophet(SAW) and my Lord's decree.

As for the shia in Bahrain, I don't want to see them spreading prostitution or making a mockery out of Islam. They're closet atheists like you who use my divine religion to spread their influence. If those 'Shia' were pious people who actually listened to the words of our Prophet(SAW) instead blindly ignoring them I would support them 100%. And that requires a religious discussion, which you won't get into since you'll lose it.

About Iraq, unlike you I don't have problem to condemn any wrong act committed by any side, but you not only don't condemn ISIL, but also defend their barbarism. Again why? Because they are fighting Shia 'infidels'. But it becomes even funnier when you bash the same group in Syria for kicking rebel's behinds.

No you don't, back up your statements with actions. You give us one sentence to remind us that you'd condemn both sides yet 99% of your posts are condemning the Syrian people/Iraqi Sunni's and justifying all the actions of of both the Iraqi government and the Syrian regime. So when you can show us you're objective approach then we'll believe you. Until then, your statement has no truth to it.

You keep mentioning one small organization as if that's the central issue. No it isn't, the central issue is what I mentioned in my previous post.

This is my last post in this thread, this argument is pointless as I see it.

Because your arguments are horrible, you're all simply being the same people you are. Which will make the regional situation a lot worse. You Iranians don't care right now since you aren't involved. Once the violence hits you then you'd start having regrets. Most of you are secular who fear any war/conflict much more than anybody else.
Mosul is a Sunni town, which the Iraqi army was shelling. The Iraqi army has already killed over several hundred civilians in Fallujah alone. The Sunni rebels targeted an Iraqi military base, the losses are from the army. No reliable sources have come out to accuse the rebels of killing civilians. All deaths are unfortunate, what are you going to do when you're being persecuted by a government and it's army.

The last I'd believe is a shia facebook source, Shia are accumulated to lying. Of course save us your crocodile tears, where were you over the hundreds of civilians killed in the past two months?

As for my people, your kind was saying the same thing in 2012 and celebrating. Your kind said we would be destroyed and your kind said 'see what Qatar will do for you'. I could dig up the posts of your kind on this forum. Then your kind all became silent after Hamas brought Israel to the ceasefire table in 7 days. Hamas never retaliated on the first day except with several rockets at the night. All of that was done in seven days.

My nation isn't going to be liberated in the way you think it will be. People that fight to liberate a holy land don't do so for X or Y. They do so to reap a reward from God. Get that through your head.

And none of your kind shed a single tear on the dozens of thousands of civilians killed by your kind in Syria. Or the tens of thousands of woman raped by your kind in Syria. Why do you think people will tolerate your kind? Keep this up and all of you will go back to your home in Iran. And you will see what's going to happen to the so called 'anti-israel' Hezbollah which already lost all it's experienced fighters in Syria. All of this because you guys supported a dictator of your kind against the people. Don't blame us for the mess you created. Now there's no going back unless any of you start denouncing the regime and distance yourselves from them.

Whether you like it or not we're going to see increased violence and much more Jihadism in this region as foretold to us by God. There's only double digits left in this world.

Whether you like it or not we're going to see increased violence and much more Jihadism in this region as foretold to us by God. There's only double digits left in this world.:o:
@Chak Bamu @Aeronaut @Manticore @Oscar
freedom of speech is ok but this?
openly saying killing on name of god ...
is it allowed ?
at policy of pdf ?
ethically? morally?
sorry dear..
you may be having vaid cause but your method grossly not acceptable

Whether you like it or not we're going to see increased violence and much more Jihadism in this region as foretold to us by God. There's only double digits left in this world.:o:
@Chak Bamu @Aeronaut @Manticore @Oscar
freedom of speech is ok but this?
openly saying killing on name of god ...
is it allowed ?
at policy of pdf ?
ethically? morally?
sorry dear..
you may be having vaid cause but your method grossly not acceptable

Openly what? Do you know how to read English? I'm stating that violence won't decrease in our region. Not because a personal preference which you try attributing to me.

And there's nothing wrong with a struggle, the struggle for self determination won't go away.

You may consider that evil since you deny Muslims their rights and are inherently evil yourself.
More violence, nothing new...

Authorities in Iraq say bombs kill 40 in capital | Fox News

BAGHDAD – Authorities in Iraq say a series of car bombs targeting commercial streets have killed at least 40 people in the capital, Baghdad.

Police say the first attack took place Saturday night in Baghdad's western district of Baiyaa, killing nine people and wounding 22.

Later on, police say six car bombs in different parts of Baghdad killed at least 31 people and wounded 51. Police say all the attacks happened in a one-hour period.

More violence, nothing new...

Authorities in Iraq say bombs kill 40 in capital | Fox News

BAGHDAD – Authorities in Iraq say a series of car bombs targeting commercial streets have killed at least 40 people in the capital, Baghdad.

Police say the first attack took place Saturday night in Baghdad's western district of Baiyaa, killing nine people and wounding 22.

Later on, police say six car bombs in different parts of Baghdad killed at least 31 people and wounded 51. Police say all the attacks happened in a one-hour period.

Violence should be solved with political matters
Force can't solve the setuation in Iraq
In 2006 Zarqawi's people Islamic state of Iraq destroyed the Askari mosque of Samarra which started the civil war where many died, they tried this again and Hazzy is sad they didn't succeed.

Nice to hear what he is wishing, anyway I won't argue with retards so i'm out of this thread.
One can argue that this was done by a third party to make sure that the Sunnis and shias fight each other to death. Because not long before that Sunnis were fighting the americans shoulder to shoulder with sadars men in the south.
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