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Militants attack Iraq's Samarra, sparking heavy fighting

One can argue that this was done by a third party to make sure that the Sunnis and shias fight each other to death. Because not long before that Sunnis were fighting the americans shoulder to shoulder with sadars men in the south.
Violence should be solved with political matters
Force can't solve the setuation in Iraq

Do you live in Iraq? What's being done to solve this? Is anybody talking?

One can argue that this was done by a third party to make sure that the Sunnis and shias fight each other to death. Because not long before that Sunnis were fighting the americans shoulder to shoulder with sadars men in the south.

Who do you suspect? Your points are valid. They also transferred humanitarian aid to each other when their cities were besieged.
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Do you live in Iraq? What's being done to solve this? Is anybody talking?

Who do you suspect? Your points are valid. They also transferred humanitarian aid to each other when their cities were besieged.
It could have been anyone, first there are the israelis, to them this stunt made alot of sense, u see Sunnis and shias fighting together the first thing u want is for them to split. U have the americans, same pattern of thought, the brits, as they had to face the music in the south, and a shia sunni allaince would have been a disaster to them. And I dont even rule out the iranian regime from this. Dont forget Sadar even now is issuing verdicts against the iraqi involvement in Syria. Imagine if he had pulled one off with the help of the Sunnis against the americans that had given him leverage on the negotiating table, the iranians wouldnt have wanted that at all. Not a shia leader that also is thankful to and a partner with the Sunnis, so it could have been anyone.

More fabricated numbers by the Al-Haliki regime, LOL.

They should try this again, liberate Iraq inch by inch. :cheers:
Considering all the bluff coming out of your ***, I'm surprised you haven't liberated Palestine "inch by inch" yet. Speaking about jihad in Iraq while your country is occupied. You Palestinian have proved the trash you are, eating from the plate and spitting in it.

Iraqi fought and died to protect your a*ses in Khalil! now we see you repay us with 1000 stinking suicide bombers against Iraqi civilians.

Oh yea, here's your buddies in Samarah.

********.com - ISIL and Alqaeda Heavy Losses in Samarra

These are victims of Malki regime shelling Mosul city a few days ago, Sine you're an Iraqi then i assume you understand Arabic and hear what the guy in the vid is saying, so enough with your boring Taqiyya and stop lying and hiding the truth.
Of course they are, the truth is even if ISIL CLAIMS the attack, you scumbags will still blame the army. It's funny how the army is peacefully patrolling Sunni towns and cities before ISIL enters and all of a sudden the army decides to kill innocent Sunnis which they could have done freely before ISIL comes for no apparent reason. Amazing logic you have.

How about stop with your open lies and lame excuses and with the taqiyah BS. Go back to watching Nusrah and ISIL kill each other in Syria and make up your mind about who to support.
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Considering all the bluff coming out of your ***, I'm surprised you haven't liberated Palestine "inch by inch" yet. Speaking about jihad in Iraq while your country is occupied.

Do you know any Arabic? If you aren't aware about the battle in Fallujah go google it. As for Iraq, I don't support such a regime until there is equal representation.

Iraqi fought and died to protect your a*ses in Khalil! now we see you repay us with 1000 stinking suicide bombers against Iraqi civilians.

The people that fought in 1948 aren't the people in the present Iraqi regime. All those bombers are Iraqi who fought against the American occupation.
Openly what? Do you know how to read English? I'm stating that violence won't decrease in our region. Not because a personal preference which you try attributing to me.

And there's nothing wrong with a struggle, the struggle for self determination won't go away.

You may consider that evil since you deny Muslims their rights and are inherently evil yourself.
you yourslef mixing god with violence
who denied muslim their rights?
dont put god with arm stuggle by killing innocent people muslim and non muslim..
Struggle is wrong if it kills innnocent people..
you yourslef mixing god with violence
who denied muslim their rights?
dont put god with arm stuggle by killing innocent people muslim and non muslim..
Struggle is wrong if it kills innnocent people..

These are clashes between army forces and rebels inside a Sunni province. I will stand against the Iraqi government until they get their senses together. Hundreds of civilians have been killed in recent months but not much reporting done on it. As for struggles, violence is necessary at some points. And I think we have a different concept of God. God has decrees but doesn't involve himself in our affairs. If we follow his decree as a Muslim community we will be on the right path. My duty as a Muslim to is to stand against injustice. I've done enough condemning of this one militant group. Now it's time I also condemn the local government for making the situation worse. It didn't have to be this way.

As for the 'inch by inch' remark, I'm referring to the province.
These are clashes between army forces and rebels inside a Sunni province. I will stand against the Iraqi government until they get their senses together. Hundreds of civilians have been killed in recent months but not much reporting done on it. As for struggles, violence is necessary at some points. And I think we have a different concept of God. God has decrees but doesn't involve himself in our affairs. If we follow his decree as a Muslim community we will be on the right path. My duty as a Muslim to is to stand against injustice. I've done enough condemning of this one militant group. Now it's time I also condemn the local government for making the situation worse. It didn't have to be this way.

As for the 'inch by inch' remark, I'm referring to the province.
My duty as a Muslim to is to stand against injustice. I've done enough condemning of this one militant group. Now it's time I also condemn the local government for making the situation worse
my only point is violence may bring stand off for short term but not peace ..
if not much reporting done..
send pictures. ground reality to top national international agencies.
work on social media to show reality to world ..
what ever happening is bad ...
i hope pray to god/allah to end violence asap
However as I said earlier, you don't represent Palestinians.

Exactly .

I thought they all were in rebels' side but after seeing this man and so many other Palestinians like him I changed my mind .

Yeah people are getting killed and you celebrate it.

Here in Mosul like you proudly posted your news while ISIS killed children, some look 5-6 year old.
ISIS blowing themselves up and firing mortars random on populated areas.

Should I celebrate Israeli airstrikes on your Falasteezi friends ? you were crying about your cousin and your friends yet you celebrate it when others die.

Don't cry to anyone in the region about arms or money anymore, 'free' your 'country' on your own.

Btw don't come back with RIP or any of that bullshit, just gtfo.

Anyone who celebrates these atrocious crimes (whether against Sunni or Shia) is an animal, that deserves the worst.
ahahahha, reading the coments here, make me laugh even more. You arabs/Muslims arent tired of fighting each other? do you know its still our governments in the west/U.S/Russia who with some gulf countries(saudi Arabia, Qatar etc) as sub contractors are the real big players in this region? You are just pawns/canon folder. so keep fighting Sunnis against Shias, extremists against 'seculars', islamists etc. Destroy your country and make us even more wealthy while we exploit the situation for our own gains.
cant stop laughing when i see people here supporting terrorists/extremists destablising a country government just because they are shias or whatever. So much for the 'arab brotherhood'.:rofl::lol:
Israel will remain the top dog/most advance/civilised in this region for centuries to come, while these muslims keep fighting aginst each other. My sympathy is with Israel for living in such a terrible region.:agree: think we should keep supporting them no matter what, since seems this muslims dont seem to want to live in peace among themselves, talk less of with israel.:disagree:
ahahahha, reading the coments here, make me laugh even more. You arabs/Muslims arent tired of fighting each other? do you know its still our governments in the west/U.S/Russia who with some gulf countries(saudi Arabia, Qatar etc) as sub contractors are the real big players in this region? You are just pawns/canon folder. so keep fighting Sunnis against Shias, extremists against 'seculars', islamists etc. Destroy your country and make us even more wealthy while we exploit the situation for our own gains.
cant stop laughing when i see people here supporting terrorists/extremists destablising a country government just because they are shias or whatever. So much for the 'arab brotherhood'.:rofl::lol:
Israel will remain the top dog/most advance/civilised in this region for centuries to come, while these muslims keep fighting aginst each other. My sympathy is with Israel for living in such a terrible region.:agree: think we should keep supporting them no matter what, since seems this muslims dont seem to want to live in peace among themselves, talk less of with israel.:disagree:

you seem to forget your history easily , if israel is in this region it's because of you ! not me !
you seem to forget your history easily , if israel is in this region it's because of you ! not me !

Well even if thats the case, does it really matter now? Shouldnt you people be trying to first be united, live peacefully among yourselfs? If you cant even get along with each other as 'muslims brothers' how do you want the world to respect you and believe you can even manage the land israel gives back(assuming it does). Im sure it will just turn into another battle zone between sunni against Shias, islamists, extremists, jihadists etc. Keep on the fight if you wish.:lol:
Im even more amaze to see someone here encouraging/applauding these extremists/terrorists killing/attcking civilians/government targets just because they are Shias. shows just how low you muslims have got to.:disagree:
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