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MFA urges mediators to be careful in their statements on Karabakh conflict


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MFA urges mediators to be careful in their statements on Karabakh conflict
Mon 24 March 2014 13:59 GMT | 18:59 Local Time

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has called on U.S. co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick to cautiously treat public statements on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, in which MG remains the main format of the negotiation process.

"Given the difficult stage of the negotiation process on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, James Warlick has to be careful in his statements on the conflict. After all, it is a violation of international law and humanitarian tragedy faced by the people of Azerbaijan," Foreign Ministry spokesman Elman Abdullayev has twitted.

The comment was made on the yesterday's publication of Warlick on Twitter, where he notes that at the meetings in The Hague, which these days is hosting the Nuclear Security Summit and meetings of the co-chairs with officials of Azerbaijan and Armenia, he was corrected, and that the parties to the conflict are actually Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh.

"I was corrected today - the conflict is Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan. Still, we want a peaceful settlement for all parties for NK," said Warlick in his twitter. Who exactly corrected the mediatorremains unknown.
In the statement, the spokesman also noted that the duty of the co-chair countries, acting today as mediators in the negotiation process, is to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and to restore justice.

"Restoring justice is forcing Armenia to obey the norms and principles of international law, towards which it continues to be disrespectful," said Abdullayev.

"Along with Russia and France, the task of the United States also includes the execution of the mediation mission to resolve the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan," he added.

The Baker rules of "2+2" format

Armenia and Azerbaijan are officially recognized as parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In addition, there are two stakeholders – the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of Nagorno-Karabakh, which, however, are not direct participants in the negotiating process.

"2 +2" format, proposed by U.S. Secretary of State James Baker in 1992 and adopted by the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia, was the basis for the creation of the CSCE (later - OSCE) Minsk Group, and went down in history as the Baker rules.

In the early years of the negotiation process, the meetings involved all the 4 sides (2 +2). After the coup of 1998 after which Robert Kocharian came to power in Armenia, he himself ruled out one of the two "stakeholders" - namely, the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh - from the process and announced that henceforth he would represent its interests.

After this there was no need for representatives of the Azerbaijani community to attend. The parties and the co-chairs agreed that negotiations will now take place between the heads of Azerbaijan and Armenia.
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