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Media Cheat on Tibet Riot

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you are acting just like all the democrates in american. The goverment will take care of me and everything of my needs. the reason you are suicidal because in free countries you make your own life, with hard work and persistent chasing a goal. But i forget in china everything is decided for you. Where you should live and what work you could have or not. or even what cities to live if your gov't decided to give you that. Freedom means exactly that you have individual rights to be the best you can be, not how good the gov't could be. Smelling the free air makes you sacered that i am alone and what do you i do now. Well if i were you instead looking at china i would stay where you are and maybe you will have a great destiny.
LOL, actually I like Ron Paul most, cuz he'll leave Taiwan Strait alone and quits the "World Police" job...

PS: Oh I almost forgot getting rid of FED, which is the root cause of worldwide economic problems.
Give us a break!

I live in a communist run state.

If you hate communist so much, why do you stay in a communist state?

If you love China so much, why stay in Pakistan?

Show your mentality! And nswer my previous question.

What is China doing about the religious issue that are so dear to your heart?

Nothing. Just speak out facts.
Go and google an see what you Communist are up to.

why have you expelled tourists and international journalists if you have nothing to hide?

Can you answer that?

If there was no atrocities by the Chinese, they would have allowed the international journalists to show the truth.

But since the Chinese had to hide the truth, they expelled the journalists as also the tourists!!


When the news get into Westerner's hand, facts already show what mutation will be to fit Western propaganda. :flame:
@ salim

the so called Indian "democracy" the freedom of speech lies all over Indian discussion forums, those think indians wont even let pakistanis sing in.
discussion forums such as indian defence are full of narrow minded low Caste Untouchable... Internet Coolies... i think you also ran away from those cooli forum and came here because they could not stand a muslim.
and ohh talking of Tibet.. lol nothing but a pure self fish lama lama, western and indian propaganda! manipulating violence and blaming the Chinese police, and in fact they turned out to be Nepolians police..
i see the Tibet uprising just like we had in Balochistan where the minorities represented the majority. thanks to "FREE MEDIA" which portrayed the total opposite story!

MR Salim your country is just running just in da name of democracy and one day when real democracy is brought in.. India will be history because the Kasmiris will break away, the Sikh State will break away, Punjab etc etc... lol

If you hate communist so much, why do you stay in a communist state?

Is it your principle to run away from reality? I rather face reality and do what I can rather than flee!

Further, unlike China, India is a democratic country where there are elections and where there are many political parties. Therefore, the situation is not the same all the time. Are you suggesting that one keeps changing States just to keep pace with the election results?

A very astounding logic!!

Show your mentality! And nswer my previous question.

What mentality?

Nothing. Just speak out facts.

The facts are there for all to see!
When the news get into Westerner's hand, facts already show what mutation will be to fit Western propaganda. :flame:

Indeed it does!!

You are right. It is only a State controlled media that alone tells the truth!! And that too in a one party country that does not allow any independent media within their country.

Pakistan has independent newspapers and they give views from all point of the political spectrum. Was it the same when there was only the State controlled media?

Think it over.

At least the West has the courage to have a myriad of newspapers and electronic media.

China does not allow that luxury.

I would rather have freedom of thought and speech than be a robot!!
@ salim

the so called Indian "democracy" the freedom of speech lies all over Indian discussion forums, those think indians wont even let pakistanis sing in.
discussion forums such as indian defence are full of narrow minded low Caste Untouchable... Internet Coolies... i think you also ran away from those cooli forum and came here because they could not stand a muslim.
and ohh talking of Tibet.. lol nothing but a pure self fish lama lama, western and indian propaganda! manipulating violence and blaming the Chinese police, and in fact they turned out to be Nepolians police..
i see the Tibet uprising just like we had in Balochistan where the minorities represented the majority. thanks to "FREE MEDIA" which portrayed the total opposite story!

MR Salim your country is just running just in da name of democracy and one day when real democracy is brought in.. India will be history because the Kasmiris will break away, the Sikh State will break away, Punjab etc etc... lol


The discussion forums are privately owned.

It no way reflects the country.

Do you allow any Tom, Dick and Harry to enter your house? Even the Police requires a warrant to enter your house.

Why are you ranting? Be coherent!

Take a hold over yourself.

Your daydreams do border the realms of a delirium!

If wishes were horses,then beggars would ride!
Ok people time to get on line again. :) Dont make me more hot. :oops:
Arguments apart, I would clearly agree that freedom in a communist state cannot match that of freedom in a democracy.

To be frank, it does not give me a happiness to accuse others for no reason. Though India may not be the best democratic country in the world, owing to its politically corrupt leaders, it is certainly a better democratic country than us.

US is the best democracy when it comes to Internal issues and National interest. But their foreign policies are the worst, and are aimed at benefitting US only, even at the cost of spreading terrorism in so called "allies".

We could have made a good democracy, but the pressure of standing up to India, has driven the country to be dominated by the military. This has lead to dictatorship govts for more than 25 years of our existance. The way Mushraf gagged the media and arrested the judges, it was nothing better than the worst communist regimes of USSR and the present china.

The human rights-freedom to express thoughts-freedom of speech-all come first than anything else, any govt supressing these, it destined to fall some day. Because I belive, there is more power in Peopel than any military in the world.
@ salim

the so called Indian "democracy" the freedom of speech lies all over Indian discussion forums, those think indians wont even let pakistanis sing in.
discussion forums such as indian defence are full of narrow minded low Caste Untouchable... Internet Coolies... i think you also ran away from those cooli forum and came here because they could not stand a muslim.
and ohh talking of Tibet.. lol nothing but a pure self fish lama lama, western and indian propaganda! manipulating violence and blaming the Chinese police, and in fact they turned out to be Nepolians police..
i see the Tibet uprising just like we had in Balochistan where the minorities represented the majority. thanks to "FREE MEDIA" which portrayed the total opposite story!

MR Salim your country is just running just in da name of democracy and one day when real democracy is brought in.. India will be history because the Kasmiris will break away, the Sikh State will break away, Punjab etc etc... lol


WOrds in BOld clearly signifies why they dont allow you .
Arguments apart, I would clearly agree that freedom in a communist state cannot match that of freedom in a democracy.

Right . because communism originates from blind arrogance .their way of equality is to bring down the rich one .

To be frank, it does not give me a happiness to accuse others for no reason. Though India may not be the best democratic country in the world, owing to its politically corrupt leaders, it is certainly a better democratic country than us.

sorry but dear friend corruption is universal .. European and American Senators are as corrupt as Indian .
A system is not judged by its criminals but by its ability to judge criminals .

US is the best democracy when it comes to Internal issues and National interest. But their foreign policies are the worst, and are aimed at benefitting US only, even at the cost of spreading terrorism in so called "allies"..

Yes I agree US is the best democracy . and foreign policy is for the benefit for your own country (not at the cost of others).

We could have made a good democracy, but the pressure of standing up to India, has driven the country to be dominated by the military. This has lead to dictatorship govts for more than 25 years of our existance. The way Mushraf gagged the media and arrested the judges, it was nothing better than the worst communist regimes of USSR and the present china.

and this pressure to stand up to Indians is self created from the mind-set of pakistani society .

The human rights-freedom to express thoughts-freedom of speech-all come first than anything else, any govt supressing these, it destined to fall some day. Because I belive, there is more power in Peopel than any military in the world.

you cant be more right then this ..politics is for society and its ppl .. ppl cant be exploited for the society .

From the Post of various Chineses friends I realised they are trying to Prove that Tibetans are wrong by virtue of being Violent but they forget that , if we take physical violence as the criteria of being wrong then Communist China shall be one of the worst offenders .
In Indian dissensions are allowed.

And there is no One party Monolith controlling the mind and actions.

I am glad that repressive measures as in Tibet is NOT taken against those who protest against the Indian Union.

I am glad that journalists are allowed a free run, even if they publish news that don't falsely make India appear to be a Heaven.

We have our warts and it is indeed excellent that they are exposed so that one can improve!
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