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Media Cheat on Tibet Riot

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Dear Gpit,

Just a confusion , I saw this video in Certain New channel saying that the victim was ethinic Tibetan and he was attacked by Han chinese .I dont know whom to believe
Agree with your view that violence makes human look ugly .. but violence is not just Physical .. it is Physcologial also .. From depriving someone from his religious rights to intimidating a society with brutal force and humiliating a whole society with ridiculing its belief in freedom .

It is your brain that drives to believe that, which is fine, since we all learnt about you subtlety.

Let me repeat: if mobs have the freedom to chop off the head of the innocent (regardless of their ethnic), the innocent won't have the freedom to live.

China is a secular country with freedom to believe and not to believe. Unlike India where Hindu-Muslim violences are routine, just as you well phrased: "From depriving someone from his religious rights to intimidating a society with brutal force and humiliating a whole society with ridiculing its belief in freedom ."
It is your brain that drives to believe that, which is fine, since we all learnt about you subtlety.

Let me repeat: if mobs have the freedom to chop off the head of the innocent (regardless of their ethnic), the innocent won't have the freedom to live.

China is a secular country with freedom to believe and not to believe. Unlike India where Hindu-Muslim violences are routine, just as you well phrased: "From depriving someone from his religious rights to intimidating a society with brutal force and humiliating a whole society with ridiculing its belief in freedom ."

Give us a break!

I live in a communist run state.

If you love China so much, why stay in Pakistan?

What is China doing about the religious issue that are so dear to your heart?

Indeed. control the silly comments that you advice others.

Don't just talk. If Indians like you really want a "Free Tibet", or Should I say "Buffer Zone Tibet", just bring it on with actions, even better with a India-NATO allied force, cuz my life sucks and I could really enjoy THE Annihilation, with a-lot-more-than-you-assume stockpiles of DFs and JLs...

Don't just talk. If Indians like you really want a "Free Tibet", or Should I say "Buffer Zone Tibet", just bring it on with actions, even better with a India-NATO allied force, cuz my life sucks and I could really enjoy THE Annihilation, with a-lot-more-than-you-assume stockpiles of DFs and JLs...

Why should India?

India has accepted that Tibet is an autonomous region of China.

It is for the Chinese, who are so shrouded with piety and correct international behaviour, to show that they care about their minorities, be they in Tibet or Xinjaing.

If not, they should stop preaching to the world with their ''holier than thou'' crap!!

The Tibetan issue has shown how hypocritical the Chinese can be!

If you understood warfare, 1962 cannot be repeated!

Nor can India do a damn!

What is DFs and JLs?
China media is so closed, the world's media have no choice but to show other countries media. The Word FREEDOM is so important, that i believe the chines people will never realize saddly. You can hoot and tout, look it's other people not us, but the 80% of already world know how chine is (Communist) everything is supressed.
Live under a Communist regime you will know what they are all about!

I live in a Communist run state for 25 years.

But thank God that it is still within an overall democracy!!

How 25 years if it was all that bad?

Ask the Communist cadre and their "scientific" rigging!!
Go and google an see what you Communist are up to.

why have you expelled tourists and international journalists if you have nothing to hide?

Can you answer that?

If there was no atrocities by the Chinese, they would have allowed the international journalists to show the truth.

But since the Chinese had to hide the truth, they expelled the journalists as also the tourists!!

A communist propaganda about Tibet for you, Salim. You see, I save you the words...

rnPlAoLeAy8[/media] - 西è—�日記ã€�Tibet Diary】- Episode 6

Even though I am suicidal right now, I still love my motherland, a united multi-ethnic China...

Quit fooling the world!

If the Chinese were that pure as you want to indicate, then they would not have expelled the Journalists and the tourists.

If the Chinese had nothing to hide, these journalists and tourists would have given the true picture of the events.

The fact that the Chinese chucked out the journalists and tourists do indicate that the Chinese don't want the real truth to be exposed.

If the protest was inspired by the Dalai clique, then it could not have moved to the regions beyond Tibet where the Tibetans are in the minority.

If a minority is ready to give his life, then there sure is a cause!!!

So quit trying to fool the people.

We live in a democracy and we are allowed to have our individual rights protected, unlike China!
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I am from Chengdu, very close to the Tibetan area in Sichuan Province, and I have PAP friends right not deployed there. And I can tell as a HUMAN BEING, no atrocities are taking place or under planning, and the overwhelming security presence is to show our determination to the few separatists taking money from Tibetan Youth Congress...

And the very reason western media like BBC/CNN isn't allowed in is the TITLE of this thread...
O wow!!

And quiet flow the Don, right?

Give us a break!
Forget about BBC or CNN.

How many Pakistani journalists are there?

Some coattail "committed to China" Pakistani members in this forum are more loyal than the King and yet their reps are not there?

How come that they too are not invited?

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