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Media Cheat on Tibet Riot

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Because you can't answer for the atrocities by your govt?

Not bullshit, but the truth.

But then as Communists, obviously the truth hurts!!

Trust me.

I live in a Communist run State!

They are total skunks!
I have told you all I know and it seems further argument is meaningless since I am born associated with "evil communist China"...
:guns:you should be suicidal living in communist country.
I have told you all I know and it seems further argument is meaningless since I am born associated with "evil communist China"...

And how does it help in knowing what is happening in Tibet?
I have told you all I know and it seems further argument is meaningless since I am born associated with "evil communist China"...

not really!

And why did you leave the land of milk and honey?

actually it started after I came to Canada for college, FYI.

Was it all that lousy?
Salim, you call china central gov't democratic.
Give me a Break, so you are saying that living in china with communiest rule it is happier to you.
Give me a Break, so you are saying that living in china with communiest rule it is happier to you.

Quite unbelievable according to YOUR OWN value system and preference, isn't it?
you are acting just like all the democrates in american. The goverment will take care of me and everything of my needs. the reason you are suicidal because in free countries you make your own life, with hard work and persistent chasing a goal. But i forget in china everything is decided for you. Where you should live and what work you could have or not. or even what cities to live if your gov't decided to give you that. Freedom means exactly that you have individual rights to be the best you can be, not how good the gov't could be. Smelling the free air makes you sacered that i am alone and what do you i do now. Well if i were you instead looking at china i would stay where you are and maybe you will have a great destiny.
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