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Media Cheat on Tibet Riot

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We could have made a good democracy, but the pressure of standing up to India, has driven the country to be dominated by the military. This has lead to dictatorship govts for more than 25 years of our existance. The way Mushraf gagged the media and arrested the judges, it was nothing better than the worst communist regimes of USSR and the present china.

The human rights-freedom to express thoughts-freedom of speech-all come first than anything else, any govt supressing these, it destined to fall some day. Because I belive, there is more power in Peopel than any military in the world.

I would like to believe that because of Musharraf, Pakistan emerged into the sunshine from the state of being declared a failed state, a rogue state and an international bread basket case!

Today the position that Pakistan enjoys as a bountiful and buoyant nation is all thanks to Musharraf.

Inspite of being a military man, he opened Pakistan to freedom of speech and thought by allowing private media. He allowed this freedom that was absent so far!!

Indeed, he is not perfect. But then, nothing is perfect.

Spare a thought for Musharraf. He did his country well!

As far as the Judges are concerned, his action is as per the Constitution. If you feel it is flawed,then it is not Musharraf's fault.

Gilani is taking over and it is said that he is standing in for Zardari.

If 10% is what you feel is the true path of Pakistan, then one should blame the people and not Musharraf!
The discussion forums are privately owned.

It no way reflects the country.

Do you allow any Tom, Dick and Harry to enter your house? Even the Police requires a warrant to enter your house.

Why are you ranting? Be coherent!

Take a hold over yourself.

Your daydreams do border the realms of a delirium!

If wishes were horses,then beggars would ride!

i will definatly not let any stranger be it "tom dick or harry" in my house. even though what you are saying does not fit in the picture.
i was juneraly talking about indian forums, be it defence gupshup or even cricket, it always end up in a flame war. so where is democracy, freedom of speech for the Kasmiris? do you just know how many people are being slaughtered every day just because they whish not to live with india?
and ohhh yaa.. just to let you know. india has been supporting communist country ever since Cold war till today..
Do you think forums reflect a nation?

If so, you are taking nations to be rather erratic and at times juvenile!

As far as Kashmir is concerned, be thankful that it is democracy called India that has some credence and openess.

Had it been China, it would have have been crushed underfoot as in Tibet with no international press in attendance.

Likewise with Pakistan. Because it is a democracy, one knows what is happening/ happened in NWFP, FATA or Balochistan. Again, if it has been China, none would be wiser and Pashtuns would have vanished from the face of the earth, even if they were not with the Taliban or AQ!

Than heavens for the system called democracy.

It is not a great system, but it is not as horrid as a totalitarian one party behemoth controlling one's life and death through the diktat of the Party!!

Communism converts men into cattle and they are herded as would one herd buffaloes taking them out at dawn to the pasture under supervision and then herding them back at dusk!!
I would like to believe that because of Musharraf, Pakistan emerged into the sunshine from the state of being declared a failed state, a rogue state and an international bread basket case!

Today the position that Pakistan enjoys as a bountiful and buoyant nation is all thanks to Musharraf.

Inspite of being a military man, he opened Pakistan to freedom of speech and thought by allowing private media. He allowed this freedom that was absent so far!!

Indeed, he is not perfect. But then, nothing is perfect.

Spare a thought for Musharraf. He did his country well!

As far as the Judges are concerned, his action is as per the Constitution. If you feel it is flawed,then it is not Musharraf's fault.

Gilani is taking over and it is said that he is standing in for Zardari.

If 10% is what you feel is the true path of Pakistan, then one should blame the people and not Musharraf!

Thank Mushraf my foot. I wonder why you say this.
It was his misadventure in Kargil, without the consent of the Govt, that gave a terrorist angle to the Kashmir struggle. If Pakistan is viewed as a terrorist state, I would say its his misadventures. We all know, that AQ was a brain child of US, to fight the soviets. It took years to create it, and its not going to vanish so easily. We have misused our own people to fight the soviets, and when the job is done, we leave them, even worse, call them terrorists and kill them in the name of US led war on terror. Getting economic assistance for western countries is okay, but strategic interests should not be compramised for short term economic interests.

As long as Pak army unwillingly fights the self made Taliban, India has the most to gain. India is also gradually growing its influence in the Afganistan govt.
Do you think forums reflect a nation?

As far as Kashmir is concerned, be thankful that it is democracy called India that has some credence and openess.

Had it been China, it would have have been crushed underfoot as in Tibet with no international press in attendance.


1. yes.. it refelcts the nation's community.

2. credence and openess.??? even palistenians have more freedom and wrights then even your own people in kasmir.. :hitwall:.. atlest 50 thound inocent muslims have been killed by indian superasive forces.

3. just tell me what wrights the tibet's people dont have?
as i said again! its only dala lama's conspircy to disrupt peace where in few months China is to hold Olympics.

Is it your principle to run away from reality? I rather face reality and do what I can rather than flee!

Further, unlike China, India is a democratic country where there are elections and where there are many political parties. Therefore, the situation is not the same all the time. Are you suggesting that one keeps changing States just to keep pace with the election results?

A very astounding logic!!

Why then do you imply I should move to China in the first place?! Absurd , indeed.

What mentality?

Mentality of myopic bigotry, to say the least. Proof? You love to label any dissident with a different opinion either as "commie" or "stay in Pakistan". :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Be a grown-up!:taz:

The facts are there for all to see!

Thank Mushraf my foot. I wonder why you say this.
It was his misadventure in Kargil, without the consent of the Govt, that gave a terrorist angle to the Kashmir struggle. If Pakistan is viewed as a terrorist state, I would say its his misadventures. We all know, that AQ was a brain child of US, to fight the soviets. It took years to create it, and its not going to vanish so easily. We have misused our own people to fight the soviets, and when the job is done, we leave them, even worse, call them terrorists and kill them in the name of US led war on terror. Getting economic assistance for western countries is okay, but strategic interests should not be compramised for short term economic interests.

As long as Pak army unwillingly fights the self made Taliban, India has the most to gain. India is also gradually growing its influence in the Afghanistan govt.

you are probably one of those in name of democracy Bhutto's dynasty lover! you need to go on to reality bases rather assume out of your think brain.
did you know that the Soviets were after "oil" in middle east! since Afghanistan was a land locked country they were hading for Pakistan next! thats why the USA supplyed us with latest radar, jets, missiles, etc and with a shadow of dough that Pakistan had to fight this war with its own interests!
In early 80s Afghanistan's reble force were taking heavy amount of casualty and it was about time for us and the US to help them. this is where the CIA and ISI got together and decided to create rebel force "mujahidins" to fight the Soviet intrusion! Thanks to Pakistan government that they took Afghanistan’s burden and gave them refuge in pakistan and eventually saving millions of lives.
the mujahidins were trained by the pakistan army with assistant of the US.
in some must win battles, pakistan army SSG played a very crucial roll of capturing Soviets posts. though they were dressed up like mujahidins and fought with them.
so at the end of the day.. if we did not defeated the Soviets we were have been next!! so get this in your mind!

as for talking of Musharraf.. your BB was about to sell pakistan to America! hand over AQ khan, let US use our soil in that illegal war in IRAQ and hand over our NUKES!
just look how much damege the US has caused us and just think how much we would have suffered if we were not their side!
Indeed it does!!

You are right. It is only a State controlled media that alone tells the truth!! And that too in a one party country that does not allow any independent media within their country.

Pakistan has independent newspapers and they give views from all point of the political spectrum. Was it the same when there was only the State controlled media?

Think it over.

At least the West has the courage to have a myriad of newspapers and electronic media.

China does not allow that luxury.

I would rather have freedom of thought and speech than be a robot!!

Admittedly China is less free, also admittedly many constraints serve good purposes as reflected by tones of facts, such as UN HDI.

Any people with healthy brain will believe 1) media are more than one or a few forms; 2) understanding of medium contents needs literacy.
3) Media need material support.

What's the use of free media if illiterates are abundant?

What's the use of free media if majority of the people can't afford to purchase.

What's the use of free media if the media can't reach out to many?

You are welcome to step out of your cave and to view Chinese internet media. You are welcome to to step out of your cave to criticize Chinese government through their official wetsites.
The discussion forums are privately owned.

It no way reflects the country.

Do you allow any Tom, Dick and Harry to enter your house? Even the Police requires a warrant to enter your house.

Why are you ranting? Be coherent!

Take a hold over yourself.

Your daydreams do border the realms of a delirium!

If wishes were horses,then beggars would ride!

What a joke!

How a country can be democratic without its constituents being democratic?

How can a publicly published site providing means for public debate be viewed as a private house?

That is why the pure land Hitler dreamed to create collapsed.

That is why this website is booming and the other stagnant.
India is a Democracy and not a totalitarian regime that controls the mind and action!!

Facts show that India is mostly controlled by Brahmins. In a totalistic way, they control the lower caste's brain and action through religion, etc.

This is precisely what Marx meant "Religion as Opium of the People".

According to Marx, religion is an expression of material realities and economic injustice. Thus, problems in religion are ultimately problems in society. Religion is not the disease, but merely a symptom. It is used by oppressors to make people feel better about the distress they experience due to being poor and exploited.

While religion in many other societies stimulates freedom and creativity, it is probably more opposite in your democratic country.
you are acting just like all the democrates in american. The goverment will take care of me and everything of my needs. the reason you are suicidal because in free countries you make your own life, with hard work and persistent chasing a goal. But i forget in china everything is decided for you. Where you should live and what work you could have or not. or even what cities to live if your gov't decided to give you that. Freedom means exactly that you have individual rights to be the best you can be, not how good the gov't could be. Smelling the free air makes you sacered that i am alone and what do you i do now. Well if i were you instead looking at china i would stay where you are and maybe you will have a great destiny.

SPI, will you disclose it to my communist govt if I tell you my story?

born in Beijing,grew up in Xinjiang,college in Jiangxi,MA and first job in Beijing, following 5 years in shanghai and chengdu for better job offers,then back to beijing, and now settled down in guangzhou.

remarks: disclosing my moves you may have to report all the Chinese countrymen who flow to big cities and live there as workers, among whom there are 8 mln in guangdong province.

heard of Shenzhen (neighboring Hong Kong)? it's nothing less than a city of immigrants.

you're talking about what China was ,say, 10 years ago, and that's not too bad, I saw worse when they put it one hundred years back.
Do you think forums reflect a nation?

As far as Kashmir is concerned, be thankful that it is democracy called India that has some credence and openess.

Had it been China, it would have have been crushed underfoot as in Tibet with no international press in attendance.


1. yes.. it refelcts the nation's community.

2. credence and openess.??? even palistenians have more freedom and wrights then even your own people in kasmir.. :hitwall:.. atlest 50 thound inocent muslims have been killed by indian superasive forces.

3. just tell me what wrights the tibet's people dont have?
as i said again! its only dala lama's conspircy to disrupt peace where in few months China is to hold Olympics.


You have no clue!

The fact that you know of what is happening in Kashmir, in NWFP etc is an adequate indicator that a democracy is a better system of governance and freedom with all its warts, rather than a totalitarian Communist regime with the lid on on truth and fooling its population through down right brainwashing!!

A democratic govt is responsible to its people. If they do anything wrong, they will be shown the door the next time around.

Seen what has happened to the PML -Q? Or the Indian NDA?

Will the commies like your govt ever be shown to the exit, even if the people want it? They will ensure that such people are killed who oppose them as will the Tibetans be killed who opposed them!

Give us a break.

Freedom of thought is too high a dose of oxygen for you to bear!!
Facts show that India is mostly controlled by Brahmins. In a totalistic way, they control the lower caste's brain and action through religion, etc.

This is precisely what Marx meant "Religion as Opium of the People".

According to Marx, religion is an expression of material realities and economic injustice. Thus, problems in religion are ultimately problems in society. Religion is not the disease, but merely a symptom. It is used by oppressors to make people feel better about the distress they experience due to being poor and exploited.

While religion in many other societies stimulates freedom and creativity, it is probably more opposite in your democratic country.

Quit your bogus stereotype crap.

Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Sing are no Brahmins!!

And Mayawati and Laloo are no Brahmins either!

Don't crank in the irrelevant to justify your phobias and fear of India.

If religion is the opium of the people, then why are you so keen on having an Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Just have a Republic. Why have the Sharia?

Quit this line of discussion since much can be said and I am sure that would not be desirable.

Justify your point with facts and don't bring religion of India and Pakistan in it. It is about Tibet and so keep to the subject.
SPI, will you disclose it to my communist govt if I tell you my story?

born in Beijing,grew up in Xinjiang,college in Jiangxi,MA and first job in Beijing, following 5 years in shanghai and chengdu for better job offers,then back to beijing, and now settled down in guangzhou.

remarks: disclosing my moves you may have to report all the Chinese countrymen who flow to big cities and live there as workers, among whom there are 8 mln in guangdong province.

heard of Shenzhen (neighboring Hong Kong)? it's nothing less than a city of immigrants.

you're talking about what China was ,say, 10 years ago, and that's not too bad, I saw worse when they put it one hundred years back.

Why did you go to Xinjiang?

Nothing available near where you were born or was it a part of Hanisation?
Haha all the US and western Media are just blatant LIARS.

They did the same thing in 9/11 to Unleash a war that intended.

1)To occupy resources.
2)establish one world order.
3)Protect Israel.

And even now ALQAEDA and TERROR THREATS are nothin but a heap of broken Lies.Even BIN LADIN's tape were fake.


The Fake 2001 Osama bin Laden Video Tape

They also sensored BENAZIR BHUTTO's statement that Bin Ladin is dead.BBC sensored it.

UnychOXj9Tg[/media] - Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden Murdered

Englands Freedome, Souldiers Rights: December 2007

Lockheed Martin « noworldsystem.com
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