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Media Cheat on Tibet Riot

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The Truth About Tibet

Monk protest scuppers controlled media tour of Tibet - Times Online

Monk protest scuppers controlled media tour of Tibet

(Andy Wong/AP)
These monks from the main temple in Lhasa ambushed the official tour of journalists to protest against Chinese rule
Jane Macartney in Beijing
Tibetan monks staged a daring protest against Chinese rule, disrupting an official government tour for foreign journalists with screams that the Dalai Lama was not to blame for violence and demands for religious freedom.

The astonishing outburst by about 30 monks came as the first group of journalists to visit Lhasa since the violent March 14 riot was being shown around the Jokhang temple, the holiest shrine in the Tibetan canon.

An Associated Press reporter, Charles Hutzler, described one young Buddhist monk who yelled “Tibet is not free! Tibet is not free!” and then burst into tears.

He described how the monks had rushed over to stop the reporters from being taken into an inner sanctum of the temple, saying they were upset that a government administrator was telling the journalists that Tibet had been part of China for centuries.

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About 30 monks, speaking first in Tibetan and then in Mandarin Chinese so that the reporters could understand them, said they knew that they almost certainly faced arrest for their action but that they were willing to take the risk.

One monk said: “They want us to crush the Dalai Lama and that is not right.”

China has renewed its vilification campaign of Tibet’s exiled temporal leader, accusing him of orchestrating the riot when hundreds of Tibetans rampaged through the streets of Lhasa in a frenzy of ethnic violence, stabbing and beating ethnic Han Chinese and setting fire to Chinese shops and offices.

China says 22 people died, while Tibetan exiles say the violence, plus a harsh crackdown afterwards, have left nearly 140 people dead.

Another monk in the Jokhang said: “This had nothing to do with the Dalai Lama.” Government handlers shouted to the journalists to leave and tried to pull them away during the protest, the Associated Press journalist reported.

The monks said troops who had been guarding the temple since the riot had been removed the night before the reporters’ visit. One monk said they were upset that some of the people brought to worship at the temple were not true believers but were Communist Party members.

The outburst of anger at the Jokhang temple is particularly unusual since the 120 or so monks who live there are among the most carefully watched and best cared-for of any Tibetan religious institution.

The monks at the Jokhang, the focus of every Tibetan pilgrim, are believed to be the only ones in Tibet who receive a government stipend. In addition, their income is supplemented by the huge donations received from the numerous pilgrims who pour into the temple each day, coming from all Tibetan regions.

One Tibetan resident told The Times he happened to enter the temple just before the protest. The resident, who declined to be identified for fear of retribution, said he had noticed that the armed security forces guarding the temple had disappeared this morning.

He saw several people burning incense at two sacred altars outside the temple and, recognising them as plainclothes police, asked if he could enter the temple. One said to him: “Go in, go in quickly. It’s open now.”

He made his way into the temple with a group of nomad pilgrims from the Amdo region of Tibet to pay ritual morning obeisances at the temple’s many altars.

He said he had been astonished to see one monk shouting and then weeping in front of a group of foreigners. “I never expected that the Jokhang temple would have so many brave monks.”

The reputation of the monks who serve in the Jokhang is not high in Lhasa, many of whose residents regard them as government employees who want a good salary.

The worshipper said that as soon as the monks began shouting he was ordered to leave the temple. Temple officials said to him “The temple is closed now. Now more worship. Please leave.”

China rarely allows foreign reporters into Tibet under normal circumstances, so the media tour that began yesterday was meant to underscore the communist leadership's determination to contain any damage ahead of the Beijing Olympics in August are intended to celebrate China as a modern, rising power.

The official Xinhua News Agency reported on the action by the monks, but did not say what the monks yelled out. It said: “The media tour soon resumed.”

The rioting and four days of protests that preceded it were the worst anti-Chinese demonstrations in Lhasa in nearly two decades and they sparked protests in Tibetan areas across a vast portion of western China.
Monks in tears cry out against lies while Beijing instructs foreign journalists
TIBET - CHINA Monks in tears cry out against lies while Beijing instructs foreign journalists - Asia News

Monks in tears cry out against lies while Beijing instructs foreign journalists
A group of Buddhist monks disrupted a meeting between press and government representatives crying out against the lack of religious freedom in Tibet. The journalist’s trip, the first since recent clashes, was organised by Beijing to show that order rules in Lhasa.

Lhasa (AsiaNews) – A group of Buddhist monks blocked a tour of 26 foreign journalists in Lhasa, led by the Chinese government, crying out that there is no freedom in Tibet and that the Dalai Lama is not responsible for the recent violence there. Some of them after having cried “Tibet is not free! Tibet is not free!”, broke down in tears.

The surprise encounter occurred this morning while the group of journalists visited the Jokhang Temple. The monks interrupted the temples’ chief administrators address. Government representatives tried to drag the journalists away. Some of them however, succeeded in exchanging a few words with the demonstrators.

The visit by the group of 26 was organised by the government in their efforts to show that order has returned to Lhasa, in the aftermath of violence which erupted on March 14th, when monks and Tibetans clashed with police and the Chinese army.

The tour of the foreign press is the first since the revolt, organised and orchestrated to reinforce the official line on the clashes: that the Dalai Lama is responsible for the unrest that the victims were only Chinese, and that China is working to develop the region.

This morning the group of journalists – who were “advised” not to move about alone for security reasons – visited a clinic which was attacked during the violence as well as a burned shop, where 5 Chinese girls lost their lives. In precedence the journalists were permitted to watch film footage of the violence attributed to the protesters (see. photo).

Beijing maintains that 22 people died in the clashes. The Tibetan government in exile affirms that at least 140 people were killed.

The monks succeeded in speaking to journalists using the mandarin language. Some of them said that they wanted to run the risk of the serious consequences of their actions, for love of truth. “Do not believe them – a monk told a journalist from Usa Today – they are deceiving you, they are telling you lies!”.
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German news television regrets error in covering Tibet riots


"We have accidentally created the impression that it is a scene of the unrest in Tibet with Chinese security forces involved. We regret this error," the statement added.


It is very interesting for everyone with independent brain to think why there are so many simultaneous "accidental" lies from Western Media...

It reminds us of the "Reichstag fire" and Adolf Hitler, a hard-core anti-communist of democratic Germany.
It is very interesting for everyone with independent brain to think why there are so many unanimous "accidental" lies from Western Media...

It reminds us of the "Reichstag fire" and Adolf Hitler, an hard-core anti-communist of democratic Germany.

Oh Yaaa there is a conspiracy to discredit China .. The peaceful, generous Country , and The Country with independent free media .
OMG! pakdef MOD..... we feel regret for free media in pakistan and yet we let these internet coolies indians freely open thier ****** mouth aganist our Chinese brothers?

if you coolies wanna fight communist then go fight Russia!
OMG! pakdef MOD..... we feel regret for free media in pakistan and yet we let these internet coolies indians freely open thier ****** mouth aganist our Chinese brothers?

if you coolies wanna fight communist then go fight Russia!

Coolies, is it?

Please understand that one could have replied you with equal lowdown and guttersnipe language, but my breeding prevents using such language.

Today, some foreign journalists were taken on a conduct tour in Tibet to showcase how the protests had been controlled.

Inspite of Chinese minders, the Tibetans protested about the Chinese conspiracy against the Tibetans.

If you are also blanked out from the news, then it is your problem.

Do desist from being abusive under the feeling that this being a Pakistani origin forum, you are immune and you can be low down and crude in your language!

Indeed, you should be lessoned since this forum has come of age!

There are many Administrators and Moderators who care about the standards they have, with great difficulties, achieved.
^^Heaven’s sake, listen to the lad. He is not arguing with you. He is just referring to an article and by any chance if you have read the article than address it (by all means) but don’t discourage or intimidate fellow members, with your usuall rebellious persistence.
There is nothing to deny.

Check the news on the conducted tour of selected foreign journalists with Chinese minders.

That should be truth enough!

I dont know what's the problem with you and now I'm selecting foreign journalist. :rofl:

but, to make your routine assertion less untenable, I selected several foreign tourists.:azn:

dont you think it's more likely that they selected Tibet because they are just individual and non politics-related tourists?

I would like to quote every journalist who holds the mirror up to them.
I dont know what's the problem with you and now I'm selecting foreign journalist. :rofl:

but, to make your routine assertion less untenable, I selected several foreign tourists.:azn:

dont you think it's more likely that they selected Tibet because they are just individual and non politics-related tourists?

I would like to quote every journalist who holds the mirror up to them.

What are you talking about?

What journalist and what mirror?

The Chinese govt selected the journalists and they had minders i.e. govt officials to go with them and yet there were protest that they saw and burnt out houses in the Tibetan sector of Lhasa!
I dont know what's the problem with you and now I'm selecting foreign journalist. :rofl:

but, to make your routine assertion less untenable, I selected several foreign tourists.:azn:

dont you think it's more likely that they selected Tibet because they are just individual and non politics-related tourists?

I would like to quote every journalist who holds the mirror up to them.

what are you talking about?:crazy:
OMG! pakdef MOD..... we feel regret for free media in pakistan and yet we let these internet coolies indians freely open thier ****** mouth aganist our Chinese brothers?

if you coolies wanna fight communist then go fight Russia!

cool down brother. and by the way russia ended it's coimmunism in 80's just to let you know.:cheesy:
^^Heaven’s sake, listen to the lad. He is not arguing with you. He is just referring to an article and by any chance if you have read the article than address it (by all means) but don’t discourage or intimidate fellow members, with your usuall rebellious persistence.

Listen to which lad?

Lots are at it.

If I call you a coolie because I have nothing to refute the truth that you post, would you accept it?

I agree this is a Pakistan origin forum, but does it give Pakistanis to act like guttersnipes?

It does not behove a Pakistani gentleman! And there is no dearth of gentlemen in Pakistan!

Or are you suggesting there is none?
Coolies, is it?

Please understand that one could have replied you with equal lowdown and guttersnipe language, but my breeding prevents using such language.

please understand that one can be Easily banned if a word is spoken upon!
go to defenceindia where you have bunch of spoiled breeded coolies attacking with "guttersnipe" language! one can really be lol to death at defenceindiaforum member's anyalis in military threads..
by chance do open LCA thread and read along what they have to say... lol they only match it with no less then 5th generation fighter jets! :flame:

but you will have the freedom of :pdf:where our breeding prevents using such language!
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