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Media Cheat on Tibet Riot

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amazing the indians showing sympathy for the bhudists.
we all kmow that that religion was born in india but was persicuted by the hindus and the bhudists were killed or expelled from india and so flourish in china, lanka se asia.

maybe clever salim can tell us history.

That is a new history of which I know nothing.

Associated Press

China Blankets Tibetan Areas With Troops

By GREG BAKER 03.21.08, 3:44 AM ET


Thousands of troops converged on foot, trucks and helicopters in Tibetan areas of western China on Friday as the government stepped up its hunt for protesters in last week's anti-government riots in Tibet's capital.

The violence in Lhasa - a stunning show of defiance against 57 years of Chinese rule - has sparked sympathy demonstrations in neighboring provinces, prompting Beijing to blanket a huge area with troops and warn tourists and foreign journalists to stay away.

China's communist leadership, embarrassed by the chaos and international criticism of its response, has blamed the unrest on the Dalai Lama and his supporters and vigorously defended its reputation as a suitable host for the Beijing Olympics.

On Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with the Dalai Lama in India and called on the world to denounce China's crackdown in Tibet.

Photos of 21 men wanted in connection with the Lhasa riots were posted on major Chinese Internet sites.

A resident in Qinghai province said about 300 troops were in the town of Zeku after monks protested Thursday outside the county government office. The woman, who did not want to give her name for fear authorities would harass her, said she did not dare leave her home and could not provide details of the demonstration.

Telephones at Zeku's government and public security bureau rang unanswered.

In the largely Tibetan town of Zhongdian, in the far north of Yunnan province, some 30 armed police with batons marched in the main square as residents went about their daily life. Overnight, another two dozen trucks of riot police had arrived, adding to a presence of about 400 troops.

Patrols had also been set up in other nearby towns, including the tourist attraction of Tiger Leaping Gorge.

In Xiahe, a city in Gansu province where there were two days of protests last week, the 50-room Xilin Hotel was "completely occupied by police with guns and batons," said a man who answered the telephone and did not want to give his name.

"No tourists are allowed here and we do not feel safe going outside," the man said. He said things had calmed down but vehicles had been patrolling the streets asking Tibetans who had participated in last week's demonstrations to turn themselves in.

Residents in Ganzi county in Sichuan province said they saw troops, trucks and helicopters on patrol.

The massive mobilization of riot police was helping authorities reassert control after the broadest, most sustained protests by Tibetans against Chinese rule in decades. Demonstrations had flared across Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces in support of protests that were started in Lhasa.

Led by Buddhist monks, protests began peacefully early last week but erupted into rioting on March 14, drawing a harsh response from Chinese authorities.

Numbers for injuries and death tolls have been varied and hard to confirm because China keeps a tight control over information. Tibetan exile groups say 99 people were killed - 80 in Lhasa and 19 in Gansu - while Beijing maintains that 16 died and more than 300 were injured in Lhasa.

The official Xinhua News Agency said Thursday that police shot and wounded four rioters "in self defense" during violent protests on Sunday in Aba County in Sichuan. It is the first time the government has acknowledged shooting any protesters.

The crackdown drew worldwide attention to China's human rights record, threatening to overshadow Beijing's attempts to project an image of unity and prosperity in the lead-up to the Aug. 8-24 Olympics.

Pelosi, one of the fiercest Congressional critics of China, called on the international community to denounce Beijing's rule in Tibet and its handling of the anti-government protests.

"If freedom-loving people throughout the world do not speak out against China and the Chinese in Tibet, we have lost all moral authority to speak out on human rights," Pelosi said before a crowd of thousands of cheering Tibetans in Dharmsala, the seat of the Dalai Lama's government-in-exile.

Pelosi, heading a Congressional delegation, was greeted warmly by the Dalai Lama, who draped a gold scarf around her neck.

On Thursday, the White House said President Bush will still attend the Games but Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged restraint when she spoke to Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.

Xinhua said Yang blamed the Lhasa riots on the Dalai Lama's supporters.

"They attempted to exert pressure on the Chinese government, disturb the 2008 Beijing Olympics and sabotage China's social stability and harmony," it cited Yang as saying.

In Lhasa on Friday, residents said police were still patrolling the streets and people were free to go where they want as long as they had identity cards.

An employee of the local Coca-Cola (nyse: KO - news - people ) distributor said the business was still closed. "Nobody dares to go out," said the man who didn't give his name for fear of retribution.

A woman who answered the telephone at the Religious Affairs Bureau said the Sera and Drepung monasteries, whose monks launched the initial protests, were still closed. The Jokhang temple, Tibet's most sacred shrine and the heart of Lhasa's old city, was also shuttered, she said.

Late Thursday, state broadcaster China Central Television aired a 15-minute program showing how Tibetan rioters rampaged through Lhasa last week but none of the ensuing police crackdown.

Video from security cameras showed burned shops, wounded Chinese and a knife-wielding Tibetan standing atop a police car. Buddhist monks were shown throwing sticks and other debris at riot police in a scuffle on March 10, in an attempt to portray the protests as having been started by monks.

The photos of the 21 men posted on the Internet appeared to be taken from videos and cameras and were shown under the heading of "Lhasa Public Security Bureau's Wanted List of Criminal Suspects for Beating, Smashing, Looting and Burning."

The images included a man with a mustache who has been shown on news programs slashing at another man with a foot-long blade. Another suspect wielded what appeared to be a long sword.

One of the suspects has already been apprehended and another turned himself in, the government's China News Agency reported without giving any details. Their photos were later taken down.

Authorities were offering rewards and guaranteed the anonymity of tipsters.

The Lhasa Public Security Bureau refused to comment on the photos.

China Blankets Tibetan Areas With Troops - Forbes.com

It is not surprising that the Chinese TV shows a one sided story!!
Tibetan Protest Videos That made China Ban YouTube

Is switching off the Internet for 1.3 billion people the ultimate demonstration of power since the Atomic Age? The Chinese government has blocked YouTube across the country since this weekend. The censorship campaign is blocking reporters (both foreign and domestic) from covering the story and blocking Chinese residents from hearing about it, apparently trying to kill the story at both ends. Below are the videos that allegedly made the government ban YouTube........
Censored: The Tibetan Protest Videos That Made China Ban YouTube

If indeed the international media lies and the Chinese State sponsored media is the truth, then why be afraid and ban YouTube?

There are videos in this link.
Brute force on both sides.

So, there is hardly any reason for the holier than thou pontifications!
Some biased person won't hesitate call this a lie: something that you will never see on CNN or BBC.

After watching this, please everybody put your hand on your heart and ask: how can an ordinary human being be degraded like that?

JZLzKBvvGMg[/media] - Tibet Riot, you won't see this on CNN and BBC

Very peaceful, indeed.

Dear Gpit,

Just a confusion , I saw this video in Certain New channel saying that the victim was ethinic Tibetan and he was attacked by Han chinese .I dont know whom to believe
Agree with your view that violence makes human look ugly .. but violence is not just Physical .. it is Physcologial also .. From depriving someone from his religious rights to intimidating a society with brutal force and humiliating a whole society with ridiculing its belief in freedom .
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Biased mentalities can never tell any truth, nor can they accept any truth that is going aginst their favor.

a decent example is the quote by Salim, as below

Associated Press

China Blankets Tibetan Areas With Troops

By GREG BAKER 03.21.08, 3:44 AM ET


Thousands of troops converged on foot, trucks and helicopters in Tibetan areas of western China on Friday as the government stepped up its hunt for protesters in last week's anti-government riots in Tibet's capital.

As a province on the plateau, Tibet covers 1.22 mln sq.km, 12.5% of China, while the areas settling tibetans are totally twice bigger than Tibetan province, and that's nearly 1/4 of China!

knowing above, how do you think about the image of "China blankets Tibetan areas with only thousands of troops" in stead of thousands of supermen, batmen? isn't it ridiculous?

but ignoring above, you make a vivid description of "Chinese heavy hand over Tibetan areas". nice job!

you may not agree but I think this report, like many others, is based on an obsession that Tibet is an independent country out of China.

The violence in Lhasa - a stunning show of defiance against 57 years of Chinese rule - has sparked sympathy demonstrations in neighboring provinces, prompting Beijing to blanket a huge area with troops and warn tourists and foreign journalists to stay away.

I do believe that China is warning foreigners to stay away,in time of unrest or riot, or accurately
, away from the riot.

as for the violence, who's been stirring it up, and who's been carrying it out? not mentioned.

the Chinese sovereignty of Tibet is known as a centuried fact. if you have to find an example of short period, india's rule over former Sikkim would be the best, only 33 years. I have no problem on it but there was indeed different voice from its former potentates.

defiance, this term is usually used to indicate an act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention, hereby it throws out a routine sympathy on Tibetans no matter what they do, even killing,setting fires,robbing banks,destroying hosptials and schools "for freedom".

To know about Tibet, please check Michael Parenti for his article: Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth

now the "sympathy demonstrations"

"To me it was like it was planned" ,said John Kenwood, a 19-year-old Canadian tourist in Tibet.
Tibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists - Telegraph

As the starting thread is about Western media cheating, thanks Salim for your contribution.
Biased mentalities can never tell any truth, nor can they accept any truth that is going aginst their favor.

a decent example is the quote by Salim, as below

As a province on the plateau, Tibet covers 1.22 mln sq.km, 12.5% of China, while the areas settling tibetans are totally twice bigger than Tibetan province, and that's nearly 1/4 of China!

knowing above, how do you think about the image of "China blankets Tibetan areas with only thousands of troops" in stead of thousands of supermen, batmen? isn't it ridiculous?

but ignoring above, you make a vivid description of "Chinese heavy hand over Tibetan areas". nice job!

you may not agree but I think this report, like many others, is based on an obsession that Tibet is an independent country out of China.

I do believe that China is warning foreigners to stay away,in time of unrest or riot, or accurately
, away from the riot.

as for the violence, who's been stirring it up, and who's been carrying it out? not mentioned.

the Chinese sovereignty of Tibet is known as a centuried fact. if you have to find an example of short period, india's rule over former Sikkim would be the best, only 33 years. I have no problem on it but there was indeed different voice from its former potentates.

defiance, this term is usually used to indicate an act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention, hereby it throws out a routine sympathy on Tibetans no matter what they do, even killing,setting fires,robbing banks,destroying hosptials and schools "for freedom".

To know about Tibet, please check Michael Parenti for his article: Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth

now the "sympathy demonstrations"

"To me it was like it was planned" ,said John Kenwood, a 19-year-old Canadian tourist in Tibet.
Tibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists - Telegraph

As the starting thread is about Western media cheating, thanks Salim for your contribution.


As far as I am concerned, the Tibetan Autonomous Region is in China.

My comments are confined to the riots.

There is no doubt that the Tibetans have gone overboard, but to give the impression that the Chinese authorities are as meek as pus-sy cats is another canard.

To state that the international media are all liars is yet another canard.

Indeed, if China was doing everything peaceable, there was no reason to expel tourist and more importantly, journalists. If one has nothing to hide, why throw all out?

The atrocities that China can perpetuate to ensure its Communist will over all Chinese people requires no elaboration. The Cultural Revolution or the Tienammen Square requires no elaboration.

It does not mean that the Hans are bloodthirsty people. In fact, I have adequate interaction with them at home as also abroad to know that they are fine people.

The issue is that in Tibet there is an economic disparity as in Xingjiang where the Hans, being more enterprising and industrious, have cornered the economy of these areas. This creates discontent. As it does to Hans in Central China compare to the East Coast.

That is what sparks the crisis. Religion, cultural dilutions are mere props to legitimise the crisis.

As far as Sikkim, have you a heard of a problem like in Tibet?

Unlike in Tibet where Hans are encouraged to settle and take over the economy, in Sikkim, Indians cannot even buy land or settle!

Do the same in Tibet and Xinjiang and take the Hans away and there will be no problem!
As Chinese, more so as Communists as my own State is, statistics is your bread and butter.

You chaps like my own State govt does try to baffle with statistics and figures.

Statistics, is said to be like a bikini. It reveals all - except the essential!!

Tibet indeed has a huge area, but what is the density of population?
Dear Gpit,

Just a confusion , I saw this video in Certain New channel saying that the victim was ethinic Tibetan and he was attacked by Han chinese .I dont know whom to believe
Agree with your view that violence makes human look ugly .. but violence is not just Physical .. it is Physcologial also .. From depriving someone from his religious rights to intimidating a society with brutal force and humiliating a whole society with ridiculing its belief in freedom .

well, actually we can sum up what we've read and viewed on Tibet riot by now.

1. there are reports,pics,videos saying that Tibetan mobs were attacking han and Hui chinese, I wonder if there's any report saying the contrary.

2. I don't think the local adminstration in Tibet are doing perfect jobs, actually there may also be misconduct by local officers like everywhere in China. nevertheless, as for depriving ones religious rights,

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the Chinese government is not antireligious. Its stated worry is social “harmony” — the political dimension of religion. In order to curb the excess of social disintegration caused by the capitalist explosion, officials now celebrate religions that sustain social stability, from Buddhism to Confucianism — the very ideologies that were the target of the Cultural Revolution. Last year, Ye Xiaowen, China’s top religious official, told Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency, that “religion is one of the important forces from which China draws strength,” and he singled out Buddhism for its “unique role in promoting a harmonious society.”

the media image of brutal Chinese soldiers terrorizing Buddhist monks conceals a much more effective American-style socioeconomic transformation: in a decade or two, Tibetans will be reduced to the status of the Native Americans in the United States. Beijing finally learned the lesson: what is the oppressive power of secret police forces, camps and Red Guards destroying ancient monuments compared to the power of unbridled capitalism to undermine all traditional social relations?

it's an interesting article on New york time, by SLAVOJ ZIZEK
Do the same in Tibet and Xinjiang and take the Hans away and there will be no problem![/B]

I think things are clear,in Tibet,Hans and musilims can't buy land,they only do bussiness there,only in city,Tibetans will be the majority of this region forever
But in Xinjiang,you know,most Uyghurs are in south Xinjiang,North Xinjiang is near empty,in South Xinjiang,of cource,Uyghurs are majority.North Xinjiang is not Uyghur's
well, actually we can sum up what we've read and viewed on Tibet riot by now.

1. there are reports,pics,videos saying that Tibetan mobs were attacking han and Hui chinese, I wonder if there's any report saying the contrary.

Please see the videos put up by the Tibetans also.

2. I don't think the local adminstration in Tibet are doing perfect jobs, actually there may also be misconduct by local officers like everywhere in China. nevertheless, as for depriving ones religious rights,

I think they are doing as directed by Beijing. It will be the day when the Administrators can think on their own. Remember the high ranking person who was condemned to the gallows?

it's an interesting article on New york time, by SLAVOJ ZIZEK

Nothing is the truth,. They all serve their masters!
I think things are clear,in Tibet,Hans and musilims can't buy land,they only do bussiness there,only in city,Tibetans will be the majority of this region forever
But in Xinjiang,you know,most Uyghurs are in south Xinjiang,North Xinjiang is near empty,in South Xinjiang,of cource,Uyghurs are majority.North Xinjiang is not Uyghur's

You think so?

The place they do business belongs to the Tibetans or Uighurs?

Do show with links so that I am educated.

In Urumchi, the Hans are the majority and not the Uighurs!
"It's not just YouTube that's blocked in China. After the unrest in Tibet, at least 25 video sharing sites have been shut down and others have been penalized. While the Chinese government is not admitting that violence in Tibet had anything to do with it, they do have a sudden interest in strictly enforcing licensing restrictions that require video sharing websites to register with the government. Among other things, Chinese video sharing sites must promise not to show videos that inspire fear, contain pornography, or endanger national security."

Slashdot | China Continues to Shut Down Video Sites

Why stop these sites if you hace nothing to hide?

Therefore, who is cheating?
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