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Massive violence erupts in Egypt

I haven't been comfortable with the positions taken either by Obama or by the second GWB Administrations and I pointed out at the time of Morsi's ouster the danger of letting the military have free reign and total public support. News reports here make Egypt of today sound very much like Nasser's post-1967 Egypt. Especially the bit about jailed protesters being forced to sign documents relieving the police of any responsibility for their injuries in order to be let go; it reminded me of how Egypt's Jews were compelled to sign documents that they "voluntarily" abandoned their homes and properties.

Checks and balances. Democratic values. Promote these themes and democrats may be able to check the military politically by garnering the support of Western nations. At least, I hope so; our media is so deferential to Obama it's disgusting. Republican presidents could not have gotten away with a fraction of Obama's foreign policy incompetence without being reminded of it every day in the newspapers and on television.

I am not supporting Obama but you can't blame him either. The American public has no appetite for the US getting involved in Middle Eastern messes. I suspect the mood is one of 'let them sort it out'.
For now, we know that the Obama administration called off their annual military drills with Egypt as well as the delivery of the F-16s, let's see how Obama is going to react to the incidents which took place today, especially in the Sinai desert.
The biggest problem in egypt is neither side will make even small compromises,democracy is about respecting the other side's view even if u disagree.When morsi was in power he tried to usurp the whole thing into a islamist fortress and now army has gone nuts too.Between 2 nutjob factions fighting for power ordinary egyptian suffers.
I am not supporting Obama but you can't blame him either. The American public has no appetite for the US getting involved in Middle Eastern messes. I suspect the mood is one of 'let them sort it out'.
Nothing to do with military intervention. Obama could have attached more conditions to his financial support of the Muslim Brotherhood, saying the M-B would have to do thus-and-so in support of democratic values in Egypt in order to receive aid. He did no such thing. He's too much of a leftist.
The biggest problem in egypt is neither side will make even small compromises,democracy is about respecting the other side's view even if u disagree.When morsi was in power he tried to usurp the whole thing into a islamist fortress and now army has gone nuts too.Between 2 nutjob factions fighting for power ordinary egyptian suffers.

:pop: I don't think Al-Sisi is different from Jamal.. He is cracking down on the MB in the same way the latter did.
Nothing to do with military intervention. Obama could have attached more conditions to his financial support of the Muslim Brotherhood, saying the M-B would have to do thus-and-so in support of democratic values in Egypt in order to receive aid. He did no such thing. He's too much of a leftist.

Obama is not elected to micromanage the affairs of other countries. No (democratic) government is perfect, and external interference -- especially from America -- can easily backfire.

The best option is to let people sort out their own mess, with the proviso that state-sponsored (or sanctioned) massacres are not tolerated.
The sole intention is to destroy egypts military and force Egypt to bow before the world powers and their Mb protectorates and allies (Turkey and Qatar). We can see clearly how Aljazeera is trying so hard to get a reaction and ignite a civil war, just like their strategy in Iraq. They live off the miseries of other nations.

And for the people blaming the "liberals" as if they were some anti-Islam, most of the "liberals" are proud, sane Muslims who refuse to live under a Foriegn sponsored "Islamic" mafia.

The MB's secterian hate speech showed that they were not even qualified to run a shop, yet alone a country.
Morsy supporters, Egypt security forces clash in deadly protest camp raids

Egypt security forces move in on protest camps - CNN.com

horrible,more than 300 people have been killed by Egyptian army... they open fire indiscriminately, the killing is going on since the morning !

Egyptian military should be forced to sell:
240 F-16s
18 Mirage-2000s
1,130 M1 Abrams

as these can be utilized to harm innocent human beings. The money can be utilized to build Better Hospitals/Medical facilities along with Education and R7D facilities that will help them to build future well.
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