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Massive violence erupts in Egypt


Associated Press reports that the suicide bomber who carried out the suicide bomb last month unsuccessfully targeting the country’s interior minister was an ex-officer of the Egyptian military. Military officials have declined to comment on the video making the claims posted by Ansar Jerusalem, a militant group inspired by Al Qaeda.

The official has been identified as Waleed Badr. Mr. Badr was wearing a major’s uniform in the video.

An ex-Egyptian army officer carried out the suicide bombing last month that unsuccessfully targeted the country’s interior minister, a video posted online Saturday by al-Qaeda-inspired militants claims.

In the video, Mr. Badr says that the Egyptian army “loves America more than the Egyptians.”

An unnamed source says Badr was fired from the military academy, because he used to criticize his fellow officers for not being “pious”.


Who knew, at first Sisi and his gang accused Hamas for this and almost every other attack against the oppressive forces which don't forget! shot and killed over 1,000 protesters in one day while the media is largely ignoring that and only reminding people of 57 protesters killed a couple weeks ago.
I don't get it, what is it with some specific countries(specially USA and Israel) opposing against Morsi ?
I mean we all believe that it was an elected government then why they care who or what Egyptians elected, it's not others business anyway.. :what:
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