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Massive violence erupts in Egypt

@agentny17 @Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY

Guys I'm sorry to hear about the bombing of the intelligence office. Those scums should be killed all...
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The military and liberal Egyptians have forced Egypt into this hole

They can't beat the M.B in elections so they try to destroy the M.B

Support from other despot regimes won't save Egypt

The people need to protest and keep protesting the Muslims of the world are with you

Egyptian soldiers are kaffirs who have overthrown the government of Egypt they are oppressors who have murdered thousands they are thus a legitimate target

Death to M.B Egyptian army should have smashed them to the ground the these Islamists want to do the same as Khomeini did when Khomeini arrived at the airport he founded the IRGC first he kiled and imprisoned all army officers and generals.morsi wanted to do the same to found revolutionary guards and police with help if m.b thugs to get rid of the army and liberals like Khomeini did the the liberals and liftists who were the real fathers of the iranian revolution
This is a common problem in Middle Eastern and Muslim countries, lack of law and order, poverty, extremism, degenerates, and uncivilized people. I don't think many of these nations will ever truly develop into modern countries they lack the prerequisites.

This could be rooted in a ethnic, religious, or cultural problem or all the above. Some countries are simply doomed to never develop beyond a certain threshold, like India.
@agentny17 @Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY

Guys I'm sorry to hear about the bombing of the intelligence office. Those scums should be killed all...
we all know the price and willing to pay it is clear from the start that there will be losses and we all welcome any price we pay for our country
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This is a common problem in Middle Eastern and Muslim countries, lack of law and order, poverty, extremism, degenerates, and uncivilized people. I don't think many of these nations will ever truly develop into modern countries they lack the prerequisites.

This could be rooted in a ethnic, religious, or cultural problem or all the above. Some countries are simply doomed to never develop beyond a certain threshold, like India.

Egypt never saw this kind of terrorism but when the MB was overthrown they resorted to violence.

And by the way, even though the whole world stood against the Egyptians, they still struggle on daily basis fighting these baboons.
we all know the price and willing to pay it is clear from the start that there will be losses and we all welcome any price we pay for our country

Camp David has to be re-evaluated otherwise these savages will get away with everything they do.
Camp David has to be re-evaluated otherwise these savages will get away with everything they do.
yes i agree we should be able to move our army anywhere in egypt but for now there is nothing perventing us from sending our slodiers the army has the numbers he needs and the results are great
this video shows some of what the army did in sainai
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Does anybody remembers when did the last real Jihad occured......

yes i agree we should be able to move our army anywhere in egypt but for now there is nothing perventing us from sending our slodiers the army has the numbers he needs and the results are great
this video shows some of what the army did in sainai

Who are these guys ?
Who are these guys ?
friends and allies of the brotherhood in egypt extremests some of them egyptians others from gaza and afganstan in the 1 year the idiot morsi was in power their numbers and weapons were very large because they wanted to rule of destroy us they even relesed terroriests from prisons in Egypt
Secular bandits, coup supporters and christians murder and tortore muslims.

Secular bandits, coup supporters and christians murder and tortore muslims.

You and your buddies seriously need to find a new tune to sing.

Who are these guys ?

Just to add a little more detail than my compatriots response. The Egyptian military is facing armed Takfiri groups as well as criminal elements in the Sinai. The Takfiri groups have been around for quite some time in the Sinai, they were founded by former MB members who were either disillusioned with the organization and left or expelled due to their extremist views (not that they are ideologically different, rather they differ on the methods to use in order to achieve their aims). These groups were bolstered by the revolutions that hit Egypt and Libya as weapons were funneled into Egypt from Gaddafi's stockpiles, the coup/revolution angered them into action against the military. The criminal elements are the usual weapons/drug etc. dealers or traffickers, they are being forced to respond as the military operations are also targeting them.
You and your buddies seriously need to find a new tune to sing.

Just to add a little more detail than my compatriots response. The Egyptian military is facing armed Takfiri groups as well as criminal elements in the Sinai. The Takfiri groups have been around for quite some time in the Sinai, they were founded by former MB members who were either disillusioned with the organization and left or expelled due to their extremist views (not that they are ideologically different, rather they differ on the methods to use in order to achieve their aims). These groups were bolstered by the revolutions that hit Egypt and Libya as weapons were funneled into Egypt from Gaddafi's stockpiles, the coup/revolution angered them into action against the military. The criminal elements are the usual weapons/drug etc. dealers or traffickers, they are being forced to respond as the military operations are also targeting them.

Typical lies from a secular bandit who lives in the UK.

You and your buddies seriously need to find a new tune to sing.

Just to add a little more detail than my compatriots response. The Egyptian military is facing armed Takfiri groups as well as criminal elements in the Sinai. The Takfiri groups have been around for quite some time in the Sinai, they were founded by former MB members who were either disillusioned with the organization and left or expelled due to their extremist views (not that they are ideologically different, rather they differ on the methods to use in order to achieve their aims). These groups were bolstered by the revolutions that hit Egypt and Libya as weapons were funneled into Egypt from Gaddafi's stockpiles, the coup/revolution angered them into action against the military. The criminal elements are the usual weapons/drug etc. dealers or traffickers, they are being forced to respond as the military operations are also targeting them.

Typical lies from a secular bandit who lives in the UK.
Typical lies from a secular bandit who lives in the UK.

Says someone who has no connection whatsoever to Egypt and lives in Thailand. If there's something you wish to point out as false then challenge it directly rather than using ridiculous phrases (which you don't understand) to attack me personally, just a suggestion.
Says someone who has no connection whatsoever to Egypt and lives in Thailand. If there's something you wish to point out as false then challenge it directly rather than using ridiculous phrases (which you don't understand) to attack me personally, just a suggestion.

This guy lives in the Netherlands.
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