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Mark 2 Tejas revealed . 1st Flight 2023

Apparently it started a few months ago. They have begun ordering long lead items and parts and the metal cutting already happened at HAL. Fabrication of the entire Tejas Mk2 prototype will be done by August 2021.

It is very similar to a Mirage-2000 or Gripen E in terms of it's weight, internal fuel and payloads.

The empty weight target is 7800 kgs as far as I know. That is 200 kgs LOWER than Gripen E.

17,500 kgs is the MTOW, which is 4000 kgs higher than Tejas Mk1 and Mk1A.

Internal fuel and drop tanks capacity is shown in the table below. Very similar to Mirage-2000 specs. At 3388 kgs, it's 33% more than the max internal fuel carried by a Tejas Mk1, which is 2458 kgs.

max external payload = 6150 kgs


Given that it has more fuel efficient engine than a Mirage-2000 and greater internal fuel fraction, the range will be great. Plus with A2A refueling and OBOGS, no limit on the endurance. Only getting fuel tankers to tank up will be an issue.

Why there is no mention about the engine delivery from GE if the prototype is going to be unveiled in August this year?
LCA MK I was the hardest part to develop. Everything about it started from scratch. There were multiple difficulties in testing few critical aspects related to FBW and control laws. US sanctions after the nuclear tests made it even more torturous due to the work that was already going on with few US companies.

Today, most of those aspects have been mastered and refined. Large number of private companies have been already included in setting up of an Eco-system. Variants of LCA i.e. IA and MK 2 would not be from scratch but incremental. Like the AESA radar for MK IA is already under test on a FOC LCA. Same goes to a number of other technologies.
Few FMs here straight away go into an overdrive questioning Indian engineering capability. Although They know that it is nothing more than poor attempt at trolling. They start questing engineering capabilities too. Come up with time frames of 33+ years for everything that India wants to do. Fair enough. LCA MK I is 33+. Is trolling necessary for everything? Maybe yes for these poor souls.

These trolls forget that the same Indian engineers have set up and are operating one of the most successful space programs in the world. Shall I ask about SUPARCO and link everything that Pakistan does to the success of the same? But I wouldn’t since it is not relevant here.

It is accepted that in this entire game of aircraft development in India, the weak link has been production part which has been analysed by a senior mod in another thread. Apparently, that has been on the focus and all the involved agencies have worked hard to address it. There is no reason to believe that they would fail. They may not achieve 100% of what ever they promised right away. But succeed they will because the current government and all the stake players have put in some real hard work.

By the end of 2021 a lot would be clear.

Till then trolls are most welcome to continue the party. It definitely wouldn’t be 33+ years.

That's why I keep saying that these trolls who keep trolling & making fun of a program that has basically set up all of India's aerospace industry and facilities from nearly scratch, let them go ahead and do it.

In the real world, things are moving at a speed never before seen in India's aerospace industry. We have 4 major combat fighter aircraft programs that are in the works and ALL are supported fully by the Govt. of India and the IAF and IN. THAT's WHAT MATTERS. Not what some troll on the internet who just wants to derail threads, believes or wants others to believe. Let him have his fun, it makes not a whit of a difference to the facts on the ground.
That's why I keep saying that these trolls who keep trolling & making fun of a program that has basically set up all of India's aerospace industry and facilities from nearly scratch, let them go ahead and do it.

In the real world, things are moving at a speed never before seen in India's aerospace industry. We have 4 major combat fighter aircraft programs that are in the works and ALL are supported fully by the Govt. of India and the IAF and IN. THAT's WHAT MATTERS. Not what some troll on the internet who just wants to derail threads, believes or wants others to believe. Let him have his fun, it makes not a whit of a difference to the facts on the ground.

Thing is you regard everyone who questions your inflated statements on Indian defence as trolls. When you make grandiose unsubstantiated claims like

"We have 4 major combat fighter aircraft programs that are in the works and ALL are supported fully by the Govt. of India"

Do not cry when you get called out for it.

LCA has certainly not had a the full support of IAF for last 3 years, I can post you the articles on that.

If you cry when you get questioned maybe this forum is not for you?
Why there is no mention about the engine delivery from GE if the prototype is going to be unveiled in August this year?

What makes you think that there were no GE F-414 engines delivered to HAL?

8 F-414-INS6 engines were delivered to HAL by GE in 2015 itself.

And the Tejas Mk2 prototype will be rolled out in August 2022, not August 2020. Engine fitment and all the associated tasks are quite a fair distance away. There is a lot of production work to be done before the engine if fitted.

In an article published last year, Jane’s Defence Weekly discussed the new engines for the aircraft.

India’s Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) will receive the first of eight General Electric F414-GE-INS6 engines for the Mk 2 version of its Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) by the end of 2015, officials said.

The F414 engine, which generates 90-98 kN thrust, will replace the LCA Mk 1’s General Electric F404-GE-IN20 powerpack, which generates 80-85kN thrust.

The original plan was to go for 99 GE F-414-INS6 engines with an option for 100 more.
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What makes you think that there were no GE F-414 engines delivered to HAL?

8 F-414-INS6 engines were delivered to HAL by GE in 2015 itself.


The original plan was to go for 99 GE F-414-INS6 engines with an option for 100 more.

He was specifically referring to the LCA MK2 prototype. Since those 8 engines sold 6 years ago there has been no new sale of GE engines, so he has a very valid point that you are deliberately trying to muddle. Just answer the question
Thing is you regard everyone who questions your inflated statements on Indian defence as trolls. When you make grandiose unsubstantiated claims like

"We have 4 major combat fighter aircraft programs that are in the works and ALL are supported fully by the Govt. of India"

Do not cry when you get called out for it.

LCA has certainly not had a the full support of IAF for last 3 years, I can post you the articles on that.

If you cry when you get questioned maybe this forum is not for you?

I'd rather just ignore trolls like you.

Posters can choose to believe you or me. It's their prerogative.
He was specifically referring to the LCA MK2 prototype. Since those 8 engines sold 6 years ago there has been no new sale of GE engines, so he has a very valid point that you are deliberately trying to muddle. Just answer the question

So what?! Those 8 engines are more than enough to do all bench tests and then test on the first production standard prototypes. The deal with GE will be signed AFTER the IAF places an order for Tejas Mk2s. Duh! Even that much needs to be explained to trolls like you.
Tejas Mark 2 is still single engine, so there is no really much different with Tejas Mark 1 so saying Tejas Mark 2 is a completely different plane is wrong.




The F414-INS6 single-engine variant is in development for India’s Aeronautical defense Agency (ADA) to power the MKII version of the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft.

As far as I know the first contract for F414 for Tejas Mark 2 is not even signed yet

What makes you think that there were no GE F-414 engines delivered to HAL?

8 F-414-INS6 engines were delivered to HAL by GE in 2015 itself.

And the prototype will be rolled out in August 2021, not August 2020. Engine fitment and all the associated tasks are quite a fair distance away. There is a lot of production work to be done before the engine if fitted.


The original plan was to go for 99 GE F-414-INS6 engines with an option for 100 more.

That statement is quoted from Indian official who talk about a plan. You need to differentiate between a plan and actual contract and delivery. If there is any delivery, GE website has already said so, the fact they dont mentioned Tejas engine delivery while they mentioned KFX/IFX engine delivery in May 2020
I'd rather just ignore trolls like you.

Posters can choose to believe you or me. It's their prerogative.

So what?! Those 8 engines are more than enough to do all bench tests and then test on the first production standard prototypes. The deal with GE will be signed AFTER the IAF places an order for Tejas Mk2s. Duh! Even that much needs to be explained to trolls like you.

So 8 engines for 83 LCAs and 1 MK2 prototype? You get very defensive when people question you. Maybe instead of getting defensive you can provide sources?
So having worked and developed the tejas design for decades and now they will make changes in design? It shows the previous design was not good enough and in the end the french helped them redesign it. Its as if the old program is scrapped and new one developed, decades of work gone to waste.
guys everything will.be revealed,in February this year at aero India

from my understanding the first prototype metal cutting started and rolls out summer 2022 but no flight for 12 months after.
ie summer 2023 .

Massive commonality with mark1a but bigger frame.

we will see all.soon
My my aren't you thick!

Those 8 F-414-INS6 engines were for the initial Tejas Mk2s, for integration, fitment, bench tests and then flight tests. Remaining 99 or more would be contracted for when the IAF places an order for the Tejas Mk2

For the Tejas Mk1A, the 83+ F-404-IN20 engines will be contracted by HAL with GE once the contract between IAF and HAL is signed this Aero India 2021.

No need for insults, post has been reported.

So may statement stands correct? Only 8 engines ordered so for for entire MK1A and MK2 programmes?
Tejas Mark 2 is still single engine, so there is no really much different with Tejas Mark 1 so saying Tejas Mark 2 is a completely different plane is wrong.


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The F414-INS6 single-engine variant is in development for India’s Aeronautical defense Agency (ADA) to power the MKII version of the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft.

As far as I know the first contract for F414 for Tejas Mark 2 is not even signed yet

That statement is quoted from Indian official who talk about a plan. You need to differentiate between a plan and actual contract and delivery. If there is any delivery, GE website has already said so, the fact they dont mentioned Tejas engine delivery while they mentioned KFX/IFX engine delivery in May 2020

The order for 99 GE F-414-INS6 engines has not yet been signed, because the Tejas Mk2 has not yet been ordered. They delivered 8 F-414-INS6 engines in 2015 to HAL, that's basically all as of now.

Rest easy. When the Tejas Mk2 is ordered by the IAF, HAL will place the required orders for the engines.
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The Prototype will be revealed in February 2022 at Aero India

At 17 tonnes its 4 tonnes heavier than the little brother Tejas MARK 1/1a

Tejas Mk2 – India’s upcoming indigenous Beast (defencexp.com)
This will replace both the Jaguar & the Mig29 once indiction starts in 2027 -2028
For a moment i thought they showed the actual aircraft

Well AMACA will fly by 2024
Here it is

It will replace rafales by 2023
Tejas Mark 2 is still single engine, so there is no really much different with Tejas Mark 1 so saying Tejas Mark 2 is a completely different plane is wrong.


View attachment 708649

The F414-INS6 single-engine variant is in development for India’s Aeronautical defense Agency (ADA) to power the MKII version of the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft.

As far as I know the first contract for F414 for Tejas Mark 2 is not even signed yet

That statement is quoted from Indian official who talk about a plan. You need to differentiate between a plan and actual contract and delivery. If there is any delivery, GE website has already said so, the fact they dont mentioned Tejas engine delivery while they mentioned KFX/IFX engine delivery in May 2020
You need to add glasses and look at those two big canrads staring at you
This aircraft looks very different to mk1.

It will be revealed in 2023 but how many years will it take to join the airforce
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