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Mark 2 Tejas revealed . 1st Flight 2023

Any weapon in our inventory, be it Indian/Russian/Israeli origin can be integrated onto the MWF. The take away is MWF has more hardpoints over the LCA due to it's larger airframe and wing size.
Is there any official brochure for that? Thanks
Is there any official brochure for that? Thanks
Not yet but that's how it has been for the LCA. IAF wanted MBDA's Meteor BVRAAM on the LCA when our Astra was undergoing tests but MBDA has a clause where they can integrate Meteor only if the aircraft has a European radar. Also, the same reason why we couldn't integrate Meteors on Su-30MKI but they're the mainstay of our Rafale & Mirage fleets

Nevertheless, it doesn't make sense since Astra has been inducted into the Su-30 fleet and will be IAF's primary BVRAAM (currently being integrated on LCA, Mirage and Mig-29 fleets) with the Mk-1 having a comparable range to Meteor. The Astra Mk-2 has a much longer range which is under testing but the primary advantage Meteor has over Astra or any other BVRAAM currently in existence is it's NEZ (No escape zone). I hope our Astra Mk-2 has a comparable NEZ with that of Meteor
BVR: Astra mk1, Astra Mk2
Short range: Python series, ASRAAM, Astra IR (under development) and many others including BrahMos and other guided munitions.
It will be the Brahmos-NG, not the same full scale Brahmos-A variant Su-30 uses since that requires structural modifications like strengthening of the center pylon
Not yet but that's how it has been for the LCA. IAF wanted MBDA's Meteor BVRAAM on the LCA when our Astra was undergoing tests but MBDA has a clause where they can integrate Meteor only if the aircraft has a European radar. Also, the same reason why we couldn't integrate Meteors on Su-30MKI but they're the mainstay of our Rafale & Mirage fleets

Nevertheless, it doesn't make sense since Astra has been inducted into the Su-30 fleet and will be IAF's primary BVRAAM (currently being integrated on LCA, Mirage and Mig-29 fleets) with the Mk-1 having a comparable range to Meteor. The Astra Mk-2 has a much longer range which is under testing but the primary advantage Meteor has over Astra or any other BVRAAM currently in existence is it's NEZ (No escape zone). I hope our Astra Mk-2 has a comparable NEZ with that of Meteor

It will be the Brahmos-NG, not the same full scale Brahmos-A variant Su-30 uses since that requires structural modifications like strengthening of the center pylon
Nah Astra Mk2 will have a NEZ of 53km using the 33% rule. 7km less than the Meteor.
Nah Astra Mk2 will have a NEZ of 53km using the 33% rule. 7km less than the Meteor.

Astra MK2 is duel pulse solid motor based simmilar to Aim-120D, the NEZ will be around 40kms...
Ramjet is necessary for bigger NEZ otherwise missile will not have much fuel or energy left for targets over 50kms.

Meteor has NEZ closer to 60kms, Indian AAM simmilar to Meteor will be Astra SFDR...
2 ground based tests r already completed it might go into production by mid 20s or beyond.

Astra MK2 is ready for Testing first airborne test will be done by this year only.
Do we really need a new thread again only for the same topic!??

@The Eagle could you please merge them (I would do it on my own if I would be able to)?
Astra MK2 is duel pulse solid motor based simmilar to Aim-120D, the NEZ will be around 40kms...
Ramjet is necessary for bigger NEZ otherwise missile will not have much fuel or energy left for targets over 50kms.

Meteor has NEZ closer to 60kms, Indian AAM simmilar to Meteor will be Astra SFDR...
2 ground based tests r already completed it might go into production by mid 20s or beyond.

Astra MK2 is ready for Testing first airborne test will be done by this year only.
wait wait..but i thought Indians dont believe in dual pulse motors..or is it a special type of pulse motor which can only be made by indians

uptil now it was meteor meteor meteor even though USA, china has given up on that technology
wait wait..but i thought Indians dont believe in dual pulse motors..or is it a special type of pulse motor which can only be made by indians

uptil now it was meteor meteor meteor even though USA, china has given up on that technology

Didn't get ur question if its that???

HAL reveals more teja delusions in a week than most change their underwear....

Another non existent fighter that will go from drawing board to obsolete folder before being inducted....

One thing is for sure... If your design is changing this quickly... None of your designs are working.

F 16 f 15 even Toyota land cruiser has same design for past 40 years... It says some thing
Didn't get ur question if its that???
every indian expert i have talked to state that PL-15, pl XX and aim 120 D and upcoming aim 260 are useless missles because they arent ram jet based and that the claim range of aim120D being equal to meteor and aim 260 being superior to both is baseless

HAL reveals more teja delusions in a week than most change their underwear....

Another non existent fighter that will go from drawing board to obsolete folder before being inducted....

One thing is for sure... If your design is changing this quickly... None of your designs are working.

F 16 f 15 even Toyota land cruiser has same design for past 40 years... It says some thing
This is a different category fighter, LCA was light fighter and this is MWF.

HAL reveals more teja delusions in a week than most change their underwear....

Another non existent fighter that will go from drawing board to obsolete folder before being inducted....

One thing is for sure... If your design is changing this quickly... None of your designs are working.

F 16 f 15 even Toyota land cruiser has same design for past 40 years... It says some thing
When did we changed the design? Tejas MK1 and Tejas MK1A has the same design.
MWF is a separate fighter Aircraft misrepresented as Tejas MK2.
This is a different category fighter, LCA was light fighter and this is MWF.

When did we changed the design? Tejas MK1 and Tejas MK1A has the same design.
MWF is a separate fighter Aircraft misrepresented as Tejas MK2.

So this tejas is not tejas..... Great :yay::yay:
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