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Malik’s visit backfires, India rules out joint statement

With due deference to your known bias, let me point out that it was immediately noticed. The soldiers of the Jat Regiment immediately informed army headquarters in New Delhi about the state of the bodies. Army headquarters asked them to do nothing with the bodies and the then CoAS V.P. Malik is on record as saying that the army headquarters tried to get the ICRC to do the post-mortem. With ICRC declining to do that the army headquarters asked a military hospital to do the same & recorded the whole proceedings. This was shown to the then Indian FM Jaswant Singh eliciting a very angry & emotional response from him during a press conference he gave. This is a matter of record. The limbs were hacked off, the genitals cut off & cigarette burns were present on the bodies. While it is possible that cigarette smoking, knife carrying "wild animals" may roam the Pakistani side of the LoC, for those who have not seen such "wild animals", it has been a far more difficult proposition to believe that this was anything but torture.

yeh and missed the chance by handing over Nachiketa

Yeah blame everything on India. That is so smart. I say as smart as Rehman Malik himself.

as smart as RM= Indian Govt
yeh and missed the chance by handing over Nachiketa

You were forced to handover Nachiketa under international rules, & don't forget u did tried to get world attention by making the handing over a media event & gimmick. Not to mention we handed over bodies of your soldiers with all due respect and bodies covered in Pakistani national flag.
You were forced to handover Nachiketa under international rules, & don't forget u did tried to get world attention by making the handing over a media event & gimmick. Not to mention we handed over bodies of your soldiers with all due respect and bodies covered in Pakistani national flag.

My question is why we did NOT avail the chance of another "media event and gimmick" if at all mr kalia was alive in our custody?

why will we choose image tranishing instead of attention seeking?

or is it that we found his limbs more attractive than Nachiketa
yeh and missed the chance by handing over Nachiketa

Not the same. Flight Lieutenant Nachiketa was a trophy to be shown off, especially since Squadron Leader Ajay Ahuja was killed in cold blood. If i were to guess, and it would only be a guess, I believe that what was done to Lt.Saurab Kalia & his men was done deliberately to send a message of fear and demoralise his fellow troops. If you take into account that this happened in 1999 with the Afghan war with the Soviets having ended only earlier in that decade, a tactic used against Soviet soldiers in Afganistan for long might just have seemed to be the correct one to use against "not as tough" Indian soldiers. It didn't work out exactly that way but it wasn't for lack of trying. Of course, this remains in the realm of conjecture but I simply cannot see any other reason why this incident occurred.
Pakistan misled India, never detained Saeed in 26\11 case: Shinde

NEW DELHI: Pakistan had never detained or arrested the 26\11 mastermind and Laskar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafiz Saeed in the Mumbai attack case as repeatedly claimed by the country at every bilateral forum. Saeed was, in fact, detained in connection with some old cases in which he was subsequently given clean chit by that country's courts.

It was revealed when Pakistan shared documents, including FIRs relating to Saeed's detention, with India during its interior minister Rehman Malik's visit to New Delhi last week. The papers show that Islamabad had clearly been spreading lie about Saeed's innocence in 26\11 saying the country has no "evidence" against him.

Nailing the Pakistan's lie, Union home minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Monday shared the relevant details in Rajya Sabha and said Pakistan's interior minister Rehman Malik appeared to have been "misinformed in the matter (of Hafiz Saeed)".

The documents shocked the Indian establishments when they got to know that Saeed was actually arrested in some old cases. The papers showed how Islamabad had been virtually misleading New Delhi over Hafiz Saeed.

Giving his statement in the Upper House, Shinde said, "During my talks with him (Malik), he stated that if we desire, he will give us the FIRs and the judgments pertaining to the three occasions when Hafiz Saeed was arrested and let off by the courts. When we pursued this matter, they have given us papers pertaining to the detentions of Saeed in 2002 and 2009".

He further said, "From the papers given to us, it is clear that the detentions of Hafiz Saeed in the aforesaid cases were for other reasons and not for his role as a conspirator in the 26\11 Mumbai terror attacks".

The Indian home minister also mentioned how Malik had been telling New Delhi time and again that Pakistan had arrested Hafiz Saeed thrice and that on each occasion, he (Saeed) was let off by the courts for the lack of evidence.

"We had been given to understand by the interior minister of Pakistan that Hafiz Saeed had been arrested on the charges of being a part of the conspiracy for the 26\11 Mumbai terror attacks", said Shinde.

The Indian home minister's remarks clearly show that Islamabad had been telling clear lies to New Delhi over the issue. Officials here believed that it might have been done by Pakistan deliberately as Islamabad does not appear to take action against Saeed, who is a key figure in the country's ISI-LeT nexus for waging proxy war against India.

Pakistan misled India, never detained Hafiz Saeed in 26/11 case: Shinde - The Times of India
My question is why we did NOT avail the chance of another "media event and gimmick" if at all mr kalia was alive in our custody?

why will we choose image tranishing instead of attention seeking?

or is it that we found his limbs more attractive than Nachiketa

I personally believe that Mr. kalia was captured & tortured by lower or rather irresponsible staff, who may have lack of compassion or lesser inclination toward international laws during war and that too without information of superiors. May be they have deliberately not informed their superiors as he was captured in isolation. It is all about to bring those in to justice.

Nachiketa was captured in full media glare, it was a breaking news all over the world. Subsequently it was not possible to carry out any torture on him.
With due deference to your known bias, let me point out that it was immediately noticed. The soldiers of the Jat Regiment immediately informed army headquarters in New Delhi about the state of the bodies. Army headquarters asked them to do nothing with the bodies and the then CoAS V.P. Malik is on record as saying that the army headquarters tried to get the ICRC to do the post-mortem. With ICRC declining to do that the army headquarters asked a military hospital to do the same & recorded the whole proceedings. This was shown to the then Indian FM Jaswant Singh eliciting a very angry & emotional response from him during a press conference he gave. This is a matter of record. The limbs were hacked off, the genitals cut off & cigarette burns were present on the bodies. While it is possible that cigarette smoking, knife carrying "wild animals" may roam the Pakistani side of the LoC, for those who have not seen such "wild animals", it has been a far more difficult proposition to believe that this was anything but torture.

Tall talk may get you a few acknowledgements from the like minded country fellows, but unlike the dead Indian witness, Pakistan has living proof who can testify that on the Indian side of the border, there are so called human, who would put any wild animal to shame.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Released Pak prisoners tortured in India ...
Rehman Malik is a troll, but India is a fool for humouring him

It is, of course, tempting to airily dismiss, as many have done, Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik’s string of offensive and provocative comments while on Indian soil as the motormouth indiscretions of a politician who suffers from an acute case of the foot-in-mouth syndrome.

After all, the man is mocked at and pilloried even in Pakistan, where too he has endeavoured valiantly to offend anyone with even an iota of sensibility. The most charitable reason that the media in Pakistan cite in order to account for his bizarre, over-the-top pronouncements (such as that the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Pakistan was funded from Sri Lanka) is that when Malik was a baby, his nanny probably dropped him on his head – twice. (More in the same irreverent vein here and here.)

In a curious sort of way, Malik’s ridiculous outpourings as an equal-opportunity offender on either side of the Wagah border have only served to consolidate public opinion in both India and Pakistan that relations between the two countries are ill-served by having ******** in charge of setting the tone for the discourse.

And, in any case, we have our own Digvijaya Singh and Beni Prasad Verma – spokespersons whose sole purpose, in other contexts, is to muddy the waters on any public issue with their provocative verbal bombs, and effectively draw attention away from the core issue at hand.

And yet, it is folly to humour Malik in the way that our officialdom and our media have done, by treating his outlandish, insensitive comments as the harmless, even when grating, exertions of the court jester.

In the space of a few hours, Malik virtually resorted to a carpetbombing of Indian sensibilities in their entirety with injudicious comments. First, he scoffed at India’s forensic evidence of Pakistani official complicity in the November 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai, by establishing false equivalences between that act of proxy war and India’s internal law and order problems. Then he suggested that Kargil war hero Capt Saurabh Kalra, whose mutilated remains bore evidence of torture at Pakistani hands, may have died owing to inclement weather in the high Himalayas.

Having whipped up sufficient hysteria in the Indian media, which was his primary intention in the first place, Malik then resorted to spin to cover his tracks, suggesting that his comments had been deliberately twisted by media outlets that were out to wreck the Indo-Pakistani detente efforts.

But barely had the outrage died down than Malik lobbed another verbal grenade by suggesting that Abu Jundal, the Pakistani operative who had been arrested in Saudi Arabia and extradited earlier this year, had been an agent of an Indian intelligence establishment.

And with enormous gall, Malik suggested that it was time for India to move beyond the November 2008 attacks and look ahead to the future. As the official representative of a country that, as Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah pointed out, still harks back to a 1950s UN resolution on Kashmir, that is a bit rich.

Even for a gifted clown such as Malik, this string of repeated motormouth offenses, while on Indian soil, cannot have been an impromptu performance, and points to deliberate application of mind. More seriously, Malik’s statements fit in with the pattern of past Pakistani actions in attempting to devalue the burden of India’s case against Pakistani complicity in terror attacks. Malik’s gameplan is throw enough reckless muck at India in the hope that it will drown out India’s far more serious accusations of Pakistani role in sponsoring ****** crimes in India.

India’s Home Secretary RK Singh has rubbished Malik’s claim that Jundal was an operative of an elite Indian intelligence agency as “ridiculous”. But Malik has already had his day, and continues to reiterate the baseless charge.

Malik’s disinformation strategy against India works largely because Indian officialdom and the media have played along with him by providing him a platform to pontificate – without challenging him vigorously enough. With its masterly ability to score self-goals, the UPA government has rolled out the red carpet for an agent provocateur to peddle his lies – on Indian soil, without a robust challenge of that false narrative.

This fits in with the larger failing of the media and the power elite in India in providing a platform for Pakistani politicians, including war criminal Gen Pervez Musharraf, to come to India and bad-mouth it (more here). As happened most recently with Musharraf and with Imran Khan, Indian officialdom and the media are in a perpetual state of ritual self-abuse: for them, it’s Muharram all the year round, given the self-flagellation that they subject themselves to.

Rehman Malik is a troll of the first order, but the government and the media have made fools of a billion Indians by rolling out the red carpet and giving Malik a stage from which to advance his trolling. A yearning for peace shouldn’t require us to bend over backwards to appease a truculent troll. Malik egregiously abused his hospitality in India, but only because he was given a licence to by our spineless officialdom and a pliant media.

Rehman Malik is a troll, but India is a fool for humouring him | Firstpost
Why did we send our Interior minister?

I think he went by himself, First he had plan to celebrate his birthday in Taj Mahal and requested Indian Authorities to invite him but his request was fulfilled, Than somehow he managed to go there and took revenge.
Tall talk may get you a few acknowledgements from the like minded country fellows, but unlike the dead Indian witness, Pakistan has living proof who can testify that on the Indian side of the border, there are so called human, who would put any wild animal to shame.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Released Pak prisoners tortured in India ...

You are a fine one to lecture about "tall talk". As I said your biases are known, wasn't trying to convince you of anything. You raised a point & I answered that soldiers of the Jat regiment who received the bodies made an immediate complaint. You are free to believe whatever you wish to.
If UPA had guts, it would have asked Malik to say sorry: Modi


On the Sir Creek issue, Modi, who has written to the Prime Minister, said there has been no response from him.

“Neither the Prime Minister has responded to my questions on Sir Creek issue nor has the Congress party….You have kept the people of India in dark on this issue..” Modi said.
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