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Malaysia wants India to send LCA-Tejas to the Country for Evaluations

Minor technicality. The real embarrassment is that after bahrain's miserable performance, india was far too embarrassed to show thetejas in any other air show. Maybe that's why we backed out to begin with, we knew tejas would an embarrassment and didn't wanna embarrass the poor retarded tejas any further. ;)

Miserable performance?
Says who? You? Some random person on the internet.

Console yourself by trolling as much as you want, we understand that you do so as the reality is harder for you lot to face. Fact is, paf turned tail at the very last moment when they saw Tejas was to perform and got afraid of being upstaged.

As for why Tejas didn't perform anywhere else. That's easy.
HAL had been and is far too busy with Tejas' R&D as it is after all a newly inducted aircraft, something pakistanis would have understood had pakistan actually done as much R&D work in JF-17 as we did in the Tejas.
Miserable performance?
Says who? You? Some random person on the internet.

Console yourself by trolling as much as you want, we understand that you do so as the reality is harder for you lot to face. Fact is, paf turned tail at the very last moment when they saw Tejas was to perform and got afraid of being upstaged.

As for why Tejas didn't perform anywhere else. That's easy.
HAL had been and is far too busy with Tejas' R&D as it is after all a newly inducted aircraft, something pakistanis would have understood had pakistan actually done as much R&D work in JF-17 as we did in the Tejas.
blabbing feel good comments of an indian in denial. I've seen the performance of tejas in bahrain. I've seen better performances from the 60s designed migs. it's no surprised that india has not shown this embarrassment in any other air show after the red face it received in bahrain. after all, the natural question everyone did and would ask is that after 30+ years of development and components and full on help from america, france germany, isreal and the uk, this was all that you managed to assemble (yes, assemble)! india just doesn't have an answer to this question...I don't blame them for not going to any other air shows after bahrain. it's just too embarrassing...
If I would be in decision making position... my focus would be on fulfilling IAF need instead of competing in Malaysia...

LCA vs JF-17... no fanboy stuff...
Competition is not even started yet and you are loosing hope on your STATE OF THE ART product!:dirol:
The Indian ancestry and linked element in the military is pushing this as a reaction pushed by their diplomats in response to the JF17z
while the more apt and professionally independent ones are resisting this.

The RMAF originally was looking at F/A-50s but the JF-17 was an option that came up via Air Show push.

The Indian link besides the population came via the TMKM’s , which are almost hangar queens much like their MKi sisters but worse due to lack of funds as well.

Still, saner minds looking for any “export” (read low ball diplomacy against Pakistan) Tejas know that any operational considerations wont be available well into the mid to late 2020s.
we will get to see if Pakistan will really send its fighter to be compared & analyzed along with Tejas. This is going to be a tough decision for the establishment & Gov.t.
Fighter jet acquisitions (or any major military contract) don't always land with the product that scores the highest points during evaluation. Political influence/leveraging, supplier history, price, technology offset agreements etc all play a role in the final decision.

I don't see Pakistanis losing sleep over the JF-17 not winning the Malaysian contract, though obviously there will be some disappointment.
Childish post Both have advantages and disadvantages, Tejas has a better sustain turn, whereas JF-17 has a better instantaneous turn rate but at this you can't export it because its just inducted on IAF your IAF want it first in numbers than think for export @Oscar sir is right that India will able to export Tejas in 2025-2028 time frame @Sheena1980 :angel:
As a Fanboy I and eagerly waiting for a good competition between Tejas and jf
It will be a lovely sight seeing Tejas and jf sitting together
Competition is not even started yet and you are loosing hope on your STATE OF THE ART product!:dirol:

You are litrally losing the point... IAF need to replace the aging MiG 21s... SO, priority should be IAF...

Plus, selling a weapon platform is not a piece of cake... technical evaluation by a neutral country does not mean that they will buy it... China is an economic mammoth and can easily influence any defence deal... specially with MALAYSIA...
You are litrally losing the point... IAF need to replace the aging MiG 21s... SO, priority should be IAF...

Plus, selling a weapon platform is not a piece of cake... technical evaluation by a neutral country does not mean that they will buy it... China is an economic mammoth and can easily influence any defence deal... specially with MALAYSIA...
Who is talking about priorities.
If that was the case then why up people pitched the idea to Srilankans to buy your mighty LCA n get one junk free.
N stop making chinas excuses,looks like deep down somewhere in your heart you too know lca got no chance.
blabbing feel good comments of an indian in denial. I've seen the performance of tejas in bahrain. I've seen better performances from the 60s designed migs. it's no surprised that india has not shown this embarrassment in any other air show after the red face it received in bahrain. after all, the natural question everyone did and would ask is that after 30+ years of development and components and full on help from america, france germany, isreal and the uk, this was all that you managed to assemble (yes, assemble)! india just doesn't have an answer to this question...I don't blame them for not going to any other air shows after bahrain. it's just too embarrassing...

LOL, and your(some nobody on an internet forum) utterly subjective opinions why?
Says a lot about JF-17 when PAF doesn't even have the confidence to field JF-17 against such a terrible performer. We know it hurts some pakistanis to face the truth.

Like I said to ther guy in a different Tejas thread, India has gained more from Tejas than pakistan ever will from JF-17. LOL, forget Tejas, we make more components in the Su-30MKIs than pakistan makes for the JF-17.

After 30 years India gets an industry which we'll use for the next few 30 years to make our own fighter aircrafts where you lot will still be dependent on sugar daddies, as pakistan has been since its inception.

2 export orders confirmed. That's all that needs to be said.

Thank the chinese and their mature industry for that.
No one in their right mind thinks pakistan could ever pull any of it off on its own, hell even 10% of JF-17 on its own.
LOL, and your(some nobody on an internet forum) utterly subjective opinions why?
Says a lot about JF-17 when PAF doesn't even have the confidence to field JF-17 against such a terrible performer. We know it hurts some pakistanis to face the truth.

Like I said to ther guy in a different Tejas thread, India has gained more from Tejas than pakistan ever will from JF-17. LOL, forget Tejas, we make more components in the Su-30MKIs than pakistan makes for the JF-17.

After 30 years India gets an industry which we'll use for the next few 30 years to make our own fighter aircrafts where you lot will still be dependent on sugar daddies, as pakistan has been since its inception.

Thank the chinese and their mature industry for that.
No one in their right mind thinks pakistan could ever pull any of it off on its own, hell even 10% of JF-17 on its own.
Buck stops at the fact that The Thunder has two confirmed export orders with more on the way while tejas isn't even wanted by its own indian air force in spite of having virtually all parts and components including the engine being from the u.s. to isreal to france, no one wants it...the indian aviation industry, in spite of having the claim of making fighters since the 60s, isn't even able to make a half decent samosa based on the 60s design of that old canadian darter.

chal ja bhag.
PM Mahatir is also on anti-corruption/nepotism platform. So, he would naturally let his folks check out closely all options available!!! It's a great opportunity for JF-17 to prove it's worth vis-à-vis competitors!!! A good development...
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