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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

First of all, why you try to change a terror problem in to a ethnicity problem?

This is enough to unmasker your real intention.

You failed again to provide us your answers about:

"What is the guilt of a Kurd who is royal to the unity of Turkey?"
" What is the benefit, hidden in calling all Kurds as terrorist for Turkey?"

Cevap ver, uncoverer man!
PKK murders internal conflict, says French intelligence

Three Kurdish women gunned down on Jan. 9 in Paris were killed as the result of an internal conflict in the organization, according to the French intelligence agency.

Ankara authorities received official notification from French intelligence hinting toward an internal cause as the reason for the assassinations of Sakine Cansız, one of the founders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, along with Leyla Söylemez and Fidan Doğan.

French officials were reportedly already aware of the tensions between different sections of the PKK before the killing occurred, Doğan news agency reported.

Foreign powers may have also fueled such tensions, using frustrated PKK members to commit the murders, according to authorities.

The three women were killed in an execution-style attack as a new round of peace talks was launched between the Turkish government and Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the PKK.

Two detained

French police detained two suspects, aged 39 and 31, on Jan. 17 in connection with the killings, French daily Le Parisien reported Jan. 18.

Paris counter-terrorism office has extended the period of custody for the suspects, who can now be held for up to 96 hours.

The suspects are reportedly residents of the Courneuve district and were born in Turkey.

You failed again to provide us your answers about:

"What is the guilt of a Kurd who is royal to the unity of Turkey?"
" What is the benefit, hidden in calling all Kurds as terrorist for Turkey?"

Cevap ver, uncoverer man!

I explain already the wrongness of your question you blind?
Yet again, so much BS I won't care to read..

Kurds are just less-civilised and maybe a little less-integrated in society but it doesn't make them terrorists. Some of you want to unleash the anger caused by PKK on Kurds but what you're doing is discrimination.

Nobody must be held responsible for crimes he or she didn't commit.
Why do you consider a royal Kurd as an ethnicity problem?
loyal* and there are some very bad experiences of the past. Arabs, Greeks, Armenians... we were never lucky with minorities.
Why do you consider a loyal Kurd as an ethnicity problem?

I didnt say anything like that. You are the one that propagandize this as a ethnicity problem not me..
And that is the intention behind this whole scenario to create a ''kurd'' problem while there is not such
a thing like that. You exposed yourself already stop talking.

and there are some very bad experiences of the past. Arabs, Greeks, Armenians... we were never lucky with minorities.
bilirim abi, I have no problem with punishing terrorist. I found it foolish to push Kurds in to the way PKK is in it, just with unnecessary hostility against Kurds.
bilirim Abi, I have no problem with punishing terrorist. I found it foolish to push Kurds in to the way PKK is in it, just with unnecessary hostility against Kurds.
Agreed, every care must be taken about our citizens of Kurdish ancestry, they must know that they are equal citizens of the Turkish republic and we will respect them and take care of them but they must also know that betraying the republic has some consequences.

Meanwhile the armed forces must ensure that joining the PKK is a one-way trip and they must bring the terrorist leaders to justice. We know who they are.
As expected, The PKK is slowly Turning itself in to small factions meaning there efficienty of the Guerrila warfare will be dramaticly decreased. Either we will destroy them soon or they will agree to lay down there arms.
Are Turkmens Sunni?

Do you remember the logic talking about

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...e-prejudice-pressure-state.html#ixzz2IWLzsCwE

Turkmens are both Sunni and Alevi. It is worst thing that happened to Turkmens. Division.

Let me Tell you a little bit: Sultan Selim and Idrisi Bitlisi killed 40.000 Alevi/Heterodox Turkmens in 1514.

Now we have this problem. That stupid, low life Ottoman Sultan created todays problem. Do your research about it. Read also Kurdish participation in it.

I met more Kurds than you ever had. Some Good some bad. But under their veil, they have some hidden negative feeling against Turks, even the Good ones have. I have seen Alevi Kurds provoking Alevi Turks against Sunni Turks. I have seen Sunni Kurds provoking Sunni Turks against Alevi Turks.

Are Turks Angel? No, but thats me. I'll defend my nation, my family. And i aint tricking anyone, aint falsify truths. At least i am honest.
I have another good solution throw all the BDP and PKK thrash out of turkey to iraq and bring the Ahiska in Russia and Khazakstan back home we love Turkey and those who dont love Turkey like the BDP and the PKK should just be thrown out
I have another good solution throw all the BDP and PKK thrash out of turkey to iraq and bring the Ahiska in Russia and Khazakstan back home we love Turkey and those who dont love Turkey like the BDP and the PKK should just be thrown out

I dont know why we havent repatriated Ahiska Turks back to homeland. But we definitely should. Just because after ww1 they remained outside the borders, doesnt mean they are not part of Turkish people.

And Only MHP would do that, rest of the parties have strong objection to any Turkic.
Is it not strange an Iranian opened this thread. Especially since Iranians support PKK.
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