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Madrassa reforms - Suggestions

You're repeating the same crap like a parrot in every post. Why not just list down 10 biggest contributions of Mullahs to Pakistan's prosperity & growth? I'm not asking about that 10 children per Muslim growth urged by Mullahs.
They have done great service to Islam and Pakistan. From your birth to death it's Mullah who serve you and you still have audacity to thrash talk against him. Those people who can't properly bury there dead without Mullah are first in line to bash him.

Well people between age 5-15 are ok to simple remain focused on Standard schooling
After age of 18 Sure , dig into Tafseer , or dig into advance subjects hadiths or if you want to learn about Jihad

But before you do , have a mind that can logically reason

When you are age 5 or 16 , the fact you can just read Quran , fast or pray your normal share is sufficient. No Zakat (Tax) is due at that age so no point to worry about it.

Most of Pakistani kid know zilch about Islamic History apart from Mohammad bin Qasiim in Subcontinent
Subjects needed to be added until 8th class more Islamiyat and teaching Arabic Language needs to be introduced also option of becoming Hafiz e Quran in schools should be introduced. In 9th and 10 Class a good not too much but still detailed Tafseer has to be taught along with detailed Islamiyat book along with giving good books on seerat for students to read and should be taken viva. In 11th and 12th standard again a Tafseer along with books one or two Books of Hadees needs to be taught along with Islamiyat. If you are ready to do than you would be able to ask Madrassas to change other wise forget that for good.
We should introduce and replace our education system with o/a levels type education system let the students choose what they want to study don't force them that way it will help them develop critical thinking. Gov should encourage the parents to send their children's to schools and 1 day INSHALLAH these terror factories will close down on there own.
Not a single Madrassah guy said and many are reforming themselves including designing 4 year courses for University Graduates. The moment you put a Gun on there head and when Government is seen following agenda of USA the Madrassah guys react and hit back and go in reactionary mode. Things will change but forcing them won't get you anything. Just start from big Madrssas encourage them to start schools I have seen Jamia Asharfia in Lahore has started one. So encourage them not place a Gun on there head

Every Muslim needs detailed Islamic Studies and if you are not ready to introduce in them your University level education than stop asking Madrassas to change. Either both will change or both will stay same.
Thats a tall claim buddy we hear constantly how Madrassas oppose inclusion in mainstream system didnt you read Samiulhaq,s statement few days ago?
Also check this out
Registering madrassas and updating them means following USA,s will? :-// ok

Simple we need a system where we have same course as in top global institutions if we want our students to be competitive in this global economy the courseust be precise adding more subjects will make it difficult for them and make them less competitive

By not updating course of madrassas they are being made handicaps in this economy they have access to less jobs as compared to their uni going counterparts
Sorry in Islamic state it has to be taught and if Universities don't want to add subjects than stop asking Madrassas to change also. Both will stay same for good

There is no such thing as Islamic state ............. I am not blind I can see and understand .............. please stop living in dreams your society is not Islamic at all.

You tell me who has the greater responsibility? A university or a madressah?
They reason far better than other guys. In fact one of the things they are taught and is lot of focus on is reasoning in Madrassas
Mullah, They found the moon on chand raat

Here is a interesting fact overlooked by many folks

Prophet Muhammad was born and raised in Mecca. When he was nearly 40
that is when the first time he recieved first verses of Quran

Interesting idea , at age of "40" his mind was ready to recieve such a massive amount of responsibility

My argument is Let the Children get educated in Traditional Schools with focus on developing a mind and logic, and at a mature age of 17-20 then give them ability to enhance their learning with more deeper studies

Sure by age 17-20 they Youth have better mind or maturity to understand complex matters such as Jihad , or Deep dive into Hadith books and apply these to modern problems

History is amazing and it is fantastic for follks to learn it as a none credit mandatory course in University. Learn about past civilizations that are connected to Pakistan's Islamic heritage
But you know still but you got to develop

a) Mind
b) Reasoning
c) Logic
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Did you got your answer of those 10 contributions of mullahs?
I may even get 10 death threats in the process.
They have done great service to Islam and Pakistan. From your birth to death it's Mullah who serve you and you still have audacity to thrash talk against him
All these years & i thought i was feeding myself & my family with the only support from Allah. Who knew there was a Mullah behind every succesful man. (Sounds gayish)

Mullah, They found the moon on chand raat
Revolutionary! Suck that Americunts.

There is no such thing as Islamic state ............. I am not blind I can see and understand .............. please stop living in dreams your society is not Islamic at all.

You tell me who has the greater responsibility? A university or a madressah?
Both have and either both will change together or no one will change end of debate. Either you will enter Islamic subjects in starting from school up to University level and Madrassas starting education up to 12 standard and than students doing Dars e Nizami or no one will change and status will remain same. Yes there is Islamic state and if state won't do its job than people will and state should not cry after that because failure of state led to this. So better state wakes up and before asking Madrassas to change make there schools and Universities a model for combine Islamic and other education and than gain moral authority and ask Madrassas to do it. Or things will remain same no matter How much our liberals cry.

Did you got your answer of those 10 contributions of mullahs?
Yes when these laughing jokers die it's Mullah who come to wash you and offer your funeral and give you respectable burial and make dua for these souls. Who always bash them. These Mullahs teach you Quran manners and how to be good humans. There contribution is far greater than anyone else they teach you to be human not some wild animal. But those who have become animals in fact worst than that can't see it. @I S I
I may even get 10 death threats in the process.
Oh yes there's a possibility of that too.

Yes when these laughing jokers die it's Mullah who come to wash you and offer your funeral and give you respectable burial and make dua for these souls. Who always bash them. These Mullahs teach you Quran manners and how to be good humans. There contribution is far greater than anyone else they teach you to be human not some wild animal. But those who have become animals in fact worst than that can't see it. @I S I
Those good Maulanas are not even 2% so don't even compare those few with the rest of pedo's.
Oh yes there's a possibility of that too.

Those good Maulanas are not even 2% so don't even compare those few with the rest of pedo's.
These good Maulanas are 98 % 2 % are bad in every sector. And as they make bigger news they get more highlighted.
Both have and either both will change together or no one will change end of debate. Either you will enter Islamic subjects in starting from school up to University level
I completed my early education from a Christian missionary school(Saint Saviours) & we have studied Islamiat from the beginning till Class VIII.
These good Maulanas are 98 % 2 % are bad in every sector. And as they make bigger news they get more highlighted.
No it's the other way around if that was the situation (which i wished was true) our country wouldn't have been what it is today.
Both have and either both will change together or no one will change end of debate. Either you will enter Islamic subjects in starting from school up to University level and Madrassas starting education up to 12 standard and than students doing Dars e Nizami or no one will change and status will remain same. Yes there is Islamic state and if state won't do its job than people will and state should not cry after that because failure of state led to this. So better state wakes up and before asking Madrassas to change make there schools and Universities a model for combine Islamic and other education and than gain moral authority and ask Madrassas to do it. Or things will remain same no matter How much our liberals cry.

Messenger of ALLAH Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had practiced and preached Islam for roughly some twenty plus years ................ and you Muslims have made it so complicated that one can spend his whole life trying to understand and differentiate right from wrong ............. May ALLAH guide you people for you are not willing to change. Ameen.
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