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Madrassa reforms - Suggestions

USSR attacked Afghanistan and we had to get rid of USSR. It's slaves of USSR and enemies of Islam and Muslims who wanted Afghanistan to become slave of USSR and a colony of USSR and as USSR was defeated and destroyed they are crying for past 25 years.

Now You sound like a broken record ...
Your posting of western propaganda and lies won't change the fact that Madrassas are producing great scholars of Islam. But slaves of west the liberals only believe the lies sold by west. Madrassas are producing great scholars and will keep producing great scholars
ahahahahahahahahahahahaha keep patting each other on the back
Madrassas will keep teaching Islam and keep growing in numbers. The reform needed is addition of education upto FSC and FA in Madrassah and in schools reforms needed are addition of teaching of Quran and Arabic and Tafseer and Seerat and other Islamic subjects.
InshALLAH these madrassas will be closed 1 day InshALLAH there will be a day when my country will get rid of this curse InshAllah these pedophile terrorist mullahs and their brainless supporters will be behind bars because of the damage they've done to my country InshAllah one day my country will be free of all the extremists and their supporters you keep telling yourself these conspiracy theories of west, liberals and bla bla
ahahahahahahahahahahahaha keep patting each other on the back

InshALLAH these madrassas will be closed 1 day InshALLAH there will be a day when my country will get rid of this curse InshAllah these pedophile terrorist mullahs and their brainless supporters will be behind bars because of the damage they've done to my country InshAllah one day my country will be free of all the extremists and their supporters you keep telling yourself these conspiracy theories of west, liberals and bla bla
INSHALLAH these Madrassah will keep growing in numbers and would keep producing great scholars of Islam and Haters and slaves of west will burn in there rage and destroy their own health but won't be able to do anything against Madrassa
INSHALLAH these Madrassah will keep growing in numbers and would keep producing great scholars of Islam and Haters and slaves of west will burn in there rage and destroy their own health but won't be able to do anything against Madrassa

And if you are told with evidences that this particular madrassah is supporting terrorism. So what will you suggest in this case?
What is your response if Madrassa Students ask to close down all Colleges and Universities? People who thanked your post should also be ashamed of themselves. Extremist minds like you are responsible for the growth of extremism in our society. Extremist without a beard.

I am 100% sure that such attempt will never be made by any Pakistani government.
Well, atleast we're not blowing ourselves up in schools, mosques & markets go figure.
Factually wrong. First of all, the Madressahs are NOT a profit making business enterprise. If someone is illegitimately subverting funds and in effect stealing the money, such a person should be accountable and will definitely be accountable in the Court of Allah the Almighty.


This picture is product of Madressah .............. prove me wrong if it isn't a political rally and prove me wrong if I say that they are not doing any service to Islam.

If you really did think critically you would have read the signs before referring to the Court of ALLAH All Mighty.

Secondly, the politicians are not running Madressahs. Individual philanthropists finance the whole process of land acquisition, construction, and finally running them. If you have solid proof that black money is being laundered through the Madressah system, please bring forth your evidence otherwise refrain from making baseless allegations.

The above picture is from one of rallies of a politician.

If the Madressahs are really not providing any community service, then I challenge you, please write your will clearly stating that your Namaaz-e-Janaaza (funeral prayers) MUST NOT be led by ANYONE who has studied in a Madressah, your final burying rite should also NOT be performed by any such person, and finally, no such person should be employed to recite the Holy Quran for Eesaal-e-Sawab ever.

So you think all this is community service? Really?

I will type my heart for you ............. I would try and raise my sons in a manner that they are able to lead my funeral prayers, if ALLAH makes me live the day I will hold and conduct their nikah myself ........ I will raise my children to be good Muslims and good humans ........... I will try every effort to make them understand the importance of the Holy Quran ................. so that they read it, listen to it and understand it everyday ..... INSHALLAH ...................... you think I really need community service offered by Madressah? Shame on you for saying all this ........... you should have known it better.

And depending on how staunch you are in your dislike, you can start wishing in your heart that you should be excluded from the regular prayers of any such person as well. Honestly, my heart is bleeding just writing these words. This is a fate I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, much less a fellow practicing Muslim. Please consider the implications of what you write. Thank you.

I am willing to enter the first mosque I see to say my prayers and pray behind any imam from any sect ....... are you willing to do the same?

Your problem is .......... you are not even willing to recognise the problem. Your bleeding heart won't rid us of the situation we are ................ your open mind would help.
INSHALLAH these Madrassah will keep growing in numbers and would keep producing great scholars of Islam and Haters and slaves of west will burn in there rage and destroy their own health but won't be able to do anything against Madrassa
Still a madrassa graduate will not be employed in any good institution he will continue to liive a life im the same bubble your choice mate i dont think madrassa graduates are equiped with skills to survive in 21st century Pakistan
INSHALLAH these Madrassah will keep growing in numbers and would keep producing great scholars of Islam and Haters and slaves of west will burn in there rage and destroy their own health but won't be able to do anything against Madrassa
What these great scholars of Islam did for the betterment of Pakistan so far? In any sector aside from Hating on everything which moves?

Isn't he a politician running madressah business?
He's a munafiq(Hypocrite) running every kind of business in the name of Islam. I'm sure one day he will even open strip clubs too if he gets to know that it's a profitable business & he will be the first one to dance on a pole in the lingerie.
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