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Madrassa reforms - Suggestions

For a few extremist members here.
Yes giving example of a known retard Hassan Nisar who is known drinker and the farmhouse he lives is from his first wife who he illegally got basically captured and threw her out. He shouts like hell that is why some liberal fools get impressed by him. I can lot more people like who are good at shouting. Those talking crap against Madrassas can't even read kalma properly. For ever occasion they run to Molvi and than are first in line to talk crap against him. They are nothing but known hypocrites
These Madrassas are giving us Islam and scholars of Islam. The real embarrassment are those slaves of west who act like pet dogs of west and are always hungry and begging for more bone and dollars from west. Your modern universities and other institutions have produced more terrorists than Madrassas.
You know i can use more derogatory language for unparh, jahil, gawaar, pedophile, dehshatgard mullah's and their supporters but i don't want to go to that level and no these terror factories are not teaching Islam to anyone neither they're giving us any "Scholars''. The real embarrassment are these terror factories.
Yes giving example of a known retard Hassan Nisar who is known drinker and the farmhouse he lives is from his first wife who he illegally got basically captured and threw her out
That is his personal life but what he's saying is true.
You know i can use more derogatory language for unparh, jahil, gawaar, pedophile, dehshatgard mullah's and their supporters but i don't want to go to that level and no these terror factories are not teaching Islam to anyone neither they're giving us any "Scholars''. The real embarrassment are these terror factories.

That is his personal life but what he's saying is true.
What he is saying is crap and he is mostly full of crap. It's liberals by the way who are involved in homosex### and drunk parties and getting naked and ending up dead due to drug overdose. Madrassas are teaching Islam and those people talk crap against Madrassah who can't recite one ayat of Quran properly. The real embarrassment are western pets who have sold Pakistan and Islam for dollars.
What he is saying is crap and he is mostly full of crap. It's liberals by the way who are involved in homosex### and drunk parties and getting naked and ending up dead due to drug overdose. Madrassas are teaching Islam and those people talk crap against Madrassah who can't recite one ayat of Quran properly. The real embarrassment are western pets who have sold Pakistan and Islam for dollars.

Guys, chill. Keep to the facts and logic. These kind of comments debase your argument. Hit the edit button.

Pakistan has a strange system where young Pakistani children are put in the hands of christian priests ( christian mullahs), who are there to inculcate their values in them These schools are then termed 'leadership' schools (open bias) and given the best jobs in government.

Essentially Pakistan is run by people whose values are those of western christian priests. This is bound to cause friction in a society where values are different. Whoever said that the three tier system is to blame is entirely correct.

It's not the maddrasahs you want to get rid of, but these biased christian priest schools, and then creating a more homogeneous society with greater shared values.

As more is spent on education, people will naturally migrate to the government schools, diminishing the maddrasahs.
You know i can use more derogatory language for unparh, jahil, gawaar, pedophile, dehshatgard mullah's and their supporters but i don't want to go to that level and no these terror factories are not teaching Islam to anyone neither they're giving us any "Scholars''. The real embarrassment are these terror factories.

Besides being all of the above, the Mullahs are known traitors and biggest sell-outs ... During the British Raj, With the Holy Book in their hand and the Tasbih strung around their neck, the Mullahs set out to spread the word of colonialism, British Imperialism, and, for a few pieces of silver, agreed to serve as the custodians of slavery for the Indian people.

Sir George Cunningham (Governor of KPK during British Rule) did a great service to the Muslims of Pakistan by recording the names of these traitor Mullahs and stipends given to them by the British govt, for details :


And after the creation of Pakistan, the Mullahs were more than happy to sell their Iman for a few dollars, to the Americans during Soviet Afghan war, :


And now a days they take money from RAW to kill innocent Pakistanis

And yet their followers have the audacity to accuse others of taking money from the west, calling them pets of the west and declaring them enemies of Islam !!
What he is saying is crap and he is mostly full of crap.
What he is saying is true and it is indeed truth because only mullah's and their supporters will get offended by these comments of him. It's because of jahil mullahs and their gawaar brainless supporters that we're in this state today.
It's liberals by the way who are involved in homosex### and drunk parties and getting naked and ending up dead due to drug overdose.
At least they're not hiding behind Islam and Quran and f***g little kids they're the real pedophiles/homos in our country and about getting drunk we know how these ''scholars'' behave on international flights and what is the most fav thing they like to ''drink'' on those flights.
Madrassas are teaching Islam
NO they aren't repeating the same thing again and again won't change it into truth.
The real embarrassment are western pets who have sold Pakistan and Islam for dollars.
What are you talking man? who has sold Islam and where? if you're talking about jahil mullah's and their gawaar supporters than yes they definitely do that azlan has given an excellent example of that too but no one else has done that so stop it already. Come out of these illusions and conspiracies that you people have built around yourself this kind of extremism won't help you or this country don't make it difficult for us.
Besides being all of the above, the Mullahs are known traitors and biggest sell-outs ... During the British Raj, With the Holy Book in their hand and the Tasbih strung around their neck, the Mullahs set out to spread the word of colonialism, British Imperialism, and, for a few pieces of silver, agreed to serve as the custodians of slavery for the Indian people.

Sir George Cunningham (Governor of KPK during British Rule) did a great service to the Muslims of Pakistan by recording the names of these traitor Mullahs and stipends given to them by the British govt, for details :


And after the creation of Pakistan, the Mullahs were more than happy to sell their Iman for a few dollars, to the Americans during Soviet Afghan war, :


And now a days they take money from RAW to kill innocent Pakistanis

And yet their followers have the audacity to accuse others of taking money from the west, calling them pets of the west and declaring them enemies of Islam !!

Thank you for divulging the full family tree of these sell outs. We are well aware of their subversive activities and we lump them together with the liberal extremists. And I assure you, when I speak of Madressahs and religious scholars I am NOT referring to these sell outs.

Oh by the way, I read an article a while ago how the head of Agha Khanis has major investments in France. We know the foreign backed sell outs better than you.
What he is saying is true and it is indeed truth because only mullah's and their supporters will get offended by these comments of him.

At least they're not hiding behind Islam and Quran and f***g little kids they're the real pedophiles in our country and about getting drunk we know how these ''scholars'' behave on international flights and what is the most fav thing they like to ''drink'' on those flights.

NO they aren't repeating the same thing again and again won't change it into truth

What are you talking man? who has sold Islam and where? if you're talking about jahil mullah's and their gawaar supporters than yes they definitely do that azlan has given an excellent example of that too but no one else has done that so stop it already. Come out of these illusions and conspiracies that you people have built around yourself this kind of extremism won't help you or this country don't make it difficult for us.
Yes they are your denial and not facing facts won't change it. Madrassas are producing great scholars. In fact it's the only place where real scholars are being produced because MA Islamiyat offered in Universities is a joke with Islam. It's liberals and those who talk against Madrassas are those who are paid by west and funded by west get dollars from west sold there deen to west. You people can't point out single thing taught in Madrassah which is not according to Quran and Sunnah but want to talk crap against Madrassah typical sign of those who have no clue of what they are talking about.

Besides being all of the above, the Mullahs are known traitors and biggest sell-outs ... During the British Raj, With the Holy Book in their hand and the Tasbih strung around their neck, the Mullahs set out to spread the word of colonialism, British Imperialism, and, for a few pieces of silver, agreed to serve as the custodians of slavery for the Indian people.

Sir George Cunningham (Governor of KPK during British Rule) did a great service to the Muslims of Pakistan by recording the names of these traitor Mullahs and stipends given to them by the British govt, for details :


And after the creation of Pakistan, the Mullahs were more than happy to sell their Iman for a few dollars, to the Americans during Soviet Afghan war, :


And now a days they take money from RAW to kill innocent Pakistanis

And yet their followers have the audacity to accuse others of taking money from the west, calling them pets of the west and declaring them enemies of Islam !!

Afghan Jihad was not about USA. USSR chose to attack a Muslim country we have to fight him and we did. We started fighting them before USA entered the show. And we would have fought this war even if USA had not entered it. And for your information more funding came form KSA and UAE and other areas than USA. Those who have sold there Iman to west are those who were standing with USSR at that time dreaming of communist revolution in Pakistan and ban on Islam. Now most of them sitting with USA and talking crap against Islam and Madrassas
Besides being all of the above, the Mullahs are known traitors and biggest sell-outs ... During the British Raj, With the Holy Book in their hand and the Tasbih strung around their neck, the Mullahs set out to spread the word of colonialism, British Imperialism, and, for a few pieces of silver, agreed to serve as the custodians of slavery for the Indian people.

Sir George Cunningham (Governor of KPK during British Rule) did a great service to the Muslims of Pakistan by recording the names of these traitor Mullahs and stipends given to them by the British govt, for details :


And after the creation of Pakistan, the Mullahs were more than happy to sell their Iman for a few dollars, to the Americans during Soviet Afghan war, :


And now a days they take money from RAW to kill innocent Pakistanis

And yet their followers have the audacity to accuse others of taking money from the west, calling them pets of the west and declaring them enemies of Islam !!

I notice how you take a few mullahs and turn them into all mullahs.:nono:

I love how you altered Afghan history. Yes, the evil mullah took the US dollar and fought for the US!

No. It was the mullah and his students who risked, and gave, their lives so the Pakistan military could achieve its only victory ever in history.

Sorry, where were the English speaking students from the christian priest schools when this war was being fought?:omghaha:
Yes they are your denial and not facing facts won't change it.
You're right you saying the same thing again and again won't change it.
Madrassas are producing great scholars.
Ha Nice joke.
In fact it's the only place where real scholars are being produced because MA Islamiyat offered in Universities is a joke with Islam.
Than it means they aren't teaching extremism and terrorism like terror factories. phew
It's liberals and those who talk against Madrassas are those who are paid by west and funded by west get dollars from west sold there deen to west.
No one has sold their deen to anyone except a few pedophiles and their brainless gawaar supporters.
You people can't point out single thing taught in Madrassah which is not according to Quran and Sunnah but want to talk crap against Madrassah typical sign of those who have no clue of what they are talking about.
Afghan Jihad was not about USA. USSR chose to attack a Muslim country we have to fight him and we did.

It never was "Jihad" ... It was only a strategic use of Religion/Islam for political ends .. Pakistan played it's role as proxy for US interests to counter Russia in the bipolar world .... Much evidence and many de-classified documents have revealed that the USSR invasion was neither pre-planned nor a step toward Russian expansion in the Gulf or Asia. Rather, Brzezinski, the national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter, revealed that the USA had instigated Soviet Union in this attack to make it a Vietnam for the Russians ... But that of course is another debate. Saudis too had their vested interests. The mess Americans and Saudis left behind continues to haunt us to this day ...
You're right you saying the same thing again and again won't change it.

Ha Nice joke.

Than it means they aren't teaching extremism and terrorism like terror factories. phew

No one has sold their deen to anyone except a few pedophiles and their brainless gawaar supporters.

Your posting of western propaganda and lies won't change the fact that Madrassas are producing great scholars of Islam. But slaves of west the liberals only believe the lies sold by west. Madrassas are producing great scholars and will keep producing great scholars jealous slaves of west are free to lie as much as they want Madrassas will keep teaching Islam and keep growing in numbers. The reform needed is addition of education upto FSC and FA in Madrassah and in schools reforms needed are addition of teaching of Quran and Arabic and Tafseer and Seerat and other Islamic subjects.

It never was "Jihad" ... It was only a strategic use of Religion/Islam for political ends .. Pakistan played it's role as proxy for US interests to counter Russia in the bipolar world .. Islam was used as a political tool only ... Much evidence and many de-classified documents have revealed that the USSR invasion was neither pre-planned nor a step toward Russian expansion in the Gulf or Asia. Rather, Brzezinski, the national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter, revealed that the USA had instigated Soviet Union in this attack to make it a Vietnam for the Russians ... But that of course is another debate. Saudis too had their vested interests. The mess the Americans and Saudis left behind continues to haunt us to this day ...
Politics is part of religion. Even a person with worst knowledge of Islam can think politics and Islam are separate secondly it was Jihad no matter how much liberal funded people deny it. USSR attacked a Muslim land and it had to be stopped and defeated and it was done thanks to ALLAH. Now USSR slaves are free to cry as much as they want but Muslims defeated USSR and they freed the Muslim land and due to there efforts several other Muslim countries got independence.
Politics is part of religion. Even a person with worst knowledge of Islam can think politics and Islam are separate .

The Americans used Islam for their own political benefits .... And idiots like you made it easily possible for the Americans to use Islam and Jihad to protect American Interests ..
The Americans used Islam for their own political benefits .... And idiots like you made it easily possible for the Americans to use Islam and Jihad to protect American Interests ..
USSR attacked Afghanistan and we had to get rid of USSR. It's slaves of USSR and enemies of Islam and Muslims who wanted Afghanistan to become slave of USSR and a colony of USSR and as USSR was defeated and destroyed they are crying for past 25 years.
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