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Madrassa reforms - Suggestions

He's a munafiq(Hypocrite) running every kind of business in the name of Islam. I'm sure one day he will even open strip clubs too if he gets to know that it's a profitable business & he will be the first one to dance on a pole in the lingerie.

He and his cult is the reason madressahs are not what they should be.
What is your response if Madrassa Students ask to close down all Colleges and Universities? People who thanked your post should also be ashamed of themselves. Extremist minds like you are responsible for the growth of extremism in our society. Extremist without a beard.

I am 100% sure that such attempt will never be made by any Pakistani government.
If we close madrassas Pakistan will continue to function as it is(maybe some poor people will no longer be able to educate their children in madrassas but thats it) but if you close schools and colleges the very structure of the state will be damaged madrassas dont churnout nuclear scientists or neuro surgeons

Yes giving example of a known retard Hassan Nisar who is known drinker and the farmhouse he lives is from his first wife who he illegally got basically captured and threw her out. He shouts like hell that is why some liberal fools get impressed by him. I can lot more people like who are good at shouting. Those talking crap against Madrassas can't even read kalma properly. For ever occasion they run to Molvi and than are first in line to talk crap against him. They are nothing but known hypocrites
Drinking is something he does in his private life Tahir Ashrafi is also drinker just so you know :D
On issue of kalima well you dont need to know kalima to think good for this country but you do need to know how world functions in reality to do that
These madrassas students live in a small bubble they dont even understand the real problems

He and his cult is the reason madressahs are not what they should be.
As a defence mechanism madrassas became just centres for religious learning in British era before that madrassas were centres of learning for all sorts of subjects
As a defence mechanism madrassas became just centres for religious learning in British era before that madrassas were centres of learning for all sorts of subjects

They don't realise their own potential .......... they don't realise how much good they can bring to society. They are stubborn in their approach and stance ................... they need to think beyond performing the basic rituals.
Some reforms are already underway. Here are other suggestions.

1. Establish federal madrassa board.

2. Minister for madrassa affairs.

3. Educational and Recreational trip programmes.

4. Three to six month courses in affiliation with NCA (National College of Arts) in different trades.

5. Introduction of NCC.

6. Appointment of Physical Education Teacher and start of sports activities.
Ban all madrassas from inducting students who are below the age of 16 and have not passed their 10th board.
Madrassa education should be from 11th standard onwards. Every student in a nation should undergo uniform education upto 10th standard and then make a choice to pursue higher education in a college or in a madarsa.
Folks need to go to Proper school , and government has to first ensure such school and teaching facilities exist to educate people for 10 grades for free (with 5-8% focus on religion only no more)

Optional Religious school should be paid for activity done after regular school hours by private fund of parents, content that promotes a balanced appraoch, criculam should be approved content no more then 1-2 hours per week of after school activity

The first 15 year of person should be about developing a mind to develop an analytical approach and "ability to reason" and also attain education that will get you job or work.

In depth study of More detail study should be reserved for mature age of 17-18 in University

I would however recommend a mandatory course in Islamic History in University as a mandatory course so the folks would develop a more broad concept of history and various empires that were formed and what they achieved in their times, learn more about general practice followed and form of government etc and approaches they followed
  • Caliphate
  • Ummayad
  • Abbasiad
  • Ottoman
  • Mugal
Such topics can't be understood at young age

This is how an average Pakistani kid thinks (Those who do go to local system)
  • Mohammad Bin Qasim -> Came to Sub continent -> SHADY period-> independence movement -> Pakistan

The ones who did not go to school (Poor , orphans, or left behind)
Their mind general returns a "BLANK" response , and when they some how end up in Madrassa their mind is reprogrammed into anything the person running the madrasa wants to code

These kids tend to lack reasoning as they grow older their approach becomes
  • If you said anything I don't like or get offended , it is ok for me to draw my sword and chop chop or the very least I will beat you up with 10 of my buddies
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Still a madrassa graduate will not be employed in any good institution he will continue to liive a life im the same bubble your choice mate i dont think madrassa graduates are equiped with skills to survive in 21st century Pakistan
They are equipped well and would get more equipped after education up to 12th standard is introduced. This is only reform which is needed a Madrassah student should complete education up to FSC or FA than start Darse Nizami and in Schools reforms are also needed and that are adding Islamiyat I mean increase size 10 times include detailed chapters on aqeedah and Iman and Pillars of Islam and other Haqooq Ullah and Haqooq ul Ibad and include seerat and Islamic History as separate subjects to along with teaching translation and Tafseer and Hadith @Moonlight

What these great scholars of Islam did for the betterment of Pakistan so far? In any sector aside from Hating on everything which moves?

He's a munafiq(Hypocrite) running every kind of business in the name of Islam. I'm sure one day he will even open strip clubs too if he gets to know that it's a profitable business & he will be the first one to dance on a pole in the lingerie.
They have done great service for Islam but as Quran says there is a group who are deaf and dumb and blind from heart they can't see and feel anything and will keep talking thrash

Ban all madrassas from inducting students who are below the age of 16 and have not passed their 10th board.
Madrassa education should be from 11th standard onwards. Every student in a nation should undergo uniform education upto 10th standard and then make a choice to pursue higher education in a college or in a madarsa.
This ban won't work
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They are equipped well and would get more equipped after education up to 12th standard is introduced. This is only reform which is needed a Madrassah student should complete education up to FSC or FA than start Darse Nizami and in Schools reforms are also needed and that are adding Islamiyat I mean increase size 10 times include detailed chapters on aqeedah and Iman and Pillars of Islam and other Haqooq Ullah and Haqooq ul Ibad and include seerat and Islamic History as separate subjects to along with teaching translation and Tafseer and Hadith @Moonlight

They have done great service for Islam but as Quran says there is a group who are deaf and dumb and blind from heart they can't see and feel anything and will keep talking thrash

This ban won't work
Many madrassa molvis said they wont let their institutions include kufr science in their course
Every govt tried to do what you proposed but madrassas rejected it

I see no reason why someone doing MBBS or Msc Physics needs to learn detailed Islamic studies i dont think Islamiyat should be compulsory after 12th grade why put additional non subject related burden on students?
Those who wish to pursue education in Islamiyat should go for B.A Islamic Studies
Many madrassa molvis said they wont let their institutions include kufr science in their course
Every govt tried to do what you proposed but madrassas rejected it

I see no reason why someone doing MBBS or Msc Physics needs to learn detailed Islamic studies i dont think Islamiyat should be compulsory after 12th grade why put additional non subject related burden on students?
Those who wish to pursue education in Islamiyat should go for B.A Islamic Studies
Not a single Madrassah guy said and many are reforming themselves including designing 4 year courses for University Graduates. The moment you put a Gun on there head and when Government is seen following agenda of USA the Madrassah guys react and hit back and go in reactionary mode. Things will change but forcing them won't get you anything. Just start from big Madrssas encourage them to start schools I have seen Jamia Asharfia in Lahore has started one. So encourage them not place a Gun on there head

Many madrassa molvis said they wont let their institutions include kufr science in their course
Every govt tried to do what you proposed but madrassas rejected it

I see no reason why someone doing MBBS or Msc Physics needs to learn detailed Islamic studies i dont think Islamiyat should be compulsory after 12th grade why put additional non subject related burden on students?
Those who wish to pursue education in Islamiyat should go for B.A Islamic Studies
Every Muslim needs detailed Islamic Studies and if you are not ready to introduce in them your University level education than stop asking Madrassas to change. Either both will change or both will stay same.
They have done great service for Islam but as Quran says there is a group who are deaf and dumb and blind from heart they can't see and feel anything and will keep talking thrash
O'great Molana Zarvan, please enlighten us deaf & dumb about the contributions of Mullahs to the country except declaring every other sector of Islam as Kafir. Yes, that was a great service to Pakistan's stability & prosperity. Mashallah


Every Muslim needs detailed Islamic Studies and if you are not ready to introduce in them your University level education than stop asking Madrassas to change. Either both will change or both will stay same
So you want Universities to teach students about Jihad now?
If someone gets their 100% education from Madrassa , the risk is they lack ability to reason , or have logic to see the big picture. Every thing in their world is a "definitive predetermined fate"

You will tell them earth is circular they will say it is flat (as an example) , and if you will give them proof they will retaliate with beating you up

Most will not even accept the simple reality that Jews lived in same neighbourhood with Muslims a mere 100-140 years ago.

  • Bottom line really is that we need a revolution in term of Schools and quality of teachers so the students get a well balanced education for 15 years so their minds are capable to absorb reigious material and advance research and debate topics
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O'great Molana Zarvan, please enlighten us deaf & dumb about the contributions of Mullahs to the country except declaring every other sector of Islam as Kafir. Yes, that was a great service to Pakistan's stability & prosperity. Mashallah


So you want Universities to teach students about Jihad now?
Yes everything Quran and Tafseer and Hadith and JIHAD is part of Islam and would be taught. What are the conditions how many type of Jihad there is and everything about JIhad will be taught just like about rights of parents and rights of ALLAH and rights of fellow human beings will be taught. I love these threads they expose lot of people.

O'great Molana Zarvan, please enlighten us deaf & dumb about the contributions of Mullahs to the country except declaring every other sector of Islam as Kafir. Yes, that was a great service to Pakistan's stability & prosperity. Mashallah


So you want Universities to teach students about Jihad now?
Yes they are doing great service for Islam and Muslims and Pakistan also but slaves of west will keep talking crap against them.

If someone gets their 100% education from Madrassa , the risk is they lack ability to reason , or have logic to see the big picture. Every thing in their world is a "definitive predetermined fate"

You will tell them earth is circular they will say it is flat (as an example) , and if you will give them proof they will retaliate with beating you up

Most will not even accept the simple reality that Jews lived in same neighbourhood with Muslims a mere 100-140 years ago.

  • Bottom line really is that we need a revolution in term of Schools and quality of teachers so the students get a well balanced education for 15 years so their minds are capable to absorb reigious material and advance research and debate topics
They reason far better than other guys. In fact one of the things they are taught and is lot of focus on is reasoning in Madrassas.
Yes everything Quran and Tafseer and Hadith and JIHAD is part of Islam and would be taught. What are the conditions how many type of Jihad there is and everything about JIhad will be taught just like about rights of parents and rights of ALLAH and rights of fellow human beings will be taught. I love these threads they expose lot of people.

Islam is not some subject that needs to be taught .................. Islam is all about being practical. Forcing someone to learn it ....... is not the right way never has been....................
Islam is not some subject that needs to be taught .................. Islam is all about being practical. Forcing someone to learn it ....... is not the right way never has been....................
Sorry in Islamic state it has to be taught and if Universities don't want to add subjects than stop asking Madrassas to change also. Both will stay same for good
Yes they are doing great service for Islam and Muslims and Pakistan also but slaves of west will keep talking crap against them.
You're repeating the same crap like a parrot in every post. Why not just list down 10 biggest contributions of Mullahs to Pakistan's prosperity & growth? I'm not asking about that 10 children per Muslim growth urged by Mullahs.
Yes everything Quran and Tafseer and Hadith and JIHAD is part of Islam and would be taught. What are the conditions how many type of Jihad there is and everything about JIhad will be taught just like about rights of parents and rights of ALLAH and rights of fellow human beings will be taught. I love these threads they expose lot of people.

Yes they are doing great service for Islam and Muslims and Pakistan also but slaves of west will keep talking crap against them.

They reason far better than other guys. In fact one of the things they are taught and is lot of focus on is reasoning in Madrassas.

Well people between age 5-15 are ok to simple remain focused on Standard schooling
After age of 18 Sure , dig into Tafseer , or dig into advance subjects hadiths or if you want to learn about Jihad

If you can't pull up your shorts properly , age 5 , what chances are there you will understand any significance of Jihad

But before you do , have a mind that can logically reason

When you are age 5 or 16 , the fact you can just read Quran , fast or pray your normal share is sufficient. No Zakat (Tax) is due at that age so no point to worry about it.

Most of Pakistani kid know zilch about Islamic History apart from Mohammad bin Qasiim in Subcontinent

People whose mind are not mature won't understand anything from Hadith either

The product of Madrassa schools don't have ability to reason becuase they feel they will be going against their faith if they ever choose to reason or second guess and that is where the problem lies

After someone is mature age of 17-18 or 20 sure , then let them do self study in University , give them the book or material to nourish their minds

I am sure alot of folks will say Mohammad bin qasim was Saudi
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