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Lt. Gen. Zubair Mahmood Hayat appointed new Dir. of strategic plans division

What I will never understand is that whether its our bureaucrats or our military generals or even those who serve in relatively benign capacities like VCs of Public Universities - Why don't they simply retire at the end of their tenure & have a policy of 'I'm going to be here for *say* 2 years & within those 2 years I'm going to work towards Institutional Building so that my successors can continue on with the plan & the Institution isn't at the beck-and-call of 'Personalities'
What I will never understand is that whether its our bureaucrats or our military generals or even those who serve in relatively benign capacities like VCs of Public Universities - Why don't they simply retire at the end of their tenure & have a policy of 'I'm going to be here for *say* 2 years & within those 2 years I'm going to work towards Institutional Building so that my successors can continue on with the plan & the Institution isn't at the beck-and-call of 'Personalities'

Stuffed Chair..some "star child" status.. some fear of their own that their work may be undone(as is the tradition in Pakistan that a successor undoes the work of the previous regardless of how good it was.. and its a national psyche)
But isn't it other way round? DG SPD refusing to take another extension?

Meh, sab kehnay ki batain hoti hain.

A guy serving for 12 years at the helm doesn't just think one day, 'I'll just retire so that the next person can be in for the job!'.
Huzoor, Reasonably well done was one term.. two terms.. and then at the end he is human.. he ran out of ideas and energy.

Arghh .. I was having such a good time trolling Indians ..

See the last part of your signature; "Organizational Change"
You and I have worked for the private sector, at about the same time.

Do comment why you can use "Organizational Change" in your signature and what difficulties
Qidwai Sb, or for that matter any General sb, will face to boast of his capability to bring about organizational change.
Gen. Qidwai did a prime job.... thank you sir for serving the nation with tirelessly.

Leaders always lead will example... Gen. Hayyat, seems to be the right choice to carry on the legacy of giants.
Arghh .. I was having such a good time trolling Indians ..

See the last part of your signature; "Organizational Change"
You and I have worked for the private sector, at about the same time.

Do comment why you can use "Organizational Change" in your signature and what difficulties
Qidwai Sb, or for that matter any General sb, will face to boast of his capability to bring about organizational change.

Janab.. let me give you an example. Organizational change requires the mindset for it.. there are firms such as Deutche Telekom that had fairly similar situations as SPD when it came to the stuffed chair mentality and commissions.. yet it took one man to turn it all around by putting change agents he identified in office. Gen K for all his efforts did not seem to do that nor made the efforts.
See, you cannot be "sir, Yes sir" and then try to change things around. The whole mentality that effects Pakmil to a large extent is "dont rock the boat". By comparison.. the IDF lives on rock the boat.
Not sure about huge.. but whether by design or helplessness he left a footprint that is stale with bureaucratic mindsets that is full of mediocrity and stuffed chair mentality. Not to mention commission corruption in the form of pointless purchases of useless equipment. SPD is more about stamps and useless security protocols rather than fulfilling R&D potential.. or perhaps expensive bullet proof vehicles.

So the Pakistani version of Adm.Rickover (sic) finally demitted office?
Janab.. let me give you an example. Organizational change requires the mindset for it.. there are firms such as Deutche Telekom that had fairly similar situations as SPD when it came to the stuffed chair mentality and commissions.. yet it took one man to turn it all around by putting change agents he identified in office. Gen K for all his efforts did not seem to do that nor made the efforts.
See, you cannot be "sir, Yes sir" and then try to change things around. The whole mentality that effects Pakmil to a large extent is "dont rock the boat". By comparison.. the IDF lives on rock the boat.

True; but then how can you expect organizational change from a "general" whose life and existence is based on following SoPs and the yes sir culture ?

Isn't it Ironic ?

On one hand we have people who are trained to bring about change, who have the knowledge, experience and the means to do that. However for such things to happen in an Army; it takes an exceptional abnormality in terms of probability for some one to have those skills.
Another baton pass:

Lt. Gen. (ret.) Khalid Kidwai has stepped down as Director-General of the Strategic Plans Division. He has been in charge on Pakistan’s nuclear program for fifteen years, beginning even before the SPD was stood up. His successor is Lt Gen Zubair Mahmood Hayat. Some US commentary has expressed concern about new sources of instability that might result from this baton pass. Transitions don’t always go well, but the absence of transition can stunt institutional growth and professional development. Mature, successful institutions have to pass this test. No one individual or institution is foolproof, but Gen. Kidwai has developed procedures and programs that will supersede him. I expect a successful hand-off at the SPD.

Rawalpindi has defined its nuclear weapon-related requirements expansively. When it comes to military and civil nuclear programs, Pakistan seems intent to compete with India. Gen. Zubair will probably preside over a period of consolidation, as Pakistan picks winners and losers among the many types of missiles it has flight tested. At the same time, production capacity for bomb-making material will grow, the sea-based leg of Pakistan’s deterrent will take shape, and warhead numbers will continue to rise.

any pic of man
Not sure about huge.. but whether by design or helplessness he left a footprint that is stale with bureaucratic mindsets that is full of mediocrity and stuffed chair mentality. Not to mention commission corruption in the form of pointless purchases of useless equipment. SPD is more about stamps and useless security protocols rather than fulfilling R&D potential.. or perhaps expensive bullet proof vehicles.

I still think Corps Lahore and Karachi are one of the most lucrative hubs to make side money (illegal).

I am waiting for Xeric to mark me down again. lol

That guy seems obsessed with this all. Maybe he is in the line for the riches too. Who knows...
I still think Corps Lahore and Karachi are one of the most lucrative hubs to make side money (illegal).

I am waiting for Xeric to mark me down again. lol

That guy seems obsessed with this all. Maybe he is in the line for the riches too. Who knows...
Supposedly, during the 2001 standoff.. an Indian General motivated his troops by assuring them that they were not fighting a professional army but rather property dealers.
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