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Live: Grand celebration honoring 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. 庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年

Stop making threats to Taiwan then. And made peaceful deal in South China Sea then.

No one wants "peaceful" iron fist of overhanging threat.
Even Abe support PRC. Who are you to represent Japan. Lol..

Real Japanese are very pragmatic people. They respect strength. Whoever is strong , they will bow and lean near them. Whoever are weak, they will think they deserve to be bully. When they witness a power dyanasty of Tang, they do not hesitate to bow and learn/import their know how to improve themselves.

When US beats down hand down, they fully submitted. Now Japan witness a rising China and declining US. Tide has turn again with Japan bowing to China again. As long as someone demonstrated real strength. They will respect them. They will not live in denial or refusal to shed then away from real power.

Any one who's traveled in China and witnessed their infrastructure, organisation and efficiency compared to USA you definitely know China is the super power.
Thanks. But we are still a developing country, considering the more fundamental factors like average income or GDP per capita.
Even Abe support PRC. Who are you to represent Japan. Lol..

Real Japanese are very pragmatic people. They respect strength. Whoever is strong , they will bow and lean near them. Whoever are weak, they will think they deserve to be bully. When they witness a power dyanasty of Tang, they do not hesitate to bow and learn/import their know how to improve themselves.

When US beats down hand down, they fully submitted. Now Japan witness a rising China and declining US. Tide has turn again with Japan bowing to China again. As long as someone demonstrated real strength. They will respect them. They will not live in denial or refusal to shed then away from real power.

Spoken like a person that truly believes in "peace".

Abe wants peaceful relations for business and calm relations.

But don't thin that Japan doesn't come with sincerity for peacefully region without having its own security reassured. Assuring its own security doesn't require flaunting its military power.
Im just glad China is back in power in NE Asia, just like during the Ming and Qing dynasty until the opium war. China can keep the peace in that region and maybe even South East Asia and South Asia with Pakistan.
It is unfortunate that they feel a need to display that much military force for their country's anniversary, all the while keeping the 9 dash line, claim on Taiwan, and claim on the Senkaku islands. Just a big giant unprovoked threat.

Nothing to celebrate.

So how is Obama 2012 US pivot to Asia turning out? :enjoy:

The Pivot to Asia Was Obama’s Biggest Mistake

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By putting Asia at the center of its security strategy, the Obama administration inadvertently made the entire enterprise seem to Beijing like an effort to contain China militarily. This led China to respond by becoming more aggressive, helping to undo the general tranquility that existed before 2008.

Emblematic of this mistake was the roll-out of the Air-Sea Battle doctrine. First outlined in a then-classified memo in 2009, ASB became official doctrine in 2010. From the beginning, it was an effort to develop an operational doctrine for a possible military confrontation with China and then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates openly discussed the need to counter China’s growing military capabilities. The signal received in Beijing was the United States had hostile intentions toward China and was trying to contain it militarily. The result was that the entire pivot was seen by Beijing as part of a broader effort to encircle China.

If the first flaw in the pivot was the prominence of its military component, the second flaw was that there wasn’t a compelling reason to have a military component at all. The premise of the pivot was that Asia was more important relative to other parts of the world because it was home to a rising proportion of global GDP and was now at the center of the world economy. But this called for an economic response to take advantage of an opportunity, not a military response to counter threats. Yet, the pivot to Asia contained a robust military component.

This led China to view the entire enterprise, not just its military components, as part of a broader effort at containment. For example, when the TPP was finalized in 2015, Obama said, “TPP allows America — and not countries like China — to write the rules of the road in the 21st century.” Even trade deals were being presented as a way to counter the threat from China. It is no mystery why Beijing believed U.S. strategy in the region centered on containing China’s rise. The United States publicly said this is exactly what it was doing.
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So how is US pivot to Asia turning out? :enjoy:

The Pivot to Asia Was Obama’s Biggest Mistake

Quote ..
By putting Asia at the center of its security strategy, the Obama administration inadvertently made the entire enterprise seem to Beijing like an effort to contain China militarily. This led China to respond by becoming more aggressive, helping to undo the general tranquility that existed before 2008.

Emblematic of this mistake was the roll-out of the Air-Sea Battle doctrine. First outlined in a then-classified memo in 2009, ASB became official doctrine in 2010. From the beginning, it was an effort to develop an operational doctrine for a possible military confrontation with China and then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates openly discussed the need to counter China’s growing military capabilities. The signal received in Beijing was the United States had hostile intentions toward China and was trying to contain it militarily. The result was that the entire pivot was seen by Beijing as part of a broader effort to encircle China.

If the first flaw in the pivot was the prominence of its military component, the second flaw was that there wasn’t a compelling reason to have a military component at all. The premise of the pivot was that Asia was more important relative to other parts of the world because it was home to a rising proportion of global GDP and was now at the center of the world economy. But this called for an economic response to take advantage of an opportunity, not a military response to counter threats. Yet, the pivot to Asia contained a robust military component.

This led China to view the entire enterprise, not just its military components, as part of a broader effort at containment. For example, when the TPP was finalized in 2015, Obama said, “TPP allows America — and not countries like China — to write the rules of the road in the 21st century.” Even trade deals were being presented as a way to counter the threat from China. It is no mystery why Beijing believed U.S. strategy in the region centered on containing China’s rise. The United States publicly said this is exactly what it was doing.

There's this..

LUMUT NAVAL BASE, Malaysia (NNS) -- The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard and the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) began Maritime Training Activity (MTA) Malaysia 2019 marked by an opening ceremony at Lumut Naval Base, Aug. 14.

MTA Malaysia 2019 is a continuation of 25 years of maritime engagements between the U.S. Navy and Royal Malaysian Navy serving to enhance mutual capabilities in ensuring maritime security and stability.

The Pacific Area commander for the U.S. Coast Guard, Vice Adm. Linda Fagan, said that working alongside the U.S. Navy and international partners in this exercise is an important part of their mission in the Indo-Pacific. “We are proud to operate with our Malaysian partners, and together we are dedicated to strengthening maritime governance and security in support of peace and prosperity throughout the region.”

This year also marks 62 years of diplomatic partnership between the U.S. and Malaysia.

Vice Admiral Dato’ Aris Adi Tan Bin Abdullah, commander of Royal Malaysian Navy Western Fleet, said the conduct of this MTA is significant because in addition to the U.S. Navy and Royal Malaysian Navy, it is the first time this exercise has involved the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard. “It also provides better opportunity for both navies and coast guards to exchange knowledge and thoughts while developing a mutual understanding,” he said.

This year’s exercise will feature hundreds of Sailors and Coast Guardsmen from both nations who will come together throughout five days of at-sea and onshore training designed to enhance naval interoperability.

Rear Adm. Joey Tynch, commander, Task Force 73, who oversees theater security cooperation for the U.S. Navy in Southeast Asia, said this exercise with Malaysia is another layer to the strong and enduring Navy-to-Navy relationships in the Indo-Pacific. “This is partnership in action,” said Tynch. “The skills and trust built while working together at sea are at the heart of maritime security.”

At-sea, participants will engage in hands-on training in visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS), mobile dive and salvage, a gunnery exercise, maritime patrol operations and Replenishment at-sea. Onshore, there will be subject matter exchanges in aviation, woman’s leadership, damage control, military law, public affairs, and medicine.

“MTA Malaysia 2019 will include robust training covering a wide spectrum of naval operations,” said Capt. Matthew Jerbi, commodore of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7. “This year's schedule of events builds upon decades of side-by-side training that has allowed us to constantly evolve and push the boundaries of maritime bilateral capabilities, and we look forward to working with our Malaysian partners throughout the week.”

Additionally, sports exchanges and community outreach events are scheduled throughout the duration of the exercise in local schools and community centers as well as joint band performances at multiple venues by the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet Band and the Malaysian Navy Band.

U.S. assets participating in MTA Malaysia will feature the Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Montgomery (LCS 8), U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Stratton (WMSL 752), Safeguard-class salvage ship USNS Salvor (ARS 52), expeditionary fast transport ship USNS Millinocket (T-EPF 3), Mobile Dive and Salvage Unit 1, an MH-60S Seahawk helicopter and an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter. In addition, the U.S. will be supported by the U.S. 7th Fleet Band.

Royal Malaysian Navy assets include Lekiu-class frigate KD Lekiu (F30) and Kasturi-class corvette KD Kasturi (FSG 25), RMN Diving Unit, CB90 fast assault craft, a Super Lynx helicopter and Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) vessel KM Marlin.

Maritime Training Activity Malaysia builds upon 25 years of maritime engagement between the U.S. and Malaysia as well as other exercises in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands including Pacific Partnership, the largest annual multilateral humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission; Maritime Training Activity Sama with the Philippines; Pacific Griffin with Singapore; and Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT), which involves nearly a dozen partner nations. These engagements bring like-minded naval forces together routinely based on shared values and maritime security interests.

As U.S. 7th Fleet's executive agent for theater security cooperation in South and Southeast Asia, Commander, Task Force 73 and Destroyer Squadron 7 conduct advanced planning, organize resources, and directly support the execution of CARAT and other engagements in the region.
Im just glad China is back in power in NE Asia, just like during the Ming and Qing dynasty until the opium war. China can keep the peace in that region and maybe even South East Asia and South Asia with Pakistan.
President Xi is trying to made PRC surpassed Yongle or Tang Taizhong era height.
President Xi is trying to made PRC surpassed Yongle or Tang Taizhong era height.

Thats good.

Manchuria, Taiwan, and Tibet were not part of China during Tang years. Too bad for Xinjiang though.

Nat far from this:
The induction of Hypersonic Cruise missiles and Hypersonic Glide Vehicles is a game changer which means that China has the ability to hit any part of the US, and there is nothing that the US can do presently to stop this. All of US's Anti-Missile systems are useless against Hypersonic weapons capable of doing Mach 5+ minimum and beyond. Well done China!
Congratulations for the 70th anniversary. The world is taking note.

Phat gai hai LOL
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