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Live: Grand celebration honoring 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. 庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年

They are more Chinese influence than Confucianism, because Japan turn away from Confucianism after 1868 and it was finally removed altogether by USA in 1945.
You mean Meiji Restoration? Hmm, you are right. But I am not wrong, they are influenced, and still Japanese use Chinese characters. The Japanese elites read Chinese books, including Abe Shinzo.
The other two Confucianism influenced countries are Japan and Korea.
You mean Meiji Restoration? Hmm, you are right. But I am not wrong, they are influenced, and still Japanese use Chinese characters. The Japanese elites read Chinese books, including Abe Shinzo.
You are talking as if China still follows Confucianism, not anymore after Mao's cultural reforms. The only countries left are S Korea and Republic of China in Taiwan. When I visited Singapore they said they are more influence by the English rule of law than Confucianism since they are ex Brit colony.
How about an alliance like EU? Every EU countries keep their military force, language, and everything else. But they enjoy a shared market, technology, and collective security pact.
EU would be the perfect model. However it’s unrealistic, I believe, at least for the foreseeable future, because of vast difference in size and development status between VN and CN. I am more hopeful of between VN, JP and KR. The 3 countries are similar in size, population, culture, custom and most importantly no territorial disputes nor imperial ambitions. As said, you are the minority in China that seeks a balance.
You are talking as if China still follows Confucianism, not anymore after Mao's cultural reforms. The only countries left are S Korea and Republic of China in Taiwan. When I visited Singapore they said they are more influence by the English rule of law than Confucianism since they are ex Brit colony.

The whole east Asian is westernized too much, but traditional culture is in the blood of Chinese mainland, Japanese accepted the form of Confucius and Mencius not the core value. S.korea was Christianized with evil cult.
EU would be the perfect model. However it’s unrealistic, I believe, at least for the foreseeable future, because of vast difference in size and development status between VN and CN. I am more hopeful of between VN, JP and KR. The 3 countries are similar in size, population, culture, custom and most importantly no territorial disputes nor imperial ambitions. As said, you are the minority in China that seeks a balance.
Are you telling me the majority Chinese has "Imperial ambitions" against Vietnam?
let me tell you what the majority of Chinese thinks of Vietnam, Nothing, simply don't give a ****, harsh but fact.
Are you telling me the majority Chinese has "Imperial ambitions" against Vietnam?
let me tell you what the majority of Chinese thinks of Vietnam, Nothing, simply don't give a ****, harsh but fact.

I always regard north Vietnamese are most close to Chinese both in appearance and culture, south Vietnamese are different.
Are you telling me the majority Chinese has "Imperial ambitions" against Vietnam?
let me tell you what the majority of Chinese thinks of Vietnam, Nothing, simply don't give a ****, harsh but fact.
Yes I know there are many nationalists and ignorants in China hence I never believe to rapprochement. A alliance Vietnam with Japan and Korea is hundred times easier to make.
South Vietnamese are more Cambodian than they like to admit.

FME, North Vietnamese in terms of culture, looks, behavior are basically like Southern Cantonese people. South Vietnamese seem to be a lot more wild in behavior and their looks are more like Cambodians.
Yes I know there are many nationalists and ignorants in China hence I never believe to rapprochement. A alliance Vietnam with Japan and Korea is hundred times easier to make.
What,?When people just don't care makes them ignorants?
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