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'(lips)Kiss of love' protest outside RSS office in Delhi, 70 detained

damn!!! i never even touched my gf in public!!
We should become a lot more liberal than we are.These are all basic instincts which shouldn't be suppressed.It is because of this suppression that there are many rapes and molestations of girls in India.Many people are married these days in their late twenties or early thirties.Do we realise how unhealthy a person becomes by curbing the most powerful basic instinct for that long?Either we should get our children married at a very young age or we should give them the chance to choose how they satisfy their lust.It is no one's duty to poke their nose in others personal relationships as long as they don't have a bad influence on society.Having said that any such radical change should come about gradually and not suddenly as society has to adopt itself for the changes.
Actually they are - it is precisely because they are aware of the society they live in, that they choose to make such a protest. If they lived in Norway or Japan, they would not need to start a "kiss of love" protest.
Japan is pretty much like India in this aspect, holding hands is okay, but you will very rarely see people kissing or going further (the only time I saw this was in some corner under a tree), unlike Europe where you can see this extremely commonly in public places like a train station.
Japan is pretty much like India in this aspect, holding hands is okay, but you will very rarely see people kissing or going further (the only time I saw this was in some corner under a tree), unlike Europe where you can see this extremely commonly in public places like a train station.
Europe??? Fake taxi!!!!
It all triggered by an incident in a restaurant in calicut!!!!!

Though I agree with their right of protests, I think there are better ways to do it.
How do you figure? They are kissing Each Other while your religious extremists trying impose their views on someone else

what do you understand by 'Kissing Protest'. :wacko:
We should become a lot more liberal than we are.These are all basic instincts which shouldn't be suppressed.It is because of this suppression that there are many rapes and molestations of girls in India.
do provide examples of some liberal country where these things are not happening.
Big deal that people are kissing, our cultural organizations has to change to remain relevant. What caused this to start? Was there some kind of RSS opposition to kiss?

It all started with Yuva Morcha destroying a hotel in Calicut Kerala, accusing them of facilitating immoral activities.. There were many including families who stated that non of those things happening in that restaurant.. And there was a public kiss protest happened in Cochin Marine Drive against this kind of morale policing in which all kind of radical organisations meet to attack the kissing couples. I fully support this kind of protests because morale policing is become a headache to this country and its time to show these kind of cultural thakeedars their place..
It all started with Yuva Morcha destroying a hotel in Calicut Kerala, accusing them of facilitating immoral activities.. There were many including families who stated that non of those things happening in that restaurant.. And there was a public kiss protest happened in Cochin Marine Drive against this kind of morale policing in which all kind of radical organisations meet to attack the kissing couples. I fully support this kind of protests because morale policing is become a headache to this country and its time to show these kind of cultural thakeedars their place..
First Act of moral policing starts from home . pretty basic in india .If people should try to do protest they should try first in their homes instead.
First Act of moral policing starts from home . pretty basic in india .If people should try to do protest they should try first in their homes instead.

Your logic makes no sense. There is a different between a parent controlling their son and some goons try to control public..
no he did not but there is a high chance of such child abuse.. we dont know yet.. but dont be surprised when such news comes out..
Most RSS pracharaks are from poorer background, most are simpletons, and not very bright... many become pracharak to escape poverty and they dont have much employable skill... and then you ask them to remain celibate and control their natural urge.
Add that to the fact that societies where these people operate do not like to see them with girls. So only sexual object they got are young boys.
I am just joining the dots. :coffee:
You are joining too many dots don't you think?By equating western padre paedophiles in Indian context.
You are speculating too much are you in the speculation business?
High chance? if there was any abuse it would have come out in open by now with 50 years of Congress in power always trying to witch hunt RSS and shut it down by any means.

The RSS was founded on Vijayadasami Day, 27 September, 1925
So it is almost near 100 years if there was any abuse it might have been out by now.
Japan is pretty much like India in this aspect, holding hands is okay, but you will very rarely see people kissing or going further (the only time I saw this was in some corner under a tree), unlike Europe where you can see this extremely commonly in public places like a train station.
Japan,china and most asian countries are the same in this regard.
West is a different world, they have their own morality and rights if others don't follow them or are against them they are quickly labelled as fascists,bigots,communals,conservatives,neo nazis, right wingers,backward,regressive, sexist, misgogynist,racist etc.
and they are willing to enforce their values on other nations which do not follow their way of life forcibly by violent uprisings,civil war, or invasion and they call us moral policing?
West does rights policing around the world and our idiots here revere it as something beautiful when its west imposing its own rules on everyone, but when the RW or some people here want to preserve Indian culture and traditions the libtards take up cudgels, this selective amnesia is due to thorough brainwashing of Indian youth by western media and propaganda, who have the gall to ask what is Hindu/Indian culture nowadays, soon they will ask what is Sanathana Dharma and what is India?There is no such thing as India, yes you will hear this in future from these libtards, keep watching.

Take western values and morals with a pinch of salt.
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