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'(lips)Kiss of love' protest outside RSS office in Delhi, 70 detained

First Act of moral policing starts from home . pretty basic in india .If people should try to do protest they should try first in their homes instead.
Totally, Charity begins at home first.Likewise, these libtards should first try this Kiss of Love in their homes and then preach outside.
They will soon come to know there is a big line in front of their houses from total strangers to get kissed.
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We should become a lot more liberal than we are.These are all basic instincts which shouldn't be suppressed.It is because of this suppression that there are many rapes and molestations of girls in India.Many people are married these days in their late twenties or early thirties.Do we realise how unhealthy a person becomes by curbing the most powerful basic instinct for that long?Either we should get our children married at a very young age or we should give them the chance to choose how they satisfy their lust.It is no one's duty to poke their nose in others personal relationships as long as they don't have a bad influence on society.Having said that any such radical change should come about gradually and not suddenly as society has to adopt itself for the changes.

While on the surface what you suggest makes sense I have some reservations. So by the time I'm in my 30s and ready for marriage I'll have to select my wife from a pool of women who've had multiple sex partners? IMO, if India seriously wants to liberalize then the institution of marriage should be completely done away with. The thought of growing old and having kids with a s*** makes me very uncomfortable :o:

Read this Men and Marriage: Why Men should not get Married

Note: Will take time to respond as I'm on a vacation and don't have continued Internet access.
didn't you just make a rip-off of this quote?
John Lennon — 'We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.'
Plagiarism is a great subcontinental feature..don't hold it against the admin if he did:D
Those RSS goons have no authority to enforce anything. If we cannot protect the simplest fundamental principles of our nation (the rule of law) we might as well call us a failed state.

The real issue in this protest should not be about kissing, but against groups of self proclaimed "moral protectors" and wannabe cops who have absolutely nothing better to do than to form up mobs and attack people and destroy property.

Concerning kissing, much of the statements made by those backward morons are straight out of Victorian era England.... and in fact many laws like the law against homosexuality are from that era. Sexuality was viewed very differently on the Indian subcontinent in ancient times.

Khajuraho temples anyone?

Looks, its basic human instinct.. and while public affection has been taboo in the Indian society recently.. perhaps it was not so before.

Art and reality are not same...if they had then unicorns would be real.
You are joining too many dots don't you think?By equating western padre paedophiles in Indian context.
You are speculating too much are you in the speculation business?
High chance? if there was any abuse it would have come out in open by now with 50 years of Congress in power always trying to witch hunt RSS and shut it down by any means.

The RSS was founded on Vijayadasami Day, 27 September, 1925
So it is almost near 100 years if there was any abuse it might have been out by now.
are you for real? no pedos in India... because its 'western culture'?o_O
Of all the institutions in the world why they chose RSS...Why can't AIMPLB building?
So i can't kiss my Indian Girl friend in front of RSS? WTH.
Does RSS celebrate valentines day? Or is there a Hindu Dharma version of it which is perfectly legal?
Of all the institutions in the world why they chose RSS...Why can't AIMPLB building?
AIMPLB are not equivalent of RSS.. they are quite moderate and sane people... although religion makes them go retard once a while.
So i can't kiss my Indian Girl friend in front of RSS? WTH.
Does RSS celebrate valentines day? Or is there a Hindu Dharma version of it which is perfectly legal?

If you intend to kiss your girl friend, why you need the permission of RSS, Now if you really want to show off infront of RSS, then better get a visa......:P
are you for real? no pedos in India... because its 'western culture'?o_O
Are you for real? read what i wrote in the context of RSS not in case of India.
Comprehension problems?
I clearly defined RSS was nearing 100 years and if there was abuse it would have been out by now since congress was on a witch hunt to shut them down anyhow.
If they cannot do it despite all their power then there is no smoking gun.
RSS is an organisation with double standards. If kissing in public is vulgarity then what is this........



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