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Libya on brink of Tripoli showdown

Recent Saudi visit to Tunisia and Arab Summit in Tunisia means Tunisia is on board and didn't object to this offensive.
The Arab summit has never resolved anything, it is just something they do..Ihardly think that Tunisia is ok with it, because Tunisia will the first to feel any war that may take in the Lybian soil..I think the one who pushed Haftar to move West, at this time is well calculated and are taking advantage of the political vacuum left by Algeria...They are making a big mistake. Depending on Haftar moves, Algeria’s response will be coming...
Libyan need election to solve all of the disputes.

In the current circumstance the loser will claim rigging took place. The situation has escalated too much. Foreign meddling is only making things worse but that is an inevitable consquence of instability. Nobody wants their neighbor to be in the hands of a regime which is against their interests. Instability provides an opportunity to install a government that follows their interest.

The Arab summit has never resolved anything, it is just something they do..Ihardly think that Tunisia is ok with it, because Tunisia will the first to feel any war that may take in the Lybian soil..I think the one who pushed Haftar to move West, at this time is well calculated and are taking advantage of the political vacuum left by Algeria...They are making a big mistake. Depending on Haftar moves, Algeria’s response will be coming...

I was thinking since KSA recently invested in Tunisia and that they had Tunisia host the summit that they had tipped them off for this offensive. Could be wrong though. You seem confident Algeria will intervene, I honestly don't know much about that area.

I was thinking since KSA recently invested in Tunisia and that they had Tunisia host the summit that they had tipped them off for this offensive. Could be wrong though. You seem confident Algeria will intervene, I honestly don't know much about that area.
It isn’t the Sauds, Tunisia economy nor the entire North African economy is dépendant of KSA..The Sauds, in reality own the Arab league and the Arab league does what ever the Sauds want her to do..
For Haftar, it is a little tricky, he wouldn’t move his troops West without the approval of a world power...If Algeria doesn’t reacts, it means its Russia and it was agreeable with Algeria....Haftar had contact with the Russian last year and met with them again last January in Tunisia during a summer on Lybia...In any other case Algeria will intervene..
Egypt , UAE and Jordan have called for the end of fighting in Libya.

That could mean this was all for show to pressure the government coalition in Tripoli. Doesn't seem like that will work for now. It seems the only actual military move so far was capturing gate 27 temporarily. They withdrew after being forced out by the pro-Tripoli forces. They claim to have captured 130 of Hafters men.

Meanwhile Haftar army spokesman says offensive will be slow paced.
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Egypt , UAE and Jordan have called for the end of fighting in Libya.

That could mean this was all for show to pressure the government coalition in Tripoli. Doesn't seem like that will work for now. It seems the only actual military move so far was capturing gate 27 temporarily. They withdrew after being forced out by the pro-Tripoli forces. They claim to have captured 130 of Hafters men.

Meanwhile Haftar army spokesman says offensive will be slow paced.
He might have heard from Algeria thru back channels...


It seems like the people on social media supporting Haftar and his militias are all Saudi's/Egyptians. And they don't seem to care about Libya, for them it is getting at the Muslim Brotherhood. So pretty much anyone who doesn't submit to this axis is considered MB to them and they declare war against them. Anyone who protests will be at their mercy.

Unless MB starts taking action against Al-Saud, Sisi, and Al-Zayed. They are capable of eradicating those regimes but are afraid of causing civil strife for the people in the region.

Saudi Arabia is really asking for trouble, being in control of the two holy sites does not justify this behavior towards the people of the region.
Haftar? :coffee::coffee::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Supposedly talks are underway to end hostilities. There is not much going on the ground, it is mostly online propaganda by pro-Hafter sources/Al-Arabiya which are claiming all kinds of imaginary victories.

Right now it is a show of force to try getting Tripoli government to submit to Haftar.
Supposedly talks are underway to end hostilities. There is not much going on the ground, it is mostly online propaganda by pro-Hafter sources/Al-Arabiya which are claiming all kinds of imaginary victories.

Right now it is a show of force to try getting Tripoli government to submit to Haftar.
His first attack was beaten back with severe losses and countless prisoners ...
for those who understand french...an opinion thru question from an ex Algerian security service member

Look at the size of the UAE base in Lybia beside the Egyptian one..

Libya: Khalifa Haftar offensive pushed back 30 kilometers from Tripoli

Confiscated vehicles belonging to Marshal Haftar and his soldiers, in Zawiyah, April 5, 2019.
© REUTERS / Hani Amara

In Libya, Marshal Haftar launched a show of strength by conducting a surprise offensive on the capital. An operation dubbed "Liberate Tripoli". But in recent hours, the fighters of the strong man of the East have been pushed back to about thirty kilometers from the capital. The international community fears "escalation". UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is in Benghazi to meet with Kahlifa Haftar while the UN Security Council is due to meet urgently in the evening.
Violent clashes between a coalition of armed groups loyal to the National Unity Government against the forces of the Libyan National Army (ANL) of Khalifa Haftar, about 50 kilometers from the capital Tripoli, the seat of the GNA, were held on Friday. we learned from both sides.

According to a security source of the GNA, fighting is taking place in the regions of Soug al-Khamis, al-Saeh and Soug al-Sabt, less than 50 km south of Tripoli, an area mainly of agricultural farms. The ANL's media office has confirmed fighting near Tripoli. "The armed forces [...] and soldiers from all parts of Libya are currently engaged in violent clashes on the outskirts of Tripoli against armed militias," he said on his Facebook page. These are the first significant fights between the two camps since the installation of the GNA in Tripoli at the end of March 2016.

The city of Tarhouna joined the troops of Marshal Haftar

On Thursday, the Libyan National Army had initially taken possession of a checkpoint at the gates of the capital, Tripoli. But this Friday at dawn, the balance of power has rocked. According to security sources, the local militia in Zawiya, a nearby town, has taken control of the dam 27 kilometers from Tripoli.

The protection force of Tripoli, a coalition of militia in the capital, said it took part in the counter-offensive to stop the ANL. The Libyan press is also fighting south-west of Tripoli, in the city of Azizia and Souk el-Khamis while both sides reinforce the deployment of their troops.

And then, we learned in the afternoon that the militia of the city of Tarhouna, known as the "7th Brigade", joined the troops of Marshal Haftar. The information has been confirmed by one of its executives. This militia was faithful since 2016 to the government of Fayez al-Sarraj, a government that is recognized by the international community. It is therefore an important support for Marshal Haftar in his conquest of Tripoli.


Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj visited a position taken over by forces of Marshal Haftar, west of Tripoli, on April 5, 2019. © REUTERS / Hani Amara
The influence of an Arab country

In addition, Libyan media have disseminated, with documents, information on several militia leaders and even members of the government who fled to Tunisia or Turkey, approaching forces from the east. On the side of the internationally recognized government, Fathi Bach Agha, the Minister of Interior , multiplies statements since Thursday. He accuses, without naming it, an Arab country of giving the green light to this offensive of the ANL. Less than a week ago, Khalifa Haftar had been to Saudi Arabia. He had met King Salman and the Crown Prince.

These clashes are causing concern for the international community. On Thursday, after Marshal Haftar's call to march on Tripoli, Paris, Washington, London, Rome and Abu Dhabi called on all parties to bring down the tension immediately. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for a halt to all military movements. " The solution must be political, " he said. The Security Council must meet urgently in the evening at the request of the United Kingdom to discuss this situation.

■ What is Marshal Haftar's strategy?

L’ambiguïté domine la situation. Khalifa Haftar a annoncé sa volonté de marcher sur Tripoli, mais l'on ne sait pas si l'offensive vise à encercler la ville ou à entrer vraiment dans la capitale, ce qui impliquerait très certainement un bain de sang. Selon l'accord politique interlibyen de 2015, les milices devaient être intégrées dans la police et l'armée, mais cela ne s'est pas fait et ces groupes, porteurs d'un projet politique islamiste pour le pays, sont devenus non pas les rivaux du chef de l'Armée nationale libyenne mais de toute une partie des citoyens.

Moreover, this offensive comes just days before the national conference for reconciliation to be held in Libya on April 14. Does Khalifa Haftar seek to demonstrate to the international community that he is the only master of Libya? He recently extended his dominance over the South of the country in addition to the East. A large part of the Libyans are convinced that both sides do not want elections or reconciliation, but are fighting hard to conquer power by force.


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