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Liberate Khalistan trends on Twitter

lol, had a good laugh. :rofl:
Why don't you people stay on topic and address this issue instead of going off-topic. Troll free debating is hard to find on PDF.:pop:
I also had a good laugh. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The only possible way to liberate Khalistan is for you guys to Nuke India and eliminate everyone in Indian Punjab and in rest of the country. Then declare uninhibited part of Indian Punjab and Haryana as Khalistan since as long as someone in either Punjab or Harayana is left alive he is gonna fight for our country. Also note that neither Punjab nor Haryana is a disputed territory but your GB is and it is even acknowledged by your own country & also UN plus rest of the world.
Not forgetting that in 80s khalistan movement , indian state had completely failed in handling it.it was benazir who gave the freedom fighters name list to useless GOI else khalistan would very much have happened. These chest beating good for nothing indian trolls dont have guts to accept this fact.

At the same time kashmir 89 insurgency had also led indian state to the brink of economic collapse ,had it not been uno and intl intervention kashmir would not have been part of a state today that chose a terrorist butcher as their PM.

Now tht indians have been shown the mirror how each time their impotent jingoism spitting Gov always failed in handling any of the 80s insurgencies. All u are good at is mking lame statements like anadhra ki mirchi and kaanta etc etc. Thats how far ur iqs could go.

Anyways, on topic. Yea punjab is integral part of india , kashmir is integral part, mexico is integral part of india

Have the people of Republic of Khalistan designed their flag by now?
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Have the people of Republic of Khalistan designed their flag by now?

Yes the flag contains a map depicting Pakistani Punjab as their main territory and Lahore as their capital.
Nice, liberate the Indian part and Pakistan will sign the rest over so you can have Lahore as capital. Promise!

Hurry up, Get to work!!
Yes the flag contains a map depicting Pakistani Punjab as their main territory and Lahore as their capital.
I have no issue if khalistan wants to cede with pakistan then for larger punjab province, lahore is ok as a capital. Ya its ok if khalistan wants to join pakistan ,they r welcome.
Sikhs shall liberate the occupied lands upto Khyber and re-establosh a just state with Lahore as capital and Muslims shall be allowed to maintain their religion.


Pehle khud azad ho jao baad mein aage aana :D lol
sikhs have more compatibility with muslims they should have opted for pakistan as their country they went with hindus in 1947 and they are paying its price :disagree:

I was going through history and partition of India is known as bloody partiiton where in Sikhs/hindus and Muslims kiiled each other in large numbers. If Sikhs killed muslims during that time how come they are comfortable with muslims ? Correct me please if I am wrong.
I was going through history and partition of India is known as bloody partiiton where in Sikhs/hindus and Muslims kiiled each other in large numbers. If Sikhs killed muslims during that time how come they are comfortable with muslims ? Correct me please if I am wrong.
In their make believe world anything is possible.
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