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Sikhs in Canada vote in a Referendum for Khalistan - Sep 2022 .

HIndutvas do not care for reality or truths. They only care about point scoring and pushing their agenda.

Hindu Wadis do think in terms of Holy Scriptures which is due to Ancient Civilisation.

You are right Deen & Dharma do have agenda which is linked with Future Prophecies !!!

They know that Sikhs have no claim on Pakistan but they still push this since it allows them to divert away from the very real claim Sikhs have to Khalistan in Indian occupied Punjab.

Sarkar e Khalsa e Pind e Punjab e Sheesh Mahal - Some Provinces have been Invaded during League of Nations - War in which Hindu and Arab Kingships were fighting Foreign Colonizers.

Status Quo War is being still going on !!!
Yes, & due to that, they can no longer claim the Pakistani portion of Punjab for an independent Khalistan. They only have claims on the Indian portion since their very own leaders gave up the Pakistani side once they decided to stay with Hindus.

Very strange Explanation.


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This is something those pro Hindutva Indians must understand when it comes to Khalistan. Sikhs have no claims and cannot have any such claim of Pakistan's Punjab.

Sarkar e Hindustan Khalsa Punjab Sarkar Formations are intact and Formations are Upgraded !!!

Frontline Hindu Laskars !!!
Hindu Wadis do think in terms of Holy Scriptures which is due to Ancient Civilisation.

You are right Deen & Dharma do have agenda which is linked with Future Prophecies !!!

Sarkar e Khalsa e Pind e Punjab e Sheesh Mahal - Some Provinces have been Invaded during League of Nations - War in which Hindu and Arab Kingships were fighting Foreign Colonizers.

Status Quo War is being still going on !!!
Is that why they think "Ancient India" had airplanes and nuclear power?
There certainly is not accounting for low IQ.

Arabs never had Kingships in South Asia during that time so not sure what you are going on about.
Either way, Sikhs chose India during partition, thus giving up any claims to Azad Punjab. Just like Us Azad Punjabis have given up all claims to Indian occupied Punjab. Thus Khalistan is a legal claim of the Sikhs people of Indian occupied Punjab.
Is that why they think "Ancient India" had airplanes and nuclear power?

Those things are mentioned in Holy Scriptures regarding Celestial Beings !!!

There certainly is not accounting for low IQ.

Yew Pagans comes out of Civilization !!! Who have been Condemned numerous times in Holy Scriptures !!!

Arabs never had Kingships in South Asia during that time so not sure what you are going on about.

Arab Kingships do have historical relations with Kingdom of Japan !!!

Either way, Sikhs chose India during partition, thus giving up any claims to Azad Punjab.

Hindustanis are aware what is Jallianwala Bagh !!!

Az e Ad Mubarak !!!

Just like Us Azad Punjabis have given up all claims to Indian occupied Punjab. Thus Khalistan is a legal claim of the Sikhs people of Indian occupied Punjab.

Claims and Counter Claims are work of Sarkar e Hindustan Khalsa Punjab Pindi Sarkar !!!

Akal Takt is only one !!! Welcome to Hindustan !!!
And we Sikhs of India completely support the idea of Khalistan on Canadian soil with all of Ontario being part of it 👍

So Union of India - Establishment Authority State Territory Punjab - Occupied Military Sectors - Citizen Individuals are being transferred to Republic of Canada even in Year 2022.
Khalistani brothers should get the whole Punjab not only a piece in India. Places like Nankana Sahib, Kartarpur cannot left outside Khalistan. Lahore should be the capital of Khalistan. My Khalistani supporters don’t let this golden opportunity miss. I am sure your Pakistani brothers will agree without any issue 👍🏽
Khalistani brothers should get the whole Punjab not only a piece in India. Places like Nankana Sahib, Kartarpur cannot left outside Khalistan. Lahore should be the capital of Khalistan. My Khalistani supporters don’t let this golden opportunity miss. I am sure your Pakistani brothers will agree without any issue 👍🏽

Sikhs can have their own state in East Punjab and have free movement to their religious sites in Pakistan.
Kannedda banega Khalistan
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