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Liberate Khalistan trends on Twitter

Here in the UK I know lots of Sikhs who hate India/Hindus. Just saying.

Across the world, I know a lot of people who hate Muslims for 9/11, Boko Haram, ISIS, London bombings, 26/11 and Peshawar attack. Just saying.

Doesn't make it right, right?

I think we can all agree that it is wrong to hate 1.5 billion Muslims for the acts of a few hijackers, suicide bombers and terrorists. I think almost all Pakistanis on PDF will agree with this view. But then you happily cite yobbos hating 1.2 billion Indians. Double standards anyone?
By 2020 the whole of Kashmir will be liberated and become a state of the Union of India including GB! :-)
lol, had a good laugh. :rofl:
Why don't you people stay on topic and address this issue instead of going off-topic. Troll free debating is hard to find on PDF.
Across the world, I know a lot of people who hate Muslims for 9/11, Boko Haram, ISIS, London bombings, 26/11 and Peshawar attack. Just saying.

Doesn't make it right, right?

I think we can all agree that it is wrong to hate 1.5 billion Muslims for the acts of a few hijackers, suicide bombers and terrorists. I think almost all Pakistanis on PDF will agree with this view. But then you happily cite yobbos hating 1.2 billion Indians. Double standards anyone?

Can you stay on topic this is about Khalistan and Sikhs.

bro, next time u meet them in UK jst convey our msg to them... " ganta BC, no one here gives a rat's *** abt your opinions here" Thanks and regards.. :)

Lol I'm sure the feelings are mutual :tup:

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