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Lets be fair.

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Dec 6, 2009
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Not in habit of making lengthy posts, so ill cut to the chase. According to recently inacted rules, Indian and Chinese social issues shouldn't concern Pakistanis....... which by all means is fine, so how about a lil balance of equation here. We cant discuss indian social ills, so they shouldn't be allowed to share their incredible indian logic on our social matters. Fair is fair, No? Or are we just riding the western bandwagon here.........? "Hey every body lets comment on Muslims especially Pakistanis".
It seems those that complain the loudest (Indians) manage to get threads pulled when they don't like them.

But these same Indians have started record numbers of China-bashing threads, and they never get shut down.
Not in habit of making lengthy posts, so ill cut to the chase. According to recently inacted rules, Indian and Chinese social issues shouldn't concern Pakistanis....... which by all means is fine, so how about a lil balance of equation here. We cant discuss indian social ills, so they shouldn't be allowed to share their incredible indian logic on our social matters. Fair is fair, No? Or are we just riding the western bandwagon here.........? "Hey every body lets comment on Muslims especially Pakistanis".

lol, I know where you are coming from but the forum policy revolves around Pakistan you know. What I mean to say is that the major subject in this forum is Pakistan. We allow all kind of discussion for Pakistan and Pakistan alone. We have allowed non-Pakistani threads and even created special section for various countries so the members from the respected countries could discuss about their country as long as it has any relevance for the rest of the world.

Local news from India and China is strictly not allowed, it doesn't matter whether it's a good news or a bad news but we would like to keep the major subject of this forum to Pakistan alone. If we allow every non-Pakistani threads in the forum, it is possible that one day we Pakistanis might start looking in minority and you the very same member might come back complaining about it. So we disallow such threads for a very good purpose and that is to ensure that the Defence.pk remains .pk forever
Not in habit of making lengthy posts, so ill cut to the chase. According to recently inacted rules, Indian and Chinese social issues shouldn't concern Pakistanis....... which by all means is fine, so how about a lil balance of equation here. We cant discuss indian social ills, so they shouldn't be allowed to share their incredible indian logic on our social matters. Fair is fair, No? Or are we just riding the western bandwagon here.........? "Hey every body lets comment on Muslims especially Pakistanis".

I fully support Peregrine here.. Social issues discussions result in the maximum number of troll fests here.. Specially since both India and Paksitan really suck on that front.. hence there is a $hit load of material to post use that to cr@p over each other...

Personally, I think social issues by themselves should not be allowed.. Its a defence forum after all...

Just my 2 cents
It seems those that complain the loudest (Indians) manage to get threads pulled when they don't like them.

But these same Indians have started record numbers of China-bashing threads, and they never get shut down.
I think the Pakistani members have repeatedly reminded us that it is Pakistani forum so they can have certain things in favor of them while this ruling is against them.

Just see the thread where IA is bashed for extra judicial killings and when ISI and PA is targeted, people ignore the reports

They get benefit at one place and disappointment at others. After all its Pakistan Defense Forum. :D

I think Webby has made the forum more neutral.

As for your second statement, I agree that too much bashing of Chinese are done by Indians. But it goes both ways. Vicious Circle.

Another important observation is that few Chinese posters are bashing those posters who talks in Civil way with us.
I fully support Peregrine here.. Social issues discussions result in the maximum number of troll fests here.. Specially since both India and Paksitan really suck on that front.. hence there is a $hit load of material to post use that to cr@p over each other...

Personally, I think social issues by themselves should not be allowed.. Its a defence forum after all...

Just my 2 cents

Don't take it as offense but I think you are the biggest beneficiary of social issues (whatever I have written below is just a personal opinion of myself and not any MOD and you are free to disagree).

I mean whenever I read your thread it's always anti-Pakistan and no action is taken for most of the times as we allow all kind of discussion for Pakistan. Now when the member from Pakistan reacts and create a similar thread for India, it might get deleted (member might even receive infraction) for the valid reason :rofl:

I simply don't care on such scenario. We are Pakistanis and if the bad news is posted it is good for the country in the long run I think. We highlight the issue and create a general awareness amongst the Pakistanis and that I think will ultimately help us Pakistanis.
lol, I know where you are coming from but the forum policy revolves around Pakistan you know. What I mean to say is that the major subject in this forum is Pakistan. We allow all kind of discussion for Pakistan and Pakistan alone. We have allowed non-Pakistani threads and even created special section for various countries so the members from the respected countries could discuss about their country as long as it has any relevance for the rest of the world.

Local news from India and China is strictly not allowed, it doesn't matter whether it's a good news or a bad news but we would like to keep the major subject of this forum to Pakistan alone. If we allow every non-Pakistani threads in the forum, it is possible that one day we Pakistanis might start looking in minority and you the very same member might come back complaining about it. So we disallow such threads for a very good purpose and that is to ensure that the Defence.pk remains .pk forever

Sorry Zaki, but what ever you have mentioned in your post about promoting Pakistani values is rendered useless when indians get to to add their chikni chapti rants about Pakistan. This happens to be a social medium through which we need to further Pakistans agenda not have it hijacked by indians. Let alone alone the fact that their mindless bickering and distorted facts about our country and religion impact the free thinking process.
It seems those that complain the loudest (Indians) manage to get threads pulled when they don't like them.

But these same Indians have started record numbers of China-bashing threads, and they never get shut down.

Indians are well protected on this forum, 80% of their negativity side were well covered by the so-called "banned topic", on the other hand they are allowed to post basically anything regarding anyone else.

Also, the management doesn't seems to be too concern with keeping their words, like Webmaster said news articles from some China hate sites such as "Epoch Time" will not be allowed and the thread starter will be ban, at the end results will be: "welcome to Epoch Time"

What about the promise of an instant ban of racist attack against Chinese members? have they ever kept their promise at all?
These are the cracks that allows Indians to target Pakistanis. I don't say Indians don't bash Pakistanis.

But it has nothing to do with nationality when it comes to cheapness.

One Pakistani poster posted a good thread on the support of Indian students for Malala just below the thread by another Pakistani who was posting local news and taking cheap shots.

Former thread resulted in good vibes while latter one resulted in hatred filled posts with mentioning of banned topics. (Zakii, you know what I am talking about)

So from where I see, its more about the person himself rather than his nationality, religion, ethnicity, race etc.

One can easily read between the lines about the intention of the OP.
Sorry Zaki, but what ever you have mentioned in your post about promoting Pakistani values is rendered useless when indians get to to add their chikni chapti rants about Pakistan. This happens to be a social medium through which we need to further Pakistans agenda not have it hijacked by indians. Let alone alone the fact that their mindless bickering and distorted facts about our country and religion impact the free thinking process.
I think it will vary upon the interpretations of how we read the post. We would not allow anybody to go beyond the limit against Pakistan or any nation of the world. There is always a room to criticise the bad policies and whomsoever crosses the limit is either given harsh response in the same thread or banned for violating the forum rules. Now this is another matter that sometimes the members tend to take everything as offense and when I read the reported posts, sometimes the members report in such an emotional way that you literally feel that the member felt as if the day of judgement has arrived but when I read the same post I may not take it as offense and would not take any action at all. Some people are too emotional and can't take the criticism at all while others will allow plenty of room for debate/criticism.
What about the promise of an instant ban of racist attack against Chinese members? have they ever kept their promise at all?

NO. Asim Aquil explained to me that it is now an "automated system" and that Indians can get away with racial attacks on us, as long as they have enough infraction points remaining. :rolleyes:

There was an old thread that promised an instant ban on any Indian who used the word "chink" against us (posted by the moderator Berserk), but that thread has mysteriously vanished. Along with the policy.


Also, did you see a few days ago buddy, I set up a thread called "Lenovo replaces HP and Dell as the World's Top PC Maker" in World Affairs.

That was definitely a "world affair", not just a Chinese/American issue but a global one, and it was not bashing either. In fact, no specific country was even mentioned.

But they deleted that thread, while they let all the "Chinese counterfeit" threads stay up. :lol:
Spartacus got banned for posting threads that painted India in bad light. Fine.........But how is sunni or shia matter an Indian concern?
grey boy 2...??? :cry:

are you the same grey boy that was banned earlier this year?
It seems those that complain the loudest (Indians) manage to get threads pulled when they don't like them.

But these same Indians have started record numbers of China-bashing threads, and they never get shut down.

i think you need to wakeup and smell the coffee. Look at the posts of wanglaokan. Look at Indian reactions to him. Getting positive reactions from Indians is the easiest thing in the world. Getting negative reactions from Indians is the second easiest thing in the world. It depends hugely on your own behaviour.
Don't take it as offense but I think you are the biggest beneficiary of social issues (whatever I have written below is just a personal opinion of myself and not any MOD and you are free to disagree).

I mean whenever I read your thread it's always anti-Pakistan and no action is taken for most of the times as we allow all kind of discussion for Pakistan. Now when the member from Pakistan reacts and create a similar thread for India, it might get deleted (member might even receive infraction) for the valid reason :rofl:

I simply don't care on such scenario. We are Pakistanis and if the bad news is posted it is good for the country in the long run I think. We highlight the issue and create a general awareness amongst the Pakistanis and that I think will ultimately help us Pakistanis.

No Offence taken.. But you may want to go thru a list of my threads.. Leaving aside a couple of them, you would not find any thread on social issues of Pakistan atleast in last 3-4 months (thats what i rechecked before posting this reply)....

And my earlier post says exactly the same thing.. Just as posting about Indian social issues is not allowed, the same should be applied for Pakistani social issues too..
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