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Uncertainty in Bangladesh ("incredible amount of anti-India feeling within BD")

1. transit which can bring down cost of transportation by half.
2. Bangladesh situated in between India's two parts, military strategically BD in vital position geographically. want more ?

That's BS.

1-Do we have free transit even after having a full control for 4 decades? Whats wrong in seeking a transit for what India has done for you guys, and we dont think we are asking it for free. We do help BD in many other ways.
2-So if we don't control you to "claimed" extent, you will allow foreign powers to invade India using your land? Do you believe India wants to use BD land to run offensive against china?

I am in right place with proper sanitation and hygiene

You are overestimating BD. :lol:
That's BS.

1-Do we have free transit even after having a full control for 4 decades? Whats wrong in seeking a transit for what India has done for you guys, and we dont think we are asking it for free. We do help BD in many other ways.
2-So if we don't control you to "claimed" extent, you will allow foreign powers to invade India using your land? Do you believe India wants to use BD land to run offensive against china?

You are overestimating BD. :lol:
1. You did not get full control, you are looking for full control. Nothing wrong with seeking a transit, point is first we need to agree in basic demand.
2. we are not allowing anyone to access our land to invade india, but india do need bd land to transport supplies between two parts during war. Just tell you position, from last part of North-side of Bangladesh, china is only 40 km away, so do you realize how small land touch you have with your other side ? Forgot to mention other thing, Chittagong port is also important to transport.
3. Amartya Sen: India's dirty fighter | World news | The Guardian
Bangladesh ahead of India in gender equality: Amartya Sen - The Hindu
LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX | Bangladesh overtakes India in overall prosperity
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1. You did not get full control, you are looking for full control. Nothing wrong with seeking a transit, point is first we need to agree in basic demand.

So whole talk of India virtually running the government of BD is all rubbish. That's make all you guys just a cry babies.

2. we are not allowing anyone to access our land to invade india, but india do need bd land to transport supplies between two parts during war. Just tell you position, from last part of North-side of Bangladesh, china is only 40 km away, so do you realize how small land touch you have with your other side ? Forgot to mention other thing, Chittagong port is also important to transport.

That means expecting from a country (who gets created with our help) some help in our crisis time is too much? So much of ingratitude. :tsk:

Believe me if Russia will ask for help, each Indian will push GOI to go ahead.

You still have to come up with some cause which can vindicate India's foot and interest in BD, that is beyond BD national interest and sovereignty.

Heck - with so much influence, we cant get even a transit for business purpose. On top of that so many cry babies out here.
So whole talk of India virtually running the government of BD is all rubbish. That's make all you guys just a cry babies.

That means expecting from a country (who gets created with our help) some help in our crisis time is too much? So much of ingratitude. :tsk:

Believe me if Russia will ask for help, each Indian will push GOI to go ahead.

You still have to come up with some cause which can vindicate India's foot and interest in BD, that is beyond BD national interest and sovereignty.

Heck - with so much influence, we cant get even a transit for business purpose. On top of that so many cry babies out here.
1. whole talk of india virtually running BD govt. is true, the AL government.
2. You guys have miss-concept, helping in independence does not mean you own our everything. I told it to many indians here, do not play saint game, it was both parties' benefit. We wanted independence, you wanted to divide Pakistan.
3. I do not believe you in Russia issue, sorry LOL
4. nothing will be creditable to you as long as you think you are superior, the supa powa. But to us you will get same respect as other countries get, not much or less.
1. whole talk of india virtually running BD govt. is true, the AL government.

Again BS. Tell me how virtually running BD has benefitted India in any substance which we could not get otherwise by having just good relation.

Answer this or keep shut. You are just bad mouthing AL and try to get BNP in power. Its only purpose of inducting India everywhere.

2. You guys have miss-concept, helping in independence does not mean you own our everything. I told it to many indians here, do not play saint game, it was both parties' benefit. We wanted independence, you wanted to divide Pakistan.

Other's vested interest dont undermine the help you get, but thats true for iman walas. You guys dont believe so. The whole point is India is a hindu majority and your new gen is no better than pakistan with religious specs on eyes.

There is a reason why old gen still sees India as a friend because they have seen the help from "hindu" country, new gen just go by jihadi attitude who thinks ummah as their brother and hindus as an enemy with no reason.

3. I do not believe you in Russia issue, sorry LOL

I never expected you to believe. Gratitude is not your cup of tea.

4. nothing will be creditable to you as long as you think you are superior, the supa powa. But to us you will get same respect as other countries get, not much or less.

No, we will get your hate because we are evil yindoo bania. You will end up sucking to your religious superior nation to get a certification of being islamic.

When Russia helped us, she has her own interests but that doesn't undermine ones help. You guys haven't done anything for us, nor your government as such, still you keep on blaming. That is a trait of people who get the habit of asking more and more and they never feel gratitude. You can shrug gratitude by reminding yourself other's interest in helping you.

One word for you lot - Ehsaanfaramosh.
Again BS. Tell me how virtually running BD has benefitted India in any substance which we could not get otherwise by having just good relation.

Answer this or keep shut. You are just bad mouthing AL and try to get BNP in power. Its only purpose of inducting India everywhere.

How you got benefit ? few examples: you got BOB block for natural resources search without any international tender. you got rampal power plant project near sundurban forest which will harm our environment, the same company with same project got banned in india. Another thing- investment share of BD was 85% and india 15% for this project, but india got lion share of outcome LMAO. want more ?

I bash AL and BNP both, i am tagged in PDF both indian dalal and pakistani jamati LOL
@kalu_miah calls me BDforever= Bharat desh forever LOL

Other's vested interest dont undermine the help you get, but thats true for iman walas. You guys dont believe so. The whole point is India is a hindu majority and your new gen is no better than pakistan with religious specs on eyes.

No, we will get your hate because we are evil yindoo bania. You will end up sucking to your religious superior nation to get a certification of being islamic.

this is you who r playing religious card right now, i never mentioned or talked about religion LOL
There is a reason why old gen still sees India as a friend because they have seen the help from "hindu" country, new gen just go by jihadi attitude who thinks ummah as their brother and hindus as an enemy with no reason.

blind try again, most of the old generation does not like india anymore, my family is full of freedom fighters and non of them like india right now.

I never expected you to believe. Gratitude is not your cup of tea.
gratitude= considering you highness ? sorry you have miss concept of gratitude.
Again BS. Tell me how virtually running BD has benefitted India in any substance which we could not get otherwise by having just good relation.
Answer this or keep shut. You are just bad mouthing AL and try to get BNP in power. Its only purpose of inducting India everywhere.

You seem to overestimate Bangladesh and it's infrastructure, brother...A fly could infiltrate Bangladesh. Bangladesh keeps no secret, it isn't a big player in the region, it's just a country where you can do anything in the open and get away with it. You don't know about Bangladesh because you've never lived there. Bangladesh is closed off from the rest of the world I could kill people dump them in a river and get away with it, these things happen in gaow gram (village) all the time. The savar incident barely got media coverage in western countries, but the only reason it did is because those factories were key suppliers to companies such as Primark and H&M.
I never used that word.....but you do support BJP(you have supported them on multiple occasions)....
They are far better than the other parties plaguing the Indian political scenario. In my state, except for Jammu - BJP has no presence. So voting for them is meaningless.
How you got benefit ? few examples: you got BOB block for natural resources search without any international tender. you got rampal power plant project near sundurban forest which will harm our environment, the same company with same project got banned in india. Another thing- investment share of BD was 85% and india 15% for this project, but india got lion share of outcome LMAO. want more ?

I bash AL and BNP both, i am tagged in PDF both indian dalal and pakistani jamati LOL
@kalu_miah calls me BDforever= Bharat desh forever LOL

this is you who r playing religious card right now, i never mentioned or talked about religion LOL

blind try again, most of the old generation does not like india anymore, my family is full of freedom fighters and non of them like india right now.

gratitude= considering you highness ? sorry you have miss concept of gratitude.


One or two projects and BD is slave to India. What the logic. Any idea how much these project benefited India? I mean in billion terms. Lets see how much India made from running a virtual government in BD.

Do you have an iota of an idea how can one government milk other nation if they have a puppet government sitting and that too in 4 decades?

Come up with something relevant than some tiny private projects. That don't sum up all cries and hate you guys shows for a country who help you in bad time. I expect something really big that can vindicate your hatred.

I can show you deals in billions which goes to Russia just because of good relation which otherwise should have gone to better option.

No tender!! Any idea about gov to gov deal just to have enhanced co operation. We do that even with US(not even termed as good friend).

Gratitude = atleast not abusing one who helped you in past and that too without sufficient enough reason.

Come up boy with some good reason....c'mon...atleast some conspiracy theory...

The truth is radicalization of new gen and an urge to be more islamic....

Old gen still feels gratitude, any reason behind it? I hope you dont think they are buddhas and stupid.
You seem to overestimate Bangladesh and it's infrastructure, brother...A fly could infiltrate Bangladesh. Bangladesh keeps no secret, it isn't a big player in the region, it's just a country where you can do anything in the open and get away with it. You don't know about Bangladesh because you've never lived there. Bangladesh is closed off from the rest of the world I could kill people dump them in a river and get away with it, these things happen in gaow gram (village) all the time. The savar incident barely got media coverage in western countries, but the only reason it did is because those factories were key suppliers to companies such as Primark and H&M.

I am just looking for a reason that big enough which can justify so much of hatred shown by "PDF" bangladeshi for a nation which help you in your bad times and also help you get liberated.

We, common Indians, never feel benefited by you people in any sense nor the government.

I had some hopes... but then they shook hands with the corrupt. :hitwall: Besides supporting AAP(ep Prashant Bhusan) may be suicidal for me and my family.


They are supporting externally. You should be disappointed only when you find AAP running corrupt agenda.

One or two projects and BD is slave to India. What the logic. Any idea how much these project benefited India? I mean in billion terms. Lets see how much India made from running a virtual government in BD.

Do you have an iota of an idea how can one government milk other nation if they have a puppet government sitting and that too in 4 decades?

Come up with something relevant than some tiny private projects. That don't sum up all cries and hate you guys shows for a country who help you in bad time. I expect something really big that can vindicate your hatred.

I can show you deals in billions which goes to Russia just because of good relation which otherwise should have gone to better option.

No tender!! Any idea about gov to gov deal just to have enhanced co operation. We do that even with US(not even termed as good friend).

Gratitude = atleast not abusing one who helped you in past and that too without sufficient enough reason.

Come up boy with some good reason....c'mon...atleast some conspiracy theory...

The truth is radicalization of new gen and an urge to be more islamic....

Old gen still feels gratitude, any reason behind it? I hope you dont think they are buddhas and stupid.

i asked you want more or not, u did not answer and now you are saying based on 2 projects i am bashing india LMAO.
AL is not govt. for 4 decades AAHAHAHAHA.
Deal with USA in natural resources ? show me LOL
Show me Russian deal and also show me what other nation offered on such deal :D
AHAHAHA again religious card and now even buddhas did not get away LOL

:hitwall: Besides supporting AAP(ep Prashant Bhusan) may be suicidal for me and my family.
why is that ?o_O
The general consensus among BD folks is this - if a BD guy shakes hands with an Indian(God forbid if he is Hindu/Sikh), he becomes a dalal of India. :rofl:
That said BD has been quite ignored by Indian Govts - would have been nice to do more for them. Like we build infrastructure for Bhutan etc. But then political compulsion probably won't even allow that. What's worse, not building infra/helping will fuel more Indophobia in the long run. :D

@Anubis(post #107 and previous ones) has actually cleared the main issue underlying the pretentious civilized charade. It is quite obvious that the 'patriotic' BDeshis want faith to play a more dominant role in their society. The absence of that force and need for emphasizing their unique identity, it becomes necessary to hate 'the other'. He could not have said it better. If civilized and educated men think like that with a cool head, we can safely deduce that no matter what we do(other than converting en masse), the outlook towards India won't change.
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