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Lets be fair.

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These are the cracks that allows Indians to target Pakistanis. I don't say Indians don't bash Pakistanis.

But it has nothing to do with nationality when it comes to cheapness.

One Pakistani poster posted a good thread on the support of Indian students for Malala just below the thread by another Pakistani who was posting local news and taking cheap shots.

Former thread resulted in good vibes while latter one resulted in hatred filled posts with mentioning of banned topics. (Zakii, you know what I am talking about)

One can easily read between the lines about the intention of the OP.

I have no idea what you can read or feel. I am just asking for EQUALITY, nothing more nothing less.
Spartacus got banned for posting threads that painted India in bad light. Fine.........But how is sunni or shia matter an Indian concern?

It is not indeed but having a discussion on something bad and acknowledging our mistake will ultimately help us improve ourselves and eliminate the bad from the society. I think if the post is making a lot of sense to you, does it really matter who is discussing the topic?
i think you need to wakeup and smell the coffee. Look at the posts of wanglaokan. Look at Indian reactions to him. Getting positive reactions from Indians is the easiest thing in the world. Getting negative reactions from Indians is the second easiest thing in the world. It depends hugely on your own behaviour.

So now that you had a few nice words with wanglaokan, Indians are going to stop posting China-bashing threads? :lol: Or repeatedly using racial slurs against us? No, they will post them anyway, regardless of anything else.
No Offence taken.. But you may want to go thru a list of my threads.. Leaving aside a couple of them, you would not find any thread on social issues of Pakistan atleast in last 3-4 months (thats what i rechecked before posting this reply)....

And my earlier post says exactly the same thing.. Just as posting about Indian social issues is not allowed, the same should be applied for Pakistani social issues too..
I think I would personally like to see it as it is. Social issues from Pakistan helps us contemplate. It might hurt to some people in the beginning but if we are allowed to discuss such topics, we can help create general awareness amongst each other and find the solution of these problems.
Maybe the moderators here can tell me what happened to that policy?

There was a thread posted by the Moderator "Berserk", which said that any Indians who called us "chinks" would be instantly banned.

But that thread has mysteriously vanished.

And in a recent thread, here is what Asim Aquil had to say:


How many times does it take now? Maybe until the moderators decide that their Chinese guests have had enough? From the screenshot above, it seems like 4 times in one thread is not enough.
i think you need to wakeup and smell the coffee. Look at the posts of wanglaokan. Look at Indian reactions to him. Getting positive reactions from Indians is the easiest thing in the world. Getting negative reactions from Indians is the second easiest thing in the world. It depends hugely on your own behaviour.
Sir, actually I don't blame CD for it. He might bash Indians but he has given me reasons and he has given me links of posts/threads of the time when Chinese openly defended Indians on right points and bashed their compatriots. Since then we have been good friends. His proofs matter to me.

I can say same for another one, Wanglaokan, who is a new member and if he is treated by the Indians like the way other Chinese treats Indians in general, he might become one India bashing poster, which I doubt.

As I said, its a vicious circle.

He has been on this forum for so long, and a person like you can notice that only handful of Indians and Chinese talk with civility.

All it takes is people to not to cross certain lines even if they are forced by cheap posts.

Point always is that which individual has self control and maturity to display on the forum. Few outbursts, leg pulling, casual jokes etc are acceptable. But as I say, we can make our lines for ourselves.
Maybe the moderators here can tell me what happened to that policy?

There was a thread posted by the Moderator "Berserk", which said that any Indians who called us "chinks" would be instantly banned.

But that thread has mysteriously vanished.

And in a recent thread, here is what Asim Aquil had to say:


How many times does it take now?
and whomsoever ever called you chinks got himself banned or received infractions. I have personally issued at least 800 infractions for the similar racist slurs to Chinese members. If there was a reported post where no action was taken, it might be because no moderator may have read that reported post
So now that you had a few nice words with wanglaokan, Indians are going to stop posting China-bashing threads? :lol: Or repeatedly using racial slurs against us? No, they will post them anyway, regardless of anything else.

You didn't get the point, or you chose not to get the point: it's OK by me either way.

As you already know, the point is elsewhere. wanglaokan will get very positive responses; China-related threads will get what the Chinese members participating in them seem to have deserved.

Try not being in-your-face hostile for two seconds. You might get a hernia, but you might also be pleasantly surprised at the response.
I think I would personally like to see it as it is. Social issues from Pakistan helps us contemplate. It might hurt to some people in the beginning but if we are allowed to discuss such topics, we can help create general awareness amongst each other and find the solution of these problems.

Ideally you are right, but when the identification of those issues is cross border, the intent comes into play, and I dont think the intent is honorable, when an Indian opens a thread about a social issue in Pakistan, or vice versa...
and whomsoever ever called you chinks got himself banned or received infractions. I have personally issued at least 800 infractions for the similar racist slurs to Chinese members. If there was a reported post where no action was taken, it might be because no moderate may have read that reported post

Except Asim Aquil was there, and even responded to my post. He deleted some posts but not the ones with the racial slurs, not until I made a point of it.

and whomsoever ever called you chinks got himself banned or received infractions. I have personally issued at least 800 infractions for the similar racist slurs to Chinese members.

Only 800 times for one moderator?
It is not indeed but having a discussion on something bad and acknowledging our mistake will ultimately help us improve ourselves and eliminate the bad from the society. I think if the post is making a lot of sense to you, does it really matter who is discussing the topic?
Zaki lets forget "we should be the role models for every one" or miss goody two shoes attitutde here. This is a big bad world we are living in....... if you are not going to fight for your rights then they will eat you alive. I have no interest in india or any of her matters, but at the same time I wouldnt approve of indians spreading venoum against Pakistan or my religion.
Ideally you are right, but when the identification of those issues is cross border, the intent comes into play, and I dont think the intent is honorable, when an Indian opens a thread about a social issue in Pakistan, or vice versa...

actually the problem is something else. Look I have personally opened many threads about social issues in Pakistan but I have never received criticism in response. I think you receive higher volume of criticism when the same article may have been posted by the member of other nationality. Indians may not like Pakistanis posting anti-India news and Pakistanis may not like Indians posting anti-Pakistan news while both parties wouldn't mind if the same article was shared by one of their fellows. So you guys need to find a way for mutual understanding by yourself
hey what hapened to freedom to speach here? This is a very good forum to discuss issues of various sorts by all sides on all topics. By putting so many "biased" restrictions we are going to ruin this forum.

I believe there should be freedom for all to discuss anything (legal and moral off course) they want to discuss, however to improve the quality of discussions and discourage troling, there should be stricter control on members attitude more infractions points on trolling, less tolerance for banning and longer ban periods.

I agree with OP that there should be fair treatment and even playing field for all.
I have no idea what you can read or feel. I am just asking for EQUALITY, nothing more nothing less.
Buddy, as long as people remain in rational discussion and treat and report trolls, without considering their nationality, you can achieve EQUALITY. I report Indians (not that often, I admit) and they can bash me for this. But I expect people from other countries with whom I like to discuss and talk, to do the same.
1: Indian social ills = We don't give a crap what happens to them
2: Chinese social ills = They are more than equipped with cash to fix them, none of our business
3: Pakistan issues = Its our country, therefore it makes sense to discuss it on web's largest Pakistani forum. Lastly, its easier for us to moderate our own issues when we don't have to worry about stuff we don't have to worry about or doesn't affect us.

If, we keep making threads on how many poor in India don't get food and Chinese issue -- we will not have the space to discuss our own domestic ones. So its not about fairness but about whats important and whats not.
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