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Dear Indians, can we get rid of the superiority complex?

We have let a woman of Italian origin rule us through a clever divide of administrative power centres, but far too many of us have not accepted her Indianness. We have every right to reject her politics and her corrupt government, but shouldn't her living most of her life here make her Indian enough?
No! She's an Italian. She has Italian blood. So, how can she ever be called, Indian?

First it were the English who ruled over us. Now it's an Italian! When will we ever get rid of foreigners screwing us? It seems to be firmly embedded in our DNA.

Now Rahul baba's girlfriend is Veronique Cartelli, a Spanish architect who lives in Venezuela. She may become the PM of Bharat not too far in the future! Because we love getting screwed by foreigners! Old habits die hard, what? :cheesy:
Yes, you asked where in this thread Pakistanis have posted bigoted viewpoints.

I said indians and Pakistanis are quite bigoted when it comes to other ethnicity.

Which covers a lot of other indians and Pakistanis and not specifically in this thread.

I am confused
the world thinks otherwise,.,,,,,indians suffer from inferiority complex

he he he we all know why pakistanies keep on bringing anty india topics by one view or the other and still think indians need to do something about complex while they think nobody is noticing pakistanies in doing so good ...lage raho :omghaha:
Because we love getting screwed by foreigners!

Don't know about you, but here in new zealand I certainly do :D
Introspection makes no one smaller, Indian members. It's best to know thyself. It stands true for us all, as nations, people and individual. Denial does not help.
This article is 100% true and to the point its just that Indians are too arrogant and have a wide variety of complexes to accept it
Having become free after remaining enslaved for millenniums, the Hindu naturally likes to show off.

u people got converted by those desert barbarians and nw started posing as if u r roots are in middle east....
I mentioned here before, and I am going to say it again, Miss Nina Davuluri would not even get a second look in india because of her 'dark skin.'

She also said that she is first and foremost, an American, and she was also born there. U.S.A also allowed her to succeed and fulfill her dreams of being an accomplished individual.

Don't know why indians are nw claiming her success. Also for every American that slighted her, there were another 4 defending her. I don't think Indians would be as generous, knowing their opinions on the internet.

Indians and pakistanis are quite bigoted when it comes to other ethnicity.

Leave us aside kiddo we r too mature and good to be compared with u.
This article is 100% true and to the point its just that Indians are too arrogant and have a wide variety of complexes to accept it
Really? This after that bozo called General Hasan of the FCNA in 1999 arrogantly declared that Indians are 'banyas' who can't fight and therefore Siachen will soon be captured!! Mind blowing arrogance of your generals, the reason why they've come a cropper in all wars against India! :cheesy:

And then you have those millions of sheeple who follow the likes of Hafiz Saeed like the Piped Piper of Hamlin, dishing out inflammatory anti India speeches with spectacular arrogance.

All this is just a lot of hot air, but it seems this arrogant attitude makes you guys a little more self confident than you actually are! At least that's what you think!
u people got converted by those desert barbarians and nw started posing as if u r roots are in middle east....

I see an anime fan here, great to see that on PDF.

Oh, regarding your question, actually, no, most of chose Islam by consensus and most of them because of Sufi saints. So, no, not really.
Leave us aside kiddo we r too mature and good to be compared with u.

pakistani commentators on the internet says otherwise.

Discussions here is a testament to that fact. A lot of the comments here are nothing but poor attempts at trolling. A lot of Pakistani posters engage in concern trolling. They fake concern for dalits or Indian Muslims when it is obvious they don't, and are just using those groups to score points.

Indians meanwhile engage in pointless jingoistic rhetoric.

It makes no difference to the rest of the world as the world sees Pakistan and India as third world hell holes.

Both sides engage in massive denials. Both countries are literally stuck in social structures that were in place 300 years ago.

once India and Pakistan starts comparing themselves to nations like Germany or the scandinavian countries, both countries look abysmal in every indicator a country is measured on.

There is a reason why Indians and Pakistanis queue up to got America.
Having become free after remaining enslaved for millenniums, the Hindu naturally likes to show off.
Since Bangladeshi madrassas teach you that Muslims were never enslaved......I suggest you to search the internet for more neutral information on certain things like:-
1. What the Mongols did to the Muslims?
2. Were there Muslims present in the Indian subcontinent during British rule?
3. Why Pakistan(including Bangladesh) was created?

I'm telling you, that the 'brave' Muslims feared Hindus enslaving them after the British rule....so they demanded their own country to run away from us...the corrupt Hindus obliged for their own selfish interest and the result is...PAKISTAN.......
.....but it would be better if you learn things yourself...
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