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"Let Them Fly There Now": Putin Threatens To Shoot Down Turkish Jets In Syria, Calls Erdogan An ***

Sure they do.

Range of SOM is 250km. How is that beyond range of S-400?

Not to mention S-400 is within the range of Turkish artillery which would turn the Russian base to a parking lot.

Please know that after such thing happens, it means official declaration of war. This is not Call of Duty and it will be much different than downing a non-hostile Su-24. Regarding the parking lot, you know Russian nuke arsenal can turn the whole world into parking lot, let alone Turkey.

Hopefully, Erdogan is not stupid enough to provoke them more than this, and Turkish jets should not enter Syria or do anything provocative. The current escalation is enough.
Range of SOM is 250km. How is that beyond range of S-400?

SOM (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While initially the range of the missile was announced to be 100 nmi, debates arose in local press around the missile's real range after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan unexpectedly set objectives for the development of a missile with a range of 2,500 km (1,300 nmi) at the plenary session of the High Science and Technology Council on December 28, 2011.[11] Shortly after, head of the State Scientific Research Administration (TÜBİTAK) Yücel Altınbaşak informed that they set a task to develop the missile to 2,500 km (1,300 nmi) within 2 years. "The SOM missile is currently tested for 300 km (160 nmi) range and successfully achieved 10 m (33 ft) precision goal, demonstrating around 5 m (16 ft) accuracy in live fires. We are planning to start 500 km (270 nmi) range tests this year. Later the range will be extended to 1,500 km (810 nmi) and finally to 2,500 km (1,300 nmi) in 2014", he said.[12][13]
The real threat from Russia is not S400, which can be destroyed with determined push by Turkish Special Forces and Cruise Missiles backed by Turkish Air and Naval units.

Russia's real power does not come from any of its rusty ships or 2nd class Military sitting in Syria, in the event of a escalation these untis would be slaughtered and wiped out by Turkish Military before Russia knew what hit them, but Russia's real power comes from its formidable Nuclear Arsenal.

This is why any escalation is bad for Turkey unless it also has its own Nuclear Arsenal - independent of NATO, because Nato is like a loose girlfriend not a wife,its unreliable and prone
to cheating on you - no matter how much you invest in the relationship.

Until that happens, Putin will keep throwing his toys out of the pram and using whatever dirty thoughts cross his mind to get his point across.

You should stand up for the elections to the Presidency of US or NATO. Really I wonder why does NATO spend so much on enhancing their conventional capability if the Russian equipment is second rate or rusty as you claim?

Also this is a game of realpolitik, you think Post Russo-Georgia war, Putin would have allowed the degenerated Russian Army to stay stagnant? 2008 was the turning point when it took Russia some time to overwhelm the Georgian army. They conducted the test in Crimea and they got what they wanted. Now they have staked their prestige on Syria, so do not assume to underestimate the forces present there. Add to it, in any given day, Hezbollah and Iranian regular forces will also be on the ground so your special forces operations will be a bit of 50-50 issue. As for cruise missiles, you forget that the S-400 is Anti missile system too ... so your contentions at best are fantastical.

And no one, in their right mind, will indulge in this kind of brinkmanship relying on nuclear weapons. So the naïve only assume that grand strategies are based on use of nuclear weapons.

Turkey wouldnt even want to pass the border as in case of getting shot down, Simply, Syrian government will accept that they did it... As Russians know that any middile against Turkey means bye bye to Bosporus..
However, I believe, Turkey will attack there with UAV based missiles, as its not considered the violation of airspace...

On the contrary, one has to see the conditions in Turkey. Is Turkish citizenry willing to go to war over stupidities? I severely doubt it. And the moment Turkey takes any steps to close Black Sea, you are seeing it land in trouble. The problem is even NATO is unlikely to intervene in such a scenario. Closure is not an option for Turkey and very unlikely. IMO, Turkey will sit tight and try and push across material and maybe men, but not do anything beyond that. Erdogan's days of brinkmanship are numbered. You can only take your country towards a destructive route till a certain time till as one of the members rightly posted that shit that is thrown by you also has to be licked off the spoon by you. In most likely scenario, we will see revival of Kurdish nationalism albeit with tacit support of Assad and now enthusiastic support by Iran and Russia. Remember Kurds have fought ISIS, have always been neutral to Assad (due to his secular government) and have been constantly bombed by Turks in their air/ground campaign. The shit will spread to Turkey as time progresses.
Nothing is going to happen in the end... Both countries are not interested. Russians were testing the resolve of Turkish Armed Forces and Turkiye wants to draw a line for russians which they draw successfully and mission accomplished.

All the show pieces will remain like that for exhibition till the end. Russians have to complete the task asap and leave the country if they stay it will prove another afghanistan for them becuase Russia might have a good military muscle but they lack the economy of Mighty US who can pump trillions in a war.
Ok, someone will post a confirmation to this news I'm certain.
this is absolutely wrong. Turkey shouldn't be threatened like this. there is diplomatic and political way
like Iraq has protested Turkish troops and only asked them to go. instead of threatening them with Scuds

The Turks can launch long range weapons against them beyond the SAMs range even 400km on a good day. F-16 is still a threat.
why everyone is warmongering whats wrong with people
have we forgotten that real enemy is Daesh and its financiers?
Won't happen. I highly doubt Russia will suddenly destroy their plane out of the blue however tbh I am getting a little concerned. The world is ignoring daesh and are locking horns with each other... I sincerely hope Russia uses her mind and does not blow up their planes to escalate things as all it will do is make things worse and with their war mongering ignore Isis.....

The world should be uniting to take down Isis but instead have allowed them to create three strongholds and presence in two nations as well.

At this point calm diplomacy is the need of the hour and unity... Loom at Iraq. They very diplomatically asked turkey to remove her troops rather than immediately send men over there to fight...

We must be united otherwise we will soon realize that Isis has become too strong. Its already at a level where it has become very hard to take them down.
Turkey shot 2 bombers and killed one pilot.

Russia wiped out the Turkmens, deployed the S-400 to Syria, killing the ISIS-Turkey oil trade and made sure Assad stays in power.

Russia has won this big time.

I know about Su 24 shotdown. The other one is?o_O
Do you really believe Moskow would shoot down a Turkish plane? That would be a nightmare scenario for the Russian geopolitics. Their ships and submarines could not return to Crimea after such an action.

Why do you think that Russia will not do to protect its interest?..Putin a leader with different type where he will do everything to protect his ally Assad and Syria.
chinese dragon...

The thing is, what will happen when russia shots another countries fighter:-)?

It depend on the countries ability to counter act:-)

And seriously i don't know about Turkey or her abilities. But two good countries with major economy and in important positions should not let it happen. I surprised by putins comments. Hope for the best and let peace happens:cheers:
Sure its possible. But as long as Russians don't try to shoot down the jets, Turkey has no reason to destroy them. And they shot down the Russian plane because it intruded its space, yes same old song but still a fact.

Sure they do.
With that? The effective range of the S400 is beyond the reach of that missile...

Sure its not a video game. No different than not taking Turkish military seriously enough. You think have a SAM system automatically wins? They just jam and overwhelm the enemy air defense system which has proven in the past.
If the US has problems with it, I am sure Turkey has no weapon that can defeat the air defenses put up by Russia in Syria.

And they shot down a Russian jet but you see mushrooms around you?
Russians are no going nuclear bezerk over the downing of their SU24. But they have, with the S400, effectively grounded the Turkish air force.

Not to mention S-400 is within the range of Turkish artillery which would turn the Russian base to a parking lot.
within range? if your artillery resemble the tanks that Turkey assembled on the Syrian border and in Irak...I doubt Turkey can scare a crow...
Sure its possible. But as long as Russians don't try to shoot down the jets, Turkey has no reason to destroy them. And they shot down the Russian plane because it intruded its space, yes same old song but still a fact.

Sure they do.

Sure its not a video game. No different than not taking Turkish military seriously enough. You think have a SAM system automatically wins? They just jam and overwhelm the enemy air defense system which has proven in the past.

And they shot down a Russian jet but you see mushrooms around you?
....yeah, yeah ... there's dosens of just EASA antenas (generating huuuge powers) in the S-400 compexes (particular targeted to fight Cruise missles terrain-following/supersonic + ballistic ones, besides the planes themselfs)... but yeah, they just jam it ... or shoot dat plastic moulage (on the pic) which never seen any action ...
Complete Information on India's Almaz-Antey 40R6 / S-400 Triumf

Complete Information on India's Almaz-Antey 40R6 / S-400 Triumf | Page 2
Just wait for Iraq to be activated against Turkey
I can tell this Putin popularity among Iraqis reached the roof people start hanging putin's pictures on their cars homes and work! the reason for that is that Iraqis in particular shiite not only feels they know they are targeted by sunni hardliner and baathist also been back-stabbed by kurds their closest ally also they don't see the U.S serious about supporting them so in total they feel cornered that's why they see putin as a savior they even going to protest against their regime because our government confused they don't want to do they don't want to bother their ally the U.S they can't face the Turks or the Arab they even afraid of stand against the baathist in parliament any way our government is in shitty situation.
Russian nuke arsenal can turn the whole world into parking lot, let alone Turkey.
I don't understand why people keep talking about Russian nukes arsenal as Russia a third worl country with limited industry and lack of technology!!!.
Guys Russia is one of the top countries in military tech don't forget Russia isn't Iraq cursed with lunatic dictator all he cared about is his power not the nation!!!.

Russia is a European country with their pride of their country is the main drive they wont use no nukes they have enough to take on Europe within two weeks from Poland in the east to spain in the west now turkey will be crushed within the first week.

They have thousands of tanks and artillery plus thousand of fighters plus thousands of missiles that will turn any European country into ashes.

I would think the only one who would threaten using nukes is Europeans because they are just weak Europe without the U.S can't stand against Russia more than two weeks at latest.

This is reality not emotion.

The only power that can stand against Russia is the U.S and China the rest are small forces.

So who is Turkey among those titans? erdogan is stupid when he thinks he can stand against big powers just like Saddam.

this is absolutely wrong. Turkey shouldn't be threatened like this. there is diplomatic and political way
like Iraq has protested Turkish troops and only asked them to go. instead of threatening them with Scuds
So are you going to use diplomatic approach with india if it invade your country plus what we did so far more than asking them to pull their forces guess what they still refuse to do so.

Bro believe me we have nothing against Turkey as nation as country our problem is with erdogan who has no respect to our sovereignty.
On the contrary, one has to see the conditions in Turkey. Is Turkish citizenry willing to go to war over stupidities? I severely doubt it. And the moment Turkey takes any steps to close Black Sea, you are seeing it land in trouble. The problem is even NATO is unlikely to intervene in such a scenario. Closure is not an option for Turkey and very unlikely. IMO, Turkey will sit tight and try and push across material and maybe men, but not do anything beyond that. Erdogan's days of brinkmanship are numbered. You can only take your country towards a destructive route till a certain time till as one of the members rightly posted that shit that is thrown by you also has to be licked off the spoon by you. In most likely scenario, we will see revival of Kurdish nationalism albeit with tacit support of Assad and now enthusiastic support by Iran and Russia. Remember Kurds have fought ISIS, have always been neutral to Assad (due to his secular government) and have been constantly bombed by Turks in their air/ground campaign. The shit will spread to Turkey as time progresses.
This writing shows that you have no clue about Turkey other that CNN or RT..
Even though some Turkish people is against AKP, they all happy for shooting down Russian plane.. You dont understand the Turkish character or culture, either Putin! After they fist violated the border, Turkish prime minister was very clear that even if its gonna be the bird coming from Syrian border, we will accept it as a threat and the answers will be based on that! It was very clear that they will shot it down!
However, cocky Putin underestimated Turkey! If Russian drink for being healthy "na zdorovie", We Turks drink for Honor "Sherefe" . Any Turk would of shoot down that plane! They went against whole Nato in Cyprus war and against Greece in 1999.

Second, Turkish forces crashed PKK in each city going house by house recently! The shooting came right after succeses from inside of the country and They focused to foreign policy..

The third, we dont really afraid of anybody... Russia got enough reason to attack Turkey... But, it is not as easy as talking from TV channels in Moscow!
These words show clearly which part got but hurt and keep barking...
Not really. This is not a video game. S-400 backed up by Pantsir S-1 as deployed in Syria can engage those stand off weapons as well destroying them before reaching the SAM. And Russia is not going to sit and twiddle its thumbs if such a scenario develops. They are still a formidable military sitting on top of a nuclear arsenal bigger than the rest of the world combined.


LOL How many nuclear weapons does one country needs to destroy another country or the world with it? As far as you have MAD capabilities with ability to strike anywhere on earth like the P5 powers do, then its useless having more nuclear weapons(bar for prestige reasons). A kill is a kill. The issue is WILL ANY POWER BE WILLING TO EVER USE NUKES ON ANOTHER BEARING IN MIND THAT DOING SO WILL ALSO MEAN THE END OF THAT POWER WHO STARTED THE WAR? The answer is obviously NO. At the end everybody loses. So no point.

Nobody will even attack backward N.Korea, forget about about far more advanced nuclear powers. lol

I can tell this Putin popularity among Iraqis reached the roof people start hanging putin's pictures on their cars homes and work! the reason for that is that Iraqis in particular shiite not only feels they know they are targeted by sunni hardliner and baathist also been back-stabbed by kurds their closest ally also they don't see the U.S serious about supporting them so in total they feel cornered that's why they see putin as a savior they even going to protest against their regime because our government confused they don't want to do they don't want to bother their ally the U.S they can't face the Turks or the Arab they even afraid of stand against the baathist in parliament any way our government is in shitty situation.

I don't understand why people keep talking about Russian nukes arsenal as Russia a third worl country with limited industry and lack of technology!!!.
Guys Russia is one of the top countries in military tech don't forget Russia isn't Iraq cursed with lunatic dictator all he cared about is his power not the nation!!!.

Russia is a European country with their pride of their country is the main drive they wont use no nukes they have enough to take on Europe within two weeks from Poland in the east to spain in the west now turkey will be crushed within the first week.

They have thousands of tanks and artillery plus thousand of fighters plus thousands of missiles that will turn any European country into ashes.

I would think the only one who would threaten using nukes is Europeans because they are just weak Europe without the U.S can't stand against Russia more than two weeks at latest.

This is reality not emotion.

The only power that can stand against Russia is the U.S and China the rest are small forces.

So who is Turkey among those titans? erdogan is stupid when he thinks he can stand against big powers just like Saddam.

So are you going to use diplomatic approach with india if it invade your country plus what we did so far more than asking them to pull their forces guess what they still refuse to do so.

Bro believe me we have nothing against Turkey as nation as country our problem is with erdogan who has no respect to our sovereignty.

With all due respect, all what you said is total bullshit, I don't even know where to start from. LMAO.:rofl: You don't know anything about western powers and their capabilities.

One advice though, better focus on Iraq and helping your country get out of its current turmoil.
The game big powers like U.S,France, U.K and Russia are playing in the region is way above your understanding/pay grade dude. :partay:
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