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"Let Them Fly There Now": Putin Threatens To Shoot Down Turkish Jets In Syria, Calls Erdogan An ***

One advice though, better focus on Iraq and helping your country get out of its current turmoil.
The game big powers like U.S,France, U.K and Russia are playing in the region is way above your understanding/pay grade dude. :partay:
I remember when Saddam hanged the Iranian british man after accusation of been spy to britain all your brits power did is that thatcher been mad nothing happen Sir with all due respect your britain nothing more than a bank with some guards around it your days have gone now Yo need to say thanks to the U.S giving you hand to stay around.
I remember when Saddam hanged the Iranian british man after accusation of been spy to britain all your brits power did is that thatcher been mad nothing happen Sir with all due respect your britain nothing more than a bank with some guards around it your days have gone now Yo need to say thanks to the U.S giving you hand to stay around.

I remember when Saddam hanged.
No need to add a trailer to that sentence.

I alos remember that the U.K. contributed to his downfall.
This writing shows you have no clue about English and about what I typed either. My line about conditions in Turkey and Erdogan's days are numbered is reflective of the relative economic stability, prosperity and existential peace in that nation. No citizen in their right mind will want to change that scenario for his/her own country. So, if all the theoretical escalation by Erdogan takes place, his days as a President are numbered because people in Turkey may not be willing to cause problems for themselves over Syria.

Next. Any closure of Black Sea to access will be an escalatory action. No one in their right mind would be willing to do it.

Next, I stand by my statement. Turkey will be made to pay for shooting down of Su-24. Putin can not afford otherwise. Its a game of wits. Kurds have enough reasons to be riled with Turkey for their bombing them during fight with ISIS. Now, you will find the Russians and Iranians channel that hatred and fuel it to tie down Turkey into a conflict in its own territory.

Your bluster and your patriotism can not overcome the mechanics of realpolitik my friend. Its a scenario which is likely to play out in the long run.
We all know that the best English is the Indian way of English. Nobody has a single peace of doubt on it! :argh:
1) AKP is in the power for next 4 years not as you mentioned numbered days!! sit on your back and read news about Turkey other than RT as i mentioned..
2) I can make you sure that any RUssian military response will be the end of Russian forces in Syria and black sea! All Russian military advisers even mention it.. Thats why they advise to use nukes, but good evening! Turkey also got NUKES!
3) Do you even understand that Kurds in Irak are on the Turkish side against against the allaince of Iran and so on... I explained the reason but seems like your chicken head is too small to be able to accept all together... :moil:

Turkey opened production facilities of Firtina Howitzers to press.

For those that didnt understand Turkish!
It says:

it can shoot 6-8 times in a minutes.

it has 1000hp MTU engine

It takes 30 seconds for the howitzer to prepare, in another 15 seconds, it can fire 3 times and can leave the area within next 30 seconds.

it has been produced from 2004 to 2014!
I remember when Saddam hanged.
No need to add a trailer to that sentence.

I alos remember that the U.K. contributed to his downfall.
Loooool, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Contributed ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ok, thanks for the contribution. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
So you shoot down their plane which was not even threatening you, and say that you don't want a war?

How does that make sense?
I dont understand what is the purpose of your question? what will the oppositeI answer change in reality?
I wonder did you get those positive rates thanks to these questions?
Dude, have a deep breathe first!
nope its not, if Turkey feels threatened it has the right to close the strait as per the treaty.

No, According to treaty of Lausagunne (and its parent treaty,treaty of severes), Turkey could close its two straits only in case of war. There is no option of closing straits, if Turkey is feeling threatened. This makes act of closure of straits an act of war.

And you should understand that no Western country would come to your rescue in case you close any of your two straits as closure of straits would set up a bad precedence and would be harmful to long term interest of Europe. There is a reason why Turkey has to sign this treaty or turn Hagia sofia into a museum after WW-I. While religious Turks blame Mustafa Kemal Pasha's ideology for this, but he really have not much choice. Europe would not have ceased war, unless you granted them transit rights, and East Europeans and Russians would always had waited with long knives to take back Hagia Sofia, if it would have existed as a Mosque. In WW-I , Triple Entente alliance had pre-war treaty which would have granted European portion of Turkey to Russia, and Russian Czar had taking back of Hagia Sofia and making it a center of Orthodox Christianity as one of his war aim. Lucky for you that October revolution knocked Russia out of war before its ending.Without these two actions, Turkey would never had had peace.

many misguided minds about the capabilities of the S-400, S-400 has the range of 400km against targets such as civilian airliners, a low flying fighter will be only within range at 100 kms or even less depending on terrain and the altitude.

so a cruise missile with 250km is more than enough to deal with S-400

The shortcoming that S-400 would suffer from, which would reduce its range are what a cruise missile also suffers from.

Indicated range of weapons and weapon systems is their range in ideal condition. Ideal condition for S-400 is a large unmanuverable target flying at high-medium altitude, and indicated range of cruise missiles is in a high altitude flight profile, and if it is launched by an aircraft, then that aircraft flying at its maximum speed at a high altitude.

Though you are correct that in real life it would be a miracle if S-400 is able to hit a fighter 150 Kilometers away, but by same token, it would be a miracle if actual range of a cruise missile with indicated range of 250 Km turn out to more than 80-100 Kilometer in terrain hugging mode launched from an aircraft flying a low profile mission with intent of avoiding detection.
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We all know that the best English is the Indian way of English. Nobody has a single peace of doubt on it! :argh:

No effing wonder ... with standard you have just displayed we get away with it.

1) AKP is in the power for next 4 years not as you mentioned numbered days!! sit on your back and read news about Turkey other than RT as i mentioned..

You don't get the contextual way of speaking. Its an idiom. When days are numbered, it was in reference to his policies so far. Even I effing know the results of the Turkish polls and how with Islamists AKP has aligned. Signs of slow pull back from the secularist and pluralist society of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. I do this for a living my dear sir. And in India, he still remains a highly respected individual and statesman, with a major road in the capital being named after him.

2) I can make you sure that any RUssian military response will be the end of Russian forces in Syria and black sea! All Russian military advisers even mention it.. Thats why they advise to use nukes, but good evening! Turkey also got NUKES!

Your statement here is exact reason why you are now not going to be taken seriously. Those who propose use of CBRN weapons are talking crap. It is not something a sane military mind will ever say. So the point you make is useless.

3) Do you even understand that Kurds in Irak are on the Turkish side against against the allaince of Iran and so on... I explained the reason but seems like your chicken head is too small to be able to accept all together... :moil:

I said a likely scenario wherein situation may progress. We have to wait and see how it plays out, haven't we? And as for my chicken head, am sure it is better than having my head stuck up my rear end, isn't it? Anyways, your immaturity to discuss something dispassionately and with objectivity has been highlighted. I apologize for trying to engage in a meaningful discussion with someone like you. Cheers
Turkish planes are no longer flying over Syria but Israeli ones still are. Another Israeli raid in Damascus area kills Hezbollah operative.
1. Pretty sure Turkey shot down a single aircraft.
2. No, Russia wiped out billions of Turkmens, but the ghosts of those Turkmens still haven't lost any part of their territory.
3. S-400 were deployed to Syria prior to Turkey shooting down Russian aircraft, and there is satellite footage to prove it.
4. Turkish - ISIS trade never existed as such low quality oil can't even be exported in the first place and Turkey that imports all of its energy needs with established contracts hasnt seen a drop in supplies

so where is the oil going? most likely to war torn parts of both Syria and Iraq , including Kurdish parts.

even the footage provided by Russian MoD shows not even a single oil truck on the border , yes not even a single one.

LOL there are no Turkmen remaining in Syria :D

Russia had no S-400 in Syria before and Putin even said this in his press conference :lol:

ISIS takes the oil and sends it to Turkey in trucks which then goes to Turkish refineries and exported in the black market to fund the terrorism industry in Turkey. The whole world now sees the clear links between the despot Erdogan and the terrorist regime in Turkey and their ISIS henchmen its using to steal the oil of Syria and Iraq.

You will need to try much much harder if you are THAT desperate to massage your bruised ego :p:
I remember when Saddam hanged the Iranian british man after accusation of been spy to britain all your brits power did is that thatcher been mad nothing happen Sir with all due respect your britain nothing more than a bank with some guards around it your days have gone now Yo need to say thanks to the U.S giving you hand to stay around.

LOL What are you even on about?
Huh....we did bring him down at the end though. Even if we didn't , since when does a country invade another because its spy was caught and hanged? lol Your logic is hilarious. If that was the case, then the whole world will be at war with each other long time ago. From India to Pakistan to China to Russia to U.S/U.K/Israel etc etc :lol: Don't even know what you are on about dude.:undecided:
LOL How many nuclear weapons does one country needs to destroy another country or the world with it? As far as you have MAD capabilities with ability to strike anywhere on earth like the P5 powers do, then its useless having more nuclear weapons(bar for prestige reasons). A kill is a kill. The issue is WILL ANY POWER BE WILLING TO EVER USE NUKES ON ANOTHER BEARING IN MIND THAT DOING SO WILL ALSO MEAN THE END OF THAT POWER WHO STARTED THE WAR? The answer is obviously NO. At the end everybody loses. So no point.

Yup. I can't understand those that say (i'm not particularly targeting someone on this thread,but overall) "Yeah i hope we nuke X","X should nuke Y",because if one day,if any P5 member dares to use nuclear weapons against another,they will not only destroy each other,but will bring with them the entire world in their fall. :lol:
Having nuclear weapons means someone will think twice before starting a full scall war against you.
Yup. I can't understand those that say (i'm not particularly targeting someone on this thread,but overall) "Yeah i hope we nuke X","X should nuke Y",because if one day,if any P5 member dares to use nuclear weapons against another,they will not only destroy each other,but will bring with them the entire world in their fall. :lol:
Having nuclear weapons means someone will think twice before starting a full scall war against you.

I still find it hilarious that some people here think any nuclear power with the ability to deliver nukes anywhere around the world (i.e P5 powers) can go to war with each other since that will mean the end of both countries and even the world with them. I don't know if they are just dumb or foolish.:rofl:
We don’t take Putin statements seriously: Turkish PM
Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said the Turkish government “does not take seriously” Vladimir Putin’s recent harsh statements, so he will not respond to theRussian president’s “undiplomatic and insulting” remarks in the same manner.

“Perhaps he’s reminiscing about his old KGB days. But the KGB is long gone. The era of Soviet-style propaganda is history. With every statement he makes, the world mocks it sarcastically. We cannot take it seriously,” Davutoğşu told reporters while returning from this week’s trip to Brussels to attend a summit with eight EU leaders.

“[Putin’s] statements do not suit the nature of the modern world or Turkish-Russian relations. So instead of answering his statements in the same manner, I just smile. Taking his statements seriously would be an insult,” he added.

During his recent lengthy, annual meeting with the press, Putin stepped up his already heated rhetoric over the downing of a Russian jet by Turkey on Nov. 24.

In his earlier statements, Putin had accused the Turkish government of “Islamizing Turkey” and engaging in oil trade with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria.

“It seems that Putin has recalled that Turkey is a Muslim country and we are Islamic leaders,” Davutoğlu said, suggesting that Putin was trying to stir trouble by setting “Islamization” and “Atatürk’s values” in opposition.

“I have already said that Putin’s allegations are Pravda lies and a product Soviet propaganda. When I look at Putin, I don’t see Russia as a country that has gotten over the Cold War and turned into a mature democracy. I see an old-Soviet mentality speaking on behalf of the politburo,” the Turkish prime minister said.
We don’t take Putin statements seriously: Turkish PM - MIDEAST

No, According to treaty of Lausagunne (and its parent treaty,treaty of severes), Turkey could close its two straits only in case of war. There is no option of closing straits, if Turkey is feeling threatened. This makes act of closure of straits an act of war.
The regime of the Straits has nothing to do with the treaty of Lausanne (or the treaty of Sevres). It is discussed in the Montreux convention.
This convention states that if Turkiye is threatened by a country, it can close the straits for that country.
Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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