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"Let Them Fly There Now": Putin Threatens To Shoot Down Turkish Jets In Syria, Calls Erdogan An ***

Russia and NATO will not got to war but they are now more aligned to wipe out desert bedouin savages in Syria-Iraq. These savages are getting slaughtered by all sides, yet they continue to fight, brainless idiots !
Russia and NATO will not got to war but they are now more aligned to wipe out desert bedouin savages in Syria-Iraq. These savages are getting slaughtered by all sides, yet they continue to fight, brainless idiots !

I do not think either side want to completely eliminate these zombies. Each side wants to box them in and open one side of the box to direct them to go towards their strategic goal. For US which has basically created these zombies, at least till recently was about directing these zombies towards Assad government, Iran and Russia (much like how US had used such zombies against USSR in Afghanistan). This project has failed now with the zombies out of control in Paris and US itself.

Now for Russia this is about directing these zombies to go towards, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey. That is giving them a taste of their own medicine.

The real operational range of the S400 system is not 400 km anymore. The KORAL system restricts the range of that Russian system. Additionally, they placed missiles and artillery on the Turkish side of the Syrian border in recent weeks. In case of war, they simply could destroy the Russian bases.

War is not a computer game for pubescent yobs. Neither Russians nor the Turks want war. With due respect, Syria is not worth it.

The real threat from Russia is not S400, which can be destroyed with determined push by Turkish Special Forces and Cruise Missiles backed by Turkish Air and Naval units.

Russia's real power does not come from any of its rusty ships or 2nd class Military sitting in Syria, in the event of a escalation these untis would be slaughtered and wiped out by Turkish Military before Russia knew what hit them, but Russia's real power comes from its formidable Nuclear Arsenal.

This is why any escalation is bad for Turkey unless it also has its own Nuclear Arsenal - independent of NATO, because Nato is like a loose girlfriend not a wife,its unreliable and prone
to cheating on you - no matter how much you invest in the relationship.

Until that happens, Putin will keep throwing his toys out of the pram and using whatever dirty thoughts cross his mind to get his point across.
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Do you really believe Moskow would shoot down a Turkish plane? That would be a nightmare scenario for the Russian geopolitics. Their ships and submarines could not return to Crimea after such an action.
With due respect Turkey shot down Russian plane...did that start a war?? Russian AF must be itching to settle the score...It would utter stupid move on turkish part should they give them a chance....If Turkish planes violate border then i am positive S400 will register its first combat kill over Syria...
Bombers flying with escorts armed with a2a will be possibly primary defense against short border incursions. It takes time to travel some 250km for the sam so if plane enters and leaves for example 2kms it would be shot down at the other side of the border by the time sam reaches the target. It can be a warning shot for short breach and missile self destruct if fighter plane leaves back to its side of the border.I doubt anyone can risk attacking the base even sams shoot down planes.
That's possible but that will trigger a war that wont limited to turkey and Russia it may involve whole Europe and middle east.

If Turkey attacks Russian forces in Syria, resulting in Russia attacks Turkey; NATO will not intervene. Already, TuAF is avoiding Syria. Just a matter of time for the Russians to activate Iraq. Then the sh!t gets real.

Turkey shot 2 bombers and killed one pilot.

Russia wiped out the Turkmens, deployed the S-400 to Syria, killing the ISIS-Turkey oil trade and made sure Assad stays in power.

Russia has won this big time.

We are only seeing the start of this. You think, Putin is going to let them off the hook. Just wait for Iraq to be activated against Turkey and the Kurds to start creating a mess. Turkey just messed with the wrong country.
Recently Geopolitical Scenario of world is changing at a rapid pace.Both Nation's whether its Russia or Turkey is safeguarding their future interest which I didn't wanna explain it in detail everybody now's it. But, despite all events that took place in last 2,3 months I would want both nation and their elite to collaborate, discuss and try to sit on a negotiations table. War is not a option strategy would work for both Russia & Turkey and ultimately it will do a world of good for Peace & prosperity of this Universe.

Lastly when too Giant collides eventually the miserable around them suffers the most.......
Now Syrian sky is prohibited to the Turkish. Or the Turks banned from entering Syria sky without been invited.
Turkey wouldnt even want to pass the border as in case of getting shot down, Simply, Syrian government will accept that they did it... As Russians know that any middile against Turkey means bye bye to Bosporus..
However, I believe, Turkey will attack there with UAV based missiles, as its not considered the violation of airspace...
uavs that breach the border to bomb or scout would be target practice shining like bright stars on S400 radar screen. Fighter escorts can shoot them with ease as well.
That's possible but that will trigger a war that wont limited to turkey and Russia it may involve whole Europe and middle east.


Sure its possible. But as long as Russians don't try to shoot down the jets, Turkey has no reason to destroy them. And they shot down the Russian plane because it intruded its space, yes same old song but still a fact.

With what? They don't have that kind of capability...

Sure they do.

Not really. This is not a video game. S-400 backed up by Pantsir S-1 as deployed in Syria can engage those stand off weapons as well destroying them before reaching the SAM. And Russia is not going to sit and twiddle its thumbs if such a scenario develops. They are still a formidable military sitting on top of a nuclear arsenal bigger than the rest of the world combined.


Sure its not a video game. No different than not taking Turkish military seriously enough. You think have a SAM system automatically wins? They just jam and overwhelm the enemy air defense system which has proven in the past.

And they shot down a Russian jet but you see mushrooms around you?
I don't get why Erdogan keeps making enemies. He was friends with Assad and Putin and Abadi. Now he is enemies with Assad and Putin and Abadi.
Sure its possible. But as long as Russians don't try to shoot down the jets, Turkey has no reason to destroy them. And they shot down the Russian plane because it intruded its space, yes same old song but still a fact.

Sure they do.

Sure its not a video game. No different than not taking Turkish military seriously enough. You think have a SAM system automatically wins? They just jam and overwhelm the enemy air defense system which has proven in the past.

And they shot down a Russian jet but you see mushrooms around you?
Not to mention S-400 is within the range of Turkish artillery which would turn the Russian base to a parking lot.
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