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LCA Tejas Falls Short of Earlier Expectations


Mar 21, 2010
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LCA Tejas Falls Short of Earlier Expectations

As India’s homegrown Light Combat Aircraft (LCA Tejas) nears critical initial operational clearance next month, Indian air force officials say the aircraft will fail to meet performance requirements laid down by the service for the limited-profile Mk.1 platform.

According to an Indian air force source associated with the long-delayed indigenous fighter program, when the Tejas passes this milestone in December, it still will not be the fighter the air force had agreed to accept for limited squadron service. Performance specifications that the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) has not been able to attain include sustained turn rate, speed at low altitude, angle of attack and certain weapon delivery profiles. Exactly how far off the performance is from the specification remains classified.

See the full article at Aviation Week

Failure is an incentive to pursue success. Also anyone got any information on what exactly the IAF thinks of the LCA Tejas?

Thank you in advance.
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@waquas !!arey baba just wait na, why you rushing on conclusion ,See every day we adding new thing in Hindustan fighter aka HF XX.. Its going to get IOC BY DEC 27 ONLY AND BY MARCH YOU'LL SEE HF XX FLYING IN IAF COLOUR..
Well, no fighter is perfect before induction, even the best aircraft have glitches that need to be ironed out. Considering the fact that this is India's first attempt to build a modern jet fighter, it is a commendable job.

But the most important thing is that the LCA was not intended to be the IAF's air superiority fighter, it is just one of the components that will make up our 1000 plus fighter aircraft fleet. India can afford to make a few mistakes and our nation's security is not based on the success of the LCA. We are not cash strapped or under any pressure to build up an exclusively indigenous air force. One of the privileges of a booming economy is the luxury of scientific research and the LCA program has helped us develop a huge amount of new skill sets as well as given us a very modern jet. This is a major step to a future where one day India will have an air force composed of several different types of indigenous fighters and will even make a name as a major aeronautics exporter.
LCA Tejas Falls Short of Earlier Expectations

As India’s homegrown Light Combat Aircraft (LCA Tejas) nears critical initial operational clearance next month, Indian air force officials say the aircraft will fail to meet performance requirements laid down by the service for the limited-profile Mk.1 platform.

According to an Indian air force source associated with the long-delayed indigenous fighter program, when the Tejas passes this milestone in December, it still will not be the fighter the air force had agreed to accept for limited squadron service. Performance specifications that the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) has not been able to attain include sustained turn rate, speed at low altitude, angle of attack and certain weapon delivery profiles. Exactly how far off the performance is from the specification remains classified.

See the full article at Aviation Week

Except engine we made all part of LCA in India (Some parts with help)

And test them in India from initial design to wind tunnel model to composite material to Airframe to Landing gear to Avionics to Radar to first prototype to LSP 1-5 to prototype for navy and so on and so on

And for all this i am feeling proud on my country and on HCL

Its our first true attempt.... yes we not able to make it on time but we learn a lot from this and just wait for next version and AMCA
Nothing wrong with the news! Its kinda of expected for a nation like India. Keep at it and never give up! Use the knowledge gained to supplement ongoing programs and do not stop working!

No probs.Even LCA is not much a success, we have learned lots of experiance and the 2nd phase is AMCA.

Being devil's advocate, if AMCA programme went wrong again, we have the money to invest more and co partner it with russia, france or even US..!!
Well at least the Indian Air force is satisfied enough with the LCA to go ahead and induct a large number of them, this is enough proof of a fighter's success as far as most people are concerned.

I would consider the LCA a failure if the IAF had refused to induct even a single one and we were forced to sell it to some other poor country to recover losses. :P
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2 things;
1. HF is fail or success it does not change the Game.
2. Old saying but still relevent shoot the message not the messangers.

All those words of wisdom that came from acros the border are reserved for indians failures only or they will be uttered again if we failed in some programme? I hope not.

To all indian members goodluck with HF/LCA we are not bothered you succeed or fail on this particular project.
LCA was not meant to be the backbone of IAF. It is a replacement to Mig-21 Bisons, and definitely a good one at that.

More than anything else LCA is a learning experience, and an example of India stepping into areas completely unknown to it. Even the most developed nations have had problems and delays despite the tremendous experience gained from WWII which India completely lacks.

This does not make LCA a weak fighter. It is a very decent fighter for the price, and gives India the ability to comprehend projects like AMCA.
There is only 30days for Tejas's IOC ,
So u guys will see many more threads on Tejas fail,tejas can't fly,Tejas name is not indigenous ,it borrowed from west,Tejas can't bomb,Tejas has no wings..
All sorts of threads will be opened..
first of all stop bashing TS.

on topic....its fine ifthes problems have been detected...Tejas programme has already missed the target time once..we are in hurry either to produce the most perfect plane in a week....I am glad so many failures in the past has not stopped from completing this project..and god willing..this wont affect the IOC either...and good that these flaws have come up in Tejas...lot of learning for the Tejas MK 2 version.
Rome was not built in a day.
Indigenous effort takes time. we never bother, but we deliver best.

If it would have been success in first attempt, you people would shout it as copy product.

Wait to envoy by LCA
True Rome was not built in a day but that was rome.This Rome(LCA ) the white elephant,the way its being going on for past 30 years ,seems will not be built.And by some miracle it will get completed in next 3-4 decades then the most proper place to adorn it will be come museum or some public square..coz by that time it will be a obsolete tech.oh btw its still is obsolete tech.
True Rome was not built in a day but that was rome.This Rome(LCA ) the white elephant,the way its being going on for past 30 years ,seems will not be built.And by some miracle it will get completed in next 3-4 decades then the most proper place to adorn it will be come museum or some public square..coz by that time it will be a obsolete tech.oh btw its still is obsolete tech.

It does nt matter if its not completed at all. consider it as a a costly experiment/research if u like.:smokin:
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