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kolkata psychically challenged teenager raped by rickshaw driver.


Jan 18, 2014
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Kolkata: A physically-challenged teenager was allegedly raped by an auto-rickshaw driver and left tied to a cot in a house at Cossipore area of Kolkata.

Sk Afshar Ali, the auto-rickshaw driver, was arrested after the hearing and speech-impaired girl identified him as the perpetrator of the crime, police said today.

The girl had left her home to buy groceries from a local shop yesterday morning, but when she did not return after a while her family members suspecting something amiss went looking for her.

The family raised an alarm after hearing groans from inside a house which belonged to a relative of Ali.

Locals along with the family members broke open the door and found the girl tied to a cot in a semi-clad state.

According to the complaint filed by the victim's family, Ali had allegedly lured her to the house and sexually assaulted her.

The accused was arrested from a hideout in Kolkata yesterday.

Medical tests of the girl have been conducted, reports of which are awaited, the police said.
Kolkata: Physically-challenged teenager allegedly raped by auto-rickshaw driver | NDTV.com
I thought we will get a sticky for people with rape fetish?
The whole global media as well as your indian media who report such incidents are rape fetish?? Or it,s criminal minded indian men like you who don,t want people to tell about you?? How many time times i have to told you rude trolling is will not be tolerated and your post have been reported.
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The whole global media as well as your indian media who report such incidents are rape fetish?? Or it,s criminal minded indian men like you who don,t want people to tell about you?? How many time times i have to told you rude trolling is will not be reported and your post have been reported.
thank you for reporting... :)
you seem to be easily offended while having no qualm about getting personal ... o_O
you seem to be easily offended while having no qualm about getting personal ...
You seem to be offended by my post,which is a normal post of sharing a news.But you are denying my right to post and thinking i am attacking you.
The whole global media as well as your indian media who report such incidents are rape fetish?? Or it,s criminal minded indian men like you who don,t want people to tell about you?? How many time times i have to told you rude trolling is will not be tolerated and your post have been reported.

Be careful of the words you use bro.
You seem to be offended by my post,which is a normal post of sharing a news.But you are denying my right to post and thinking i am attacking you.
I am not offended by the post but annoyed when I see too many rape related stories.. similarly too many political threads annoys me thankfully they got a sticky to fulfill their need. Some dont do it, and sometimes I ask them to keep it within sticky.
I am not a mod, I am not capable of denying anybody's right. :disagree:
I said like him and i am not generalizing all indian men bro.
You just called him criminal minded bro,and its more and enough to start troll wars in here!
We Indians do face a serious problems of rapes in our country and its a major embarrassment to our nation,even though statistically speaking there are countries with more severe rape problem than India.

However,the continuous creations of threads based on the news of rape and other criminal activities serve no actual purpose,as there is usually no window for fruitful discussion.

Some members (Indians and others),however came up with the idea of having a separate section for rape and crimes so that discussions on human behaviour and preventive measures could be discussed,and also opening of individual threads can be avoided.

I hope you get the point bro,people here are really sentimental,and calling an elite Indian member criminal minded is more than enough for a filthy war of words!

chalta hai yaar.. this is pdf not parliament.. :lol:
Had it been parliament I would be sitting satyagraha with placards!
Shameful act by this rickshaw driver. Why Indian government is not taking action seriously?
You seem to be offended by my post,which is a normal post of sharing a news.But you are denying my right to post and thinking i am attacking you.

Only problem is that if I open a new thread to share a similar news on a rape incident in Pakistan, then the thread will be promptly deleted, not closed but "Deleted", and probably I will be banned.

Now, what was the purpose of this thread?
poor souls...
say we are annoyed to see so many rape threads. but whenever a rape thread is opened they are the first one to reply. :D
one word to describe their feelings "Butthurt"
The whole global media as well as your indian media who report such incidents are rape fetish?? Or it,s criminal minded indian men like you who don,t want people to tell about you?? How many time times i have to told you rude trolling is will not be tolerated and your post have been reported.

Had to report your post also, though you will have certain degree of immunity.
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